Why do you allow the enemy to discourage you? Have I not said that I would bless you this year? Do not be moved by what you see in the natural. Be moved by what I am doing behind the scenes. Wait for My timing! Be ready for I will put a new word into your mouth. A fresh and a new word, a new anointing, walk in it! Continue to praise Me with all of your heart for in this very season I tell you that as your praises come up it will be like the trumpets of Jericho that caused the walls to come down. The more you praise Me, even in what you think is the worst of times, the more the enemy's tactics and plans against you will be destroyed. The more you praise Me, the more the enemy will be caused to flee from you. For you see, as you praise Me, he does not see you! He sees the great Warrior King Himself! When you dance, I dance with you! When you rejoice, I rejoice with you! When you stomp on the enemy's head, I stomp with you! You are in a win win situation My children. He may think that he is a lion that will devour My people, but I say to you that he is facing a greater Lion, the Lion of Judah and I will swallow Him up and no weapons formed against you shall prosper. Hear and receive My word this day! When Satan tries to overcome you with fear, disappointment, discouraged or dissolusion, praise Me!!! I will put new songs in your heart. I will place new and powerful anointings on your life. I will reveal to you things in My Word that you do not yet know. Get your way of thinking and understanding out of My way! Come to greater heights with Me. It is not by your might, nor by your power, but by the power of My Spirit. Seek Me in all things. Rejoice and praise your God as if all of your needs are met, for they surely are. Have I not said that I would provide all your needs according to My riches in glory? So a man thinks, so he is. Think yourself as righteous, think yourself as royalty, think yourself as rich and most of all think yourself as victorious. For you are all these things in Me. This is the year of overcoming great obtacles. The greater the attack, the greater will be the banner that I lift against your enemy. And in this, as you continue to be faithful and obedient, greater will be the blessings. It is not about your works, it is about obeying what I show you to do. So many of you are busy doing this thing and that thing, running here and running there, that you take no time for resting your bodies and to come into My presence so that I can touch you and heal you. Then you wonder why you are sick and tired and are not being healed. Remember that My thoughts and My ways are so much higher than yours. Nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible to Me! Receive by faith, continue to stand on My promises and watch what I will do. You shall surely come to know Me as faithful and true. Let go and let God! Be still and know that I am your God. My people will rejoice in victory. I am not a man that I should lie. I have said it and I will do it. Again I tell you to continue to allow My Spirit to flow freely in your sanctuary. Be not afraid of the negative reports that the enemy may try to hit you with. I have the last word! Wait on My report! I will perfect My Bride! I will bless My Bride in such a way that the whole world will know that you are Mine. I will prove My Word! Count on it! Remember, I love you....very passionately, very deeply, very intimately. Get intimate with Me for it is not about religion, it is about a relationship. Religion brings division. Love brings unity. Be there for one another. Love one another deeply and respectfully. In giving, so shall you receive. Whatever you give out shall be returned to you, be it good or bad. So give with love and give generously. Yes! Give and it shall be given to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall I cause men to give unto your bossom. Rest in Me! Be at peace in Me! Let nothing or noone steal your peace! Either you will trust Me fully and completely or you won't. Why do you make things more complicated for yourselves by doubting My power and My promises? Stand on them, no matter what. Again I say that you shall come to know Me as faithful and true!

2 Corinthians 9:8-11} And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient (possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation). As it is written, He (the benevolent person) scatters abroad; He gives to the poor, His deeds of justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever. And God Who provides seed to the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your (resources for) sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness (which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness and charity). Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous and (your generosity as it is) administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God.

You know the Spirit of the Lord has put it on my heart that His Word is not just for reading and studying, it is also for praying. We need to pray on His word, believe and receive it! Nothing the Lord loves to hear better than His word repeated to Him. Here is an example: Oh Lord, Your Word says that You Who will provide seed for the sower and bread for eating will also multiply and incrase the fruits of our righteousness. It is also written that You will enrich us in all things and in every way so that we can be generous. In so doing the world will give things to You for Your generosity through us. Oh Lord, do this for us today! Fill our hands overflowing so that we can be a blessing to others. We thank and praise You right now Father for Your Word also says that you will do over and abundatly what we even expect or hope for. Amen! This is the kind of prayer God loves to hear and will answer. We cannot lose when we apply God's word to our prayers. This is powerful what God is revealing today. Our prayers are more powerful than we can imagine, but when you add God's Word to it the atmosphere explodes will activities from God's hand to our lives!

We all know that the enemy is roaring and attacking people more than he ever has. Why? Because his time is very short indeed. And we need to remind him of his future whenever he does attack us. But it's also important to stop operating in the flesh and to do battle with the Word of God and use every spiritual weapon He has given us.....the armor, the blood etc.....We are not fighting flesh and blood here folks. We are in a spiritual battle and this is how we have to approach it....spiritually. It's also important to stay prayed up at all times. Praying in the spirit is one of the most effective weapons we have. God wants to encourage us in the days to come. He is always speaking, the problem is we don't take the quiet time to listen and to be with Him. We also need to remind ourselves that greater is He that is in us that he that is of the world. God is covering our backs, our front and every single thing that has to do with us.

Now if we truly want to prosper in every area of our lives the key to that is in today's Scripture. It's in the last half of the Scripture: Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous and (your generosity as it is) administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God. In other words when we give generously we will prosper. God will multiply when we give not only generously but with a right attitude. So many people today are busy hoarding up treasures for themselves. When they get increase they don't share it with anyone. If they see a need, they don't bother to move out and meet it. If someone is lonely, they don't visit. If someone needs prayer they either throw up a quick prayer or don't even bother lifting that person to the throne of God. If they hurt someone, they don't bother asking for forgiveness. If someone is sick they don't visit but stay away. If they give a promise or a vow, they break it. The list is endless. I have seen this operate even in the Body of Christ. God desires us to give in every aspect of our lives. If we don't give we will not prosper. It's that simple. Sowing and reaping works! We are to be a mirror image of Who Christ is in everything we say and do! People are watching our walk. Are we truly being living testimonies for Christ? Sadly, many of us aren't. We are too busy living it up doing things in excess like drinking, gambling, and so many other things. Instead we should be living for God. He needs to be first in our lives. If not, we will totally miss out on the blessings God has for us. He blesses us so that we can bless others! We cannot outgive the Giver Himself! He is generous, let us also be generous.

God desires us to praise and worship Him even in the worse of times. Why? Because the enemy hates it and will flee. Our praise and worship causes him not only to run but to destroy every single tactic and plan that He has against us. God is moved by our faith. There is no greater gift we can give God than our obedience and worship....no matter what. As He has said in today's word that when we worship it is like the sound of the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho. It's also time to clean house church! If we are operating in anything that is not honorable to God, it's time to turn around, repent and change our ways. Time is a lot shorter than we think. God is perfecting His Bride and we need to cooperate with that. We need to allow Him to purge, purify and remove anything from us that does not glorify Him. Let us not be as stubborn as the generation of Sodom and Gormorrha. We all know what happend to them. God can and will destroy evil. But He will save the righteous. Let's not take anything for granted...especially the grace of God. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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