"It is not the part of a wise or gracious man to boast..." - Adam Clarke

"...it was the deliberate conviction of Paul that boasting was the characteristic of a fool!"
"Religion(Christianity) repressed all vain boasting and self-exaltation..." - Barnes' Notes

"Let our words and life speak for us, not our lips." - People's New Testament
"Every one will be forward to run him down that cries himself up." - Matthew Henry
"What you say about yourself means nothing in God's work. It's what God says about you that makes the difference." - The Message
"He is not to be judged by the estimate which he shall place on himself, but by the estimate which God shall form and express." - Barnes' Notes

In Proverbs 27:2, King Solomon gave this godly advice - "Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." In other words, avoid self-praise. It is very improper to applaud oneself...indecent because it places others in the background...and imprudent because it oftentimes injures rather than benefits. It is a sure evidence of pride, folly, and self-love.

Read what other authors - besides Solomon - had to say about this subject -

"Praise to be worth anything must be altogether independent." - Barnes' Notes
"...self-praise stinks, a friend's praise is lame, a stranger's praise sounds." - A German Proverb
"Self-praise is no commendation." - Adam Clarke
"Self-praise is also out of place for the person of wisdom and reveals an insensitivity to the fitness of things. Praise is a comely garment and though one may desire to wear it, it is always better if others place the garment upon us." - Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary
"Self-praise defiles the mouth." "Of all flattery, self-flattery is the worst, self-applause is seldom any better than self-flattery and self-deceit." - Matthew Henry

Besides Solomon, we find that the Apostle Paul also dealt with this subject of self-praise in the Bible. He had a personal experience when dealing with the false apostles of his day. They were accusing him of many false charges and, resultantly, maligning his character and ministry. He looked unto the Corinthians - whom he nurtured and discipled in the faith - to come to his defense and vindicate him with their words of commendation. However, they did not fulfill their godly obligation to this Father in the faith so he found himself offering his own approbation in defense of his character and ministry as a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is very evident that he would not normally have entered into such seeming vain boasting and self-exultation. In fact, he pleads his example as an apology - regarding it as folly to do so under normal circumstances.

In no way did he want the church to think that such self-commendation was acceptable for Christians. The following Scriptures show his struggle with bragging about one's own accomplishments, successes, gifts, and talents before others. His sentiments that self-praise is foolish and unnecessary come forth "loud and clear."

2 Corinthians 3:1 says - "Do we begin again to commend ourselves?..."
2 Corinthians 5:12 says - "For we commend not ourselves again unto you..."
2 Corinthians 10:18 says - "For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth."
2 Corinthians 11:16 says - "I say again, Let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little."
2 Corinthians 12:11 says - "I am become a fool in glorying... for I ought to have been commended of you..."

Listen to Paul's conversation here - Are we once again bragging about ourselves? Does it sound like we are patting ourselves on the back? We are not trying once more to brag about ourselves - to make ourselves look good. "Let no man think me a fool..." "...I am become a fool in glorying..."

He strongly emphasizes that it is not the one who displays a disposition for vain-glory or self-confidence - relying on his own talents, attainments, or accomplishments - who is approved. Ministers especially are warned here not to glory in their own perfections but to give God the glory for their work and success. They are not to boast of their own character in order to secure people's praise and favor. It is the false apostles who were charged with "glorying in appearance, and not in heart" (2 Corinthians 5:12). They gloried in outward and external advantages and endowments which included their learning, eloquence, wisdom, riches, and popular applause. However, they totally dismissed any vital relationship in the heart - which entailed having a sincerity of heart, good conscience, or love for souls.

It is not the one who makes a parade of his own attainments... preaches himself...ascribes to himself things that don't belong to him...boasts of having many large ministerial gifts when in all honesty he has none...and attributes all that he has and does to his own power and industry rather than the grace and power of God - who is truly approved of God.

The false apostles at Corinth had a command of the language and the eloquence. They had the show and the parade. Yet they had none of the gifts of an apostle nor a true apostle's success. They lacked God's approval in being qualified for His service by being abundantly useful and fruitful in converting the heathen in their ministry. They also lacked the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit to get the job done.

The Apostle Paul was so careful to boast only in the Lord and in His work when establishing his credentials as an apostle. Otherwise, he feared appearing as "a fool" - in commending himself as so many are doing today.

Are you one who is prone to boast in your accomplishments? In what your ministry, family, church, business, etc. is doing at the time?

Just remember - "...self-praise stinks..." "Self-praise is no commendation." "Self-praise is also out of place for the person of wisdom..." "Self-praise defiles the mouth."

It is not what you are saying about yourself that matters.

Boasting is the characteristic of a fool!

What really matters is what God is doing through you at this time.

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org .

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