There is a group of people in our midst. They are the "puffed up." They are full of themselves. As you get to know them, you find that their entire being oozes out with self-righteousness, self-trust, self-seeking, self-pleasing, self-will, self-defense, and self-glory.
Are you one of them?

" 'Man is like an onion,' said A.T. Pierson, 'layer after layer, and each a layer of self in some form. Strip off self-righteousness and you will come to self-trust. Get beneath this and you will come to self-seeking and self-pleasing. Even when we think these are abandoned, self-will betrays its presence. When this is stripped off, we come to self-defense, just as the Corinthians did - the word of the puffed up - and last of all, self-glory. When this seems to be abandoned, the heart of the human onion discloses pride that boasts of being truly humble.' " - Illustrations of Bible Illustrations

In 1 Corinthians 13:4, the Apostle Paul defined "Love" for us according to God's standard - "Charity...is not puffed up."

One thing that we must realize in this definition is that Paul was not describing a feeling but an activity or behavior.

When he said that - "Charity...is not puffed up" - he was saying that all those who are truly saved and are walking in the Love of God and seeking to grow in it - will not be inflated with a spirit of pride, vanity, or self-esteem. They will not have a swelled mind due to a feeling of their own importance.

In 1 Corinthians 4:18, we read how the Church in Corinth - for the most part - had a "puffed up" spirit - "Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you." In fact, this was one of their besetting sins. They were filled with arrogance and haughtiness. Their vain confidence resulted from their not being called to account for their actions. The false teachers failed to warn against sin or preach a "Holiness or Hell" message. Resultantly, they never felt that they were in danger of reproof or punishment.

They had "knowledge" but it was superficial and incomplete because it was implanted in a heart and mind that was not right with God. They did not have right feelings nor were they filled with love for God and others. As a result, their minds became "puffed up" - "Knowledge puffeth up..." (1 Corinthians 8:1) - with vain ideas of their own importance. They were heady, highminded, bold, rash, obstinate, opinionated, perverse, and contentious - while belittling all with whom they came in contact.

In Colossians 2:18-19, the Apostle Paul described such a people as being those who do not "hold the Head" or have lost connection with the Lord Jesus. They are - "...vainly puffed up by their fleshly mind" - which is unspiritual, egoistic, and full of vain conceit and idle notions. They find themselves venturing into areas about which they know nothing. They consider themselves as being superior to others and, consequently, make themselves a ready target for error, evil practices, or disaster of all kinds.

Besides not having a heart right with God where His Love is shed abroad by His Spirit -
...not being constantly exposed to the "meat" of His Word which uncovers and deals with sin and includes the call to holiness of living
...not being connected to Jesus or abiding in Him through prayer and the daily exposure to His Word
- what else produces the condition of being "puffed up" in our mind and spirit?

The philosophies of this world have alot to do with many being "puffed up" in our midst today.

Paul warned the Colossian Church with these words - "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Colossians 2:8).

He admonished the believers to "look out" for any worldly philosophies which would seek to strip them of their faith and hope... spoil their spiritual fruit...please their fancies...conform them to the knowledge of this world rather than "after Christ" ...or emphasize a life independent of God and His revealed Truth.

Today's major philosophy of humanism causes mankind to receive the lie spoken by Satan to Eve in the Garden of Eve - "...Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). Resultantly, they become "puffed up" and begin to "worship and serve the creature more than the Creator..." (Romans 1:25).

These "puffed up" individuals - who "feed" on the ashes of this world - set the rules - making everything relative rather than absolute. Biblical values and morals are totally rejected. Self-fulfillment, satisfaction, and pleasure become their #1 priority rather than the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Are you "puffed up" today? If God were to peel you like an onion, would He find layers of Self - self-righteousness, self-trust, self-seeking, self-pleasing, self-will, self-defense, and self-glory?

Perhaps you need to take inventory of your life at this moment by asking yourself some very serious questions -

Is your heart right with God? Just because you have a Knowledge of the Word does not mean that you are in right standing with Him. It is the "doers of the Word" who are not deceived - not the "hearers only" (James 1:22).

Are you sitting under the solid teaching of the Word, or are you receiving the word from the False Teachers of today who are seeking to combine today's worldly philosophies with the Gospel?

Are you abiding in Jesus through the daily study of His Word and through prayer?

Or are you slowly being brainwashed by coworkers, Hollywood, the publishing companies, the media, the music industry, etc. into thinking that man can and must fend for Himself in this world?

If in reading this message you realize that you are "puffed up," then you need to repent and turn from every evil influence which would seek to further twist your mind's thinking.

1 Corinthians 13:4 plainly states - "Charity...is not puffed up."

If you call yourself a Christian, then you cannot - in any way, shape, or form - have an exalted or superior view of yourself. That reasoning is not "after Christ" but "...after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world..." - or more simply - after Satan!

A final warning for all those who are "...vainly puffed up by their fleshly mind" -

"Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened...let us keep the feast...with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at connie@walkingintruth.org

Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138

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