I have friends from various ethnicities who say my name according to the language that they speak. My name is translated according to the closest name in their original language.

For example: my name is Tracy

but in Spanish or in French, the closes translation of my name is the word used for Theresa

Teresita (spanish for little Theresa) or Therese (French for Theresa).

I always wondered why I was never offended when they called me a translation of my name rather than my name itself. Should I be offended?

Hebrew names have meaning and are often prophetic of the person's future and/or personality.

Well, let's do a little research on the meaning of my name. What does my name TRACY say about me (unbeknownced to my mom of course - she had no idea how my name would affect or possible infect my life.)

Gender: Feminine & Masculine
Usage: English
Pronounced: TRAY-see [key]

From an English surname which was taken from a Norman French place name meaning "domain belonging to THRACIUS". It was used by Charles Dickens for a masculine character in his novel 'The Pickwick Papers' (1837). It was later popularized as a feminine name by the main character Tracy Lord in the movie 'The Philadelphia Story' (1940). This name is also sometimes used as a short form of THERESA.

The girl's name Tracy \t-ra-cy\, also used as boy's name Tracy, is pronounced TRAY-see. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "warlike". Also possibly a nickname for Theresa (Greek) "late summer" or derived from a Norman French place name based on a Gallic Latin personal name, Thrax or Thracius, whose meaning has been lost.

Ok, well then I see where the rest of the world would get Theresa from. And I have always been "war-like" or combative. The bible character that I idnetify most with is Peter. He too is "war-like" meaning he has a very passionate personality. And for the "late summer".... I was born on September 9, 1968 how much later summer can one get LOL. Again, my mother did not know any of this when she named me.

Let's look at some more meanings about my name:

1. Irish (of Norman origin): habitational name from Tracy-Bocage or Tracy-sur-Mer in Calvados, both named from the Gallo-Roman personal name Thracius (a derivative of Latin Thrax, genitive Thracis, ‘Thracian’) + the locative suffix -eium.

2. Irish: variant of Treacy.

3. Americanized form of some like-sounding Jewish name.

This is also very interesting since my heritage is Irish and American Indian on my mother's side and African American on my father's side. There is lots and lots of Irish on my mother's side of the family. But there's that Greco/Gaelic/Roman word "Thracius" again. But who or what the heck is Thracius???

Gender: Masculine
Usage: Ancient Roman
From a Roman name which meant "of Thracia". Thracia was a region in southeastern Europe, now divided between Greece and Turkey

Hmm, I have a name derived from an ancient Roman city. Interesting. Is that good or bad? Well, more research. What was significant about that region (Thracia) and its people (Thracians)?

Today the name Thrace designates a region spread over southern Bulgaria (Northern Thrace), northeastern Greece (Western Thrace), and European Turkey (Eastern Thrace). Thrace borders on three seas: the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara. In Turkey, it is also called Rumeli.

The indigenous population of Thrace was a people called the Thracians, divided into numerous tribal groups. Thracian troops were known to accompany neighboring ruler Alexander the Great when he crossed the Hellespont which abuts Thrace, and took on the Persian Empire of the day.

The Thracian calendar was similar to that of the Egyptians. Each year had twelve months, totaling 360 days, and 5 days were added to the last month; there were three seasons. The Thracians celebrated 60 main holidays

Ancient Greek mythology provides them with a mythical ancestor, named Thrax, son of the war-god Ares, who was said to reside in Thrace. The Thracians appear in Homer's Iliad as Trojan allies.

Thracians were known for their hit and run tactics consisting of random melee attacks followed by quick retreats. The backbone of the Thracian military were the Thracian Peltast, a type of light infantry that was equally at home fighting hand-to-hand and at a distance (throwing javelins). Peltasts were unarmored except for their curved shields. They carried some form of short sword or melee weapon and an assortment of javelins.

Spartacus was a Thracian auxiliary soldier in the Roman army who deserted but was captured and then enslaved by the Romans. He led a large slave uprising in what is now Italy in 73–71 BC. His army of escaped gladiators and slaves defeated several Roman legions in what is known as the Third Servile War.

Today Thracian is a strong regional identity in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey.

All if this is good information to know about my name and its deriviatives.

I wonder, have any of you researched your name?

Also, have you put just as much or even more curious energy in research the name of God and what is so important about it and what does His name reveal about His character?

Also, is it an offense (intentional or unintentional) to call our heavenly Father, Creator of all things by the closest translation of his name rather than His incommunicable name? If so why? If not, why not?

~Minister Tracy Curtis~

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