The bible reminds us not to think of ourselves more highly than we should. It also reminds us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. It is sad, very sad... that men and women who have been called to carry, to treasure, to declare the most awesome thing on earth, the word of God, have somehow exalted themselves above the word, above those who they are called to serve and sometimes above God.

It saddens me when I travel and see men and women of God with their crew...LOL, entourage of 10, 15, 20 or more men and women following them and worshipping them as if they were God. I understand the need for a few, 2-4 people maybe around you and being attentive to your needs, but sometimes it is ridiculous. Yes, there are security concerns sometimes, yes there are some needs that the woman or man of God might need immediate attention, I understand that..but!

We must take a note from presidents and world leaders. Unless they are in immediate or potential danger, you very rarely realize that secret and service agents are around , but you better believe if you blow your nose wrong, the presence of these security teams would be on you like white on rice.

I love the spirit of Bishop Gary Hawkins. The man has a ministry of perhaps, 15-20k membership in 3 churches but he is so down to earth, a true people person. He still drives to the old neighborhood chicken shack, not to busy unless he has some important meeting or task to do after a service to stop and talk to you, pray with you, or just laugh with you. When did we become so important that we are untouchable? Yes, we must use some wisdom but not at the expense of lifting ourselves higher than we should.

We are called to be servants but to many church leaders do not serve but want to be served. We must remember that the least, the servant, the last will be exalted. God is talking about our heart condition and real service done to his glory from a true heart.

What do you think?

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Comment by luis de jesus on August 10, 2009 at 9:40am
AMEN 2X'S Bro. Leigh!!! The problem with alot of pastor's is that they don't want to be servants and want to be served only. If you can't celebrate every members birthday why must we go out and have a big bash for the "Pastor". Alot of folks put the pastor before God. I have seen pastor's that have the deacons put on and take off their shoes. What kind of nonsense its that!!! Like Bro Leigh said our final authority is the Word of God, not man and his feelings or traditions.
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 10, 2009 at 5:43am
would you please break that down,,,LOL,,my EBONICS book was stolen...LOL
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 9, 2009 at 7:04pm
Song of Solomon 2:15 - the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for ... Also, they don't root up or destroy the vines completely, ... means "let us catch the little foxes that spoil the vineyard of our relationship with the Father in Heaven Why? because People of GOD think that they're all that and PRIDE IS BEFORE DESTRUCTION
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 9, 2009 at 6:58pm
I believe that the one thing that hurts Christians is ,,we are so quick to give a Piece of our mind,,and forgetting that humility is needed,,as a Preacher I have seen Preachers Preach a good sermon and God moved RIGHT THERE they no longer walk in the Spirit but in front of it,,then they take on there own Ideology instead of hearing from GOD..I agree with Paul,,I TOO HAVE NOT YET ARRIVED..Man say can give me great credit for what I do BUT what is God saying? is he Pleased with what I do,what we think is a blessing is sometimes a CURSE

Humility: The Poor In Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.-Matthew 5:3

Now, we would all like to be inheritors of the Kingdom of heaven. But who want to be poor in spirit?

What does it mean anyways - Poverty stricken? Depressed?

No. It means neither.

The Amplified translation of the Bible describes Christians who are poor in spirit as “the humble, who rate themselves insignificant” (Matthew 5:3 –AMP).

Uh oh. This is definitely not what the world teaches!

Most people in our society have forgotten how to be humble. They have begun to rate themselves, their needs, and their feelings, as more significant than anyone else’s. In fact, for many, their lives literally revolve around them.

Someone hurt their feelings. Their problem is because someone else failed them. People don’t treat them fairly.

They develop a total victim mentality because they think everyone owes them something. Those who do not meet their needs are obviously the ones who are wrong – It could not be them.

Stand in a long checkout line or wait in a crowded restaurant, and the fact that most people do not know how to be humble will become painfully clear. The needs, feelings, or problems of those around them are of no significance. They want what they want.

And they want it now!

So, why does the kingdom of heaven belong to the humble?
Because, when you humble yourself and put the needs of other’s before your own, it is then God’s responsibility to take care of you. He will give you favor with Him and with man (Proverbs 3:3-5).
He will step in and clothe you in true honor, instead of this world’s empty pride.

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.- Proverbs 29:23
Our society has created an "every man for himself" and "me first" mentality. But, do you still esteem others greater than yourself (Philippians 2:3). Or have you too bought in to the idea that your own wellbeing is more important than everyone else’s.

