Remember that I have told you that if you cannot forgive one another then I will not forgive you. Stop being such harsh judgers of one another. I and only I know the heart of another. You are so busy seeing with your fleshy eyes and feeling with your fleshy emotions that you totally miss out what I want to show you by My Spirit. Have I not said to be very sensitive to My Spirit this year? Yet many of you go on with ''business as usual." One day soon it will all fall upon your heads. Many of you have not become My bondservants. You go about serving this world and all its seductions yet totally overlook what I have called you to do! Do unto others as you want done to you. Whatever you do, be it good or bad, it will return to you! Be forgiving at all times and in all things. Never hold grudges. Study My character and become as I am! You can do all things for I will strengthen you and equip you to do what I have called you to do. Be there for one another. Let nothing separate you from each other. Division is not of Me! Pride is at the root of division. This is what your enemy uses to divide and conquer you. He knows your weaknesses and will use them to destroy you. Be aware! Be alert! But most of all be led by My Spirit in all things. Pride comes before a fall! Humility brings about honor. Be still and know that I am God. If you are having problems with someone or some situation, give them to Me. Be at peace! For I give you a peace that is not like that of this world. It is a peace that surpases all understanding! I have said that I will supply all your needs, it is time for My people to trust Me and to trust My word. Stop worrying! Stop fearing! I have everything under control! Give me all your problems! Praise Me in the hard times then and only then shall you see miracles abound! When you praise Me it is like the trumpets of Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. Every time you praise walls come down! Every time you praise the enemy's plans are ruined. Hear Me well. I have such great and mighty things for you. Love Me with all your mind, heart and soul and I will take perfect care of you. Love one another as I love you so in this way no division whatsoever will take place. Leave no open door to your enemy otherwise he will devour you. Stop focusing on the things of this world. Focus on Me. I have the answers! I have all that you need. Come, spend quality time with Me. I love you more than you will ever know. All I ask is for your love in return. When you truly love Me, you will obey Me and truly walk in My footsteps. Let go and allow Me to heal you, nurture you, deliver you and bless you. I love you.

Galatians 5: 24-26} And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature(with its passions and appetites and desires). If we live by the (Holy) Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. (If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit). Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.

Let's face it, many of us are more controlled by our emotions than we are by the Spirit of God. Something happens in our lives, be it little or major, and right away our emotions go in overdrive and go over the top many times. We really need to practice, in those times, of taking a deep breath, stepping back, and learning to be still before God. We react in wrong ways rather than going to God and seeing what we should do in situations. I know I do that from time to time, but a lot less than I used to. So often we create mountains out of molehills all because of our emotions. Our emotions are alive and if stuffed down will create many problems for us. It will kill a lot of relationships we have not to mention that they will pile up in our bodies and sickness, disease, pain and all sorts of things will take place. In other words, it's very important to let go and let God. Put everything in His hands and release the pressures of this life. Especially when pressures are of our own making because we try to run around and be little ''fixer uppers" rather than letting God take care of whatever is going on in our lives. God desires each one of us to be happy and at peace. So let's not sweat the small stuff or the big stuff for that matter. God already has the answers. I know I preached on this before, but evidently, God wants me back in this direction. So I'm obeying.

It's so important to practice living by the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Why? So we don't give the enemy a foothold in any area of our lives. It's very easy to fall into sin when we go by our emotions. We can get angry with someone and hang on to unforgiveness for instance. Or we can become jealous of someone because they have more than we have. And on the other end of that we can become puffed up with pride and always have to be right or in control and then we are not open for the correction of the Holy Spirit. We should always be open and matter what or who God uses to bring us to a place of repentance.

Too often we provoke one another either through gossip, silly arguments, tearing someone down etc..... Life is too short for all this nonsense. We seem to think we will be on this earth forever. Any moment we can be called home and have to face Jesus and give Him an account of how we lived. How do we want people to remember us? Another good question we need to ponder. Any one of us could leave this earth at any moment that's why it's so important to always walk in forgiveness, unity and love. I know I've often had foolish things done to me by the closest people in my life. But I've always forgiven them and then prayed for them. But I don't try to keep the nonsense going, or try to change them, I give them to God and let Him deal with them. Prayer is powerful and it works. Unless, of course, the person has such a hard heart that they can't see their own sin. Either way, we are not to carry someone else's garbage and let it affect us.

We should also remember that whatever we do to others always has a way of coming back on us. It's time for us to have a true love and respect for one another. God is perfecting His Bride and He is going to come get the Body when we are without spot or wrinkle. One way or another, He is going to accomplish this. But we too have to cooperate with the Spirit of God and determine to live as children of God not heathens of Satan. We need to stop pointing the finger at others and look within ourselves and allow God to remove anything from us that is not of Him. God gave us emotions and feelings, but doesn't want us to allow those very things to dictate to us how we will react to certain things or how we will live. We are commanded by God to forgive and love always. Not just those we chose to love and forgive, but even our enemies. It's a tall order but we can do it with God.

One day we will come to a place where nothing and noone will be able to take our peace away. But more than that they will not be able to take away the character of Christ that we have chosen to put on. It's so simple to do what He has called us to do when we totally and completely lean on Him. Love means feeding the hungry, visiting and praying over the sick, visiting the lonely, clothing the naked, helping someone in need. That's what it's all about folks! It's not about self, it's about others. Let's push ourselves out of the "Me, Myself and I" syndrome and become the servant of all. If you make a promise or a vow to someone...see it through. Don't break your word, because to God that is as bad as a lying tongue. And we all know a lying tongue is one of the things that God detests. Be a person of your word! People can really get hurt when we break our word. This is what pure religion is all about...being a church without walls....becoming a hospital for the hurting. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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