Poverty is expensive. Look at all the people in poverty who are sick, dying, can't afford to live in nice housing, eat proper food and beyond. The care of these people must be paid for. USING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....

Many people in the world are poor. Many in the body of Christ are poor. It amazes me that poor people (Poor in thinking, poor in health, poor in attitude, poor in money, poor in friendship and beyond) are the first people to rise up against those who are doing well and prospering in life.

If they understood how the system works, how economist, bankers, and those who have most of the wealth in the world thinks, they would change their thinking. The reality that most of the wealth in the world is controlled by a few. These people control the media, they control the largest companies in the world and they have a vested interest in keeping people poor.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is by design of those who are wicked in their heart and actions. One of the reasons that the enemy, Satan has fought against prosperity and especially biblical prosperity, he knows that once christians begin to walk in prosperity and wealth, just by the number of christians there are in the earth, collectively we will begin to have a major godly impact on the media and on the systems of this world.

Remember. God says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" The devil wants christians in chaos, confusion, lack, fear and poverty in our hearts so that we will have minimal and limited positive actions and confession toward prosperity.

What do you all think? Just look around you. Look especially within the black community. There is great poverty because their is great poverty in the minds and hearts of many in our communities.

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Comment by Lonnie Kluttz on August 10, 2009 at 12:24pm
Well Brother Samuels,

You give a lot of good facts. But, you still haven't given any scripture to back-up your claims. I truly think that you need to read. You need to read the book of Ecclesiastes. See how the wisest man in the bible say that money is vaniety. God don't need your money or need you RICH to move. You also need to read I Tim. 6: 1-12. It's this prosperity message and others like it that is destroying our churches today. This why people are leaving the body of Christ and going to other cults and religions. But brother, I do read a lot and I'm not telling you anything that someone told me, but I'm telling you what God told me.

Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 8, 2009 at 11:19pm
@ brother Klutz..I read your blog response..There is a scripture in Exodus which says above all things get the facts...I would suggest and humbly that you find the heart of a person, whether or not God has commanded a perosn to go into a particular area of ministry. Do I beleive that God wants many people wealthy in the body of Christ..yes! Will everybody be wealthy..NO! There is nothing wrong with people in the body of Christ being wealthy as long as God is leading their lives and that they use wealth to the glory of God. One of the problems, I see in the body of Christ that people are sitting back and waiting for God to bring them a job, bring them a business, bring them wealth....If you study the word correctly, people who gained in the bible were people who put their faith to work as led by God. Are there people in the body of Christ who will use wealth selfishly? YES! but we must never allow the wrong actions by others to prevent us from pursuing what we need in the physical realm (money too) so that we can grow. It takes money to make bibles, it takes money to go to school, it takes money to do many things that the body of Christ is lacking because people are afraid or don't truly understand the word or misunderstand how God wants them to move. I appreciate your words...each persons response should make us to reexamine our position and change if we must or become stronger in a position that Godhas spoken to our heasrts about
Comment by Lonnie Kluttz on August 8, 2009 at 1:46pm

You give a lot of miond provoking topics, but they seem worldly base. God can do what ever He wants, but He never promised to make you wealthy with a lot of money. He actually said the opposite. Remember this" It will be easier for a camal to go through an eye of a needle, than a rich me to get into heaven." Plus, I think you need to read Matthew 6 ( the entire Chapter) to see what God thinks. Instead, you need to be telling people to seek God and His righteousness and let God do the rest. Not telling people to follow a worldly system that is corrupted and getting rich. Remember, the flesh and the spirit don't mix.

God Bless
Comment by LaDonna Gher'ald Mayhew on July 29, 2009 at 1:37pm
Michael, we are receiving great analogy from you...BUT for the career persons who are maintaining both ministry positions and outside careers...SLOW DOWN. Can we maybe have just one message every other day..which gives us time to read and ponder and participate. You are averaging 5 topics a day. Good topics but does not allow for a breather. I love you in the name of Jesus and u know that.
Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on July 29, 2009 at 1:32pm
Everyone who gets this blog, I ask you to please read and share your thoughts. Through your thoughts, ideas, and through godly conversation maybe we all will get ideas to better teach others to become responsible, wiser, and citizens who add to life and society rather than drain it.

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