Ask God to show you how to be humble, so that He Himself can exalt you.
Does Meek Mean Weak?
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.- Matthew 5:5

Meekness is not something that our world understands. In fact, when I looked up meek in the world’s dictionary it gave me definitions like not having spirit or courage. But, being meek actually takes a lot more courage than you would think.

The Amplified further explains a meek Christian as someone who is “mild, patient, (and) long-suffering” (Matthew 5:5 –AMP)

It means you are full of patience and peace. You have peace in the midst of your patience because you know that God is always working on your behalf. In situations where others would simply erupt, you maintain your cool.

You are never quick to retaliate or try to get even. When people offend, or in some way wrong a mature Christian, they pray for God to forgive the offender.

But I say, love your enemies!
Pray for those who persecute you!
In that way,
you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
-Matthew 5:44, 45 (NLT)

Why should you pray for the people that hurt you? Because they have no clue who they are messing with. They don’t know that they have just come against a child of the Living God!

Out of the love that God has put in your heart, pray for their salvation and protection. They are going to need it.

Dear friends, never take revenge.
Leave that to the righteous anger of God.
For the Scriptures say, "I will take revenge;
I will pay them back," says the Lord
- Romans 12:19 (NLT)

Let's Set The Record Straight!Meekness does not mean that you are quiet and squirrelly. Jesus was neither of those, and He described Himself as meek (Matthew 11:29). But, even as they were murdering Him, He prayed that God would forgive them because they did not know who they were messing with (Luke 23:34).
How do you react when people wrong you? Do you throw a pity party, lash out, or even think up ways to teach them what happens when people mistreat you? Allow your Father to vindicate you, and you will find happiness and peace in your circumstance.
Comment by luis de jesus on August 8, 2009 at 10:21pm
I love good discussion even though all of yall are wrong Brother Leigh and myself. LOL.
Comment by luis de jesus on August 8, 2009 at 10:02pm
Amen Bro. Leigh. I'm just going to leaves it alone because we are having is a circular argument which is leading nowhere. Now let's try this can a woman hold the office of pastor or deacon? I have truly enjoyed this discussion and I hope no one was insulted by anything I said.
Comment by luis de jesus on August 8, 2009 at 4:28pm
Brother Anthony please my Brother don't get me wrong but my final authority is SCRIPTURE, not man's experiences. Could you please example what you meant by "throwing your anointing off". That's a new one for me. Like I said before did any of the Disciples experience such things and how do we know its God and not flesh. Please someone!!
Comment by luis de jesus on August 8, 2009 at 4:13pm
Here is the problem my Brother if you have people who because of traditions of men want to come up with things that can NOT be found in the Word of God then its a problem. God speaks in a yet still voice and through HIS Word.Do I think that there are some who are trying to purposely teach something that is not in scripture? No. But we are called to be like the Bereans and search the scriptures. When Paul preached to the Bereans did Paul say oh it still correct even though its not in the Word.
Comment by Junius Jones on August 8, 2009 at 3:17pm
I have just read 9 pages of comments on a blog that has obviously become very personal for the various ministers who have read it. It has also brought out some disagreements on what God wants. First Pastor Samuels, I could not agree with you more that some of our clergy have set themselves up to seem like they are movie stars instead of men and women of God. Unfortunately in the case of a few that is exactly where they are in the public eye. But i agree completely that with the exception of 3 or 4 assistants the rest should stay behind the scenes as opposed to putting forth the image that the have a "Crew".
Now to the other comments.... it saddens me when I hear people (especially so-called ministers) imply that God no longer speaks to us except through the bible. The lord gave us Prophets to receive his word for us. And YES God still speaks audibly to some. My God is Alive and well and capable of ALL things. When God speaks it will always line up with scripture; but what I mean by that is that God will not contradict Himself. I wonder would some of the nay-sayers really walk up to a man or woman of god who has just been used by the lord to deliver a message and say " Where is your scripture to back up what you just said?" That is the implication given here. To even imply that God does not still speak to us is to say that we worship a dead God. and I can tell you all again that My GOD is Alive. A forum like this should be a place where we as Christians can express our opinions, not a place to sarcastically attempt to demean others by correcting spelling. LOL and then spell things wrong ourselves. This is not Grammar school. And as we 'defend" the gospel let's not begin to limit God. And it saddens me to see a "minister" say I didn't ask for anyones "prayers". I will go on record now and say to ALL Please pray for me. God Bless you all.
Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 8, 2009 at 11:01am
God is the same yesterday, today and forever..If God spoke audibly in days past, He can do it now and certainly does do it. Lets not taint what God can or cannot do, will or will not do because of our own thinking...The greatness of God is unsearchable.

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