"The New Testament records that the Lord Jesus said, 'Heaven and earth shall pass away; but My words shall not pass away' (Luke 21:33). The promises of God will be kept..." - Plain Talk On Isaiah

There is a powerful promise found in Isaiah 54:10 which says - "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee."

This is what God is saying to you today as one of His own.

His promise to you is more firm than the strongest parts of the visible creation. The "mountains" and "hills" are symbols of strength and permanence. When you think of these two parts of creation, you cannot help but get an image of something solid, firm, and durable.

Yet God says in this verse that these two strong, firm, and mighty "fortresses" would "depart," "be removed," or even disappear from their place sooner than His loving favor to His people.

"...My kindness shall not depart from thee..." - This is His lovingkindness - steadfast, unfailing, everlasting, and covenant love. It is very constant...always continues...and never ever will depart from you.

Those whom Jesus loves, He loves to the end.

Many things may depart from your life. Riches may flee away... friends may leave you all alone...you may lose your health for a time...positions may come and go...- but God's love for you always remains the same. It will not leave you.

Because of His tender mercies toward you, His "covenant of peace" will also never "be removed," shaken, or broken. This is His pledge or promise of peace for you - His covenant whereby He made peace and friendship with you...His covenant whereby He made you at peace with Him...and His covenant whereby He promises peace and prosperity for you now.

It is "an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure..." (2 Samuel 23:5). It is eternal, final, and sealed. It is kept, preserved, and observed. In it, God speaks peace to us and assures us of peace and all the good that we need to make us happy.

It consists of the agreement that says that the Lord will be our all-sufficient God, and we will be His people...He will own us and we will be owned by Him...and He will be with us to commune with us and we will be comforted by and enjoy His presence.

His "peace" implies security from all evil and life - which is the summation of all good.

The "mountains" and the "hills" can also signify the kings of the nations or great men and rulers. Hence, governments may change - life as we know it may change - yet God's supreme love for His covenant people never changes.

At this moment, you may be grieving because of the various changes that have come into your life. The adjustment may almost be unbearable. You have lost much. So much good seems to have disappeared - leaving you with almost nothing in return.

Take courage - You have not lost God's "covenant of peace" nor His covenant love.

At one time, you may have felt as though your "mountain" - so to speak - stood strong. Things were going well for you. Nothing could "rattle" your family, job, ministry, or life situation. But now you are facing emptiness and loss.

As long as you have God's "kindness" and "covenant of peace," there is hope.

He will restore what was taken from you - even more than you could ever imagine.

"...but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee."

Just remember - "...The promises of God will be kept..."

Every last one of them!

What God has spoken to you will surely come to pass - and all because of His wonderful mercy toward you.

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.

Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138

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