"Sin can bring the brightest and most glorious of human societies and institutions into decay and contempt." - Pulpit Commentary
"Sin can rust even the fine gold." - Pulpit Commentary
"The contempt put upon God's people ought to be a matter of lament to us." - Matthew Henry

"For though man be by nature the sublimest of God's creatures, when he is abandoned to sin and all its consequences he sinks below the level of the brutes...Only Divine grace and power can restore the beauty and dignity of which sin has robbed humanity. The gospel of Christ transforms the earthen pitcher into the fine gold of the sanctuary." - Pulpit Commentary

"Jehovah had made Israel to glitter by taking it out from among the nations and making it the object of great demonstrations of his power." - Pulpit Commentary

The Prophet Jeremiah had a burden.

When was the last time you felt a burden from the Lord, O Saint of God?

This burden that the Prophet of God had was concerning the people of God - the Jewish nation - Judah. These people who were called by God were - "instructed out of the law... confident that they were a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law..." (Romans 2:18-20). God separated them from the other nations...set them apart...and made them the object of great demonstrations of His power.

But something happened. Sin came into the camp.
While using the most colorful and clear-cut description that all could understand, Jeremiah described their pitiful condition in his opening words of Lamentations 4 - "How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed!" With these words, he contrasted the past and the present condition of Judah - the former glory and their present pitiful state - their moral and spiritual degredation.

When you read these words, you immediately get the picture that he is trying to portray.

Everyone knows of the brilliancy, glitter, and attraction of gold. This was once the position of the Jewish nation.

However, here we see the Prophet using such strong words to point out the total contrast of where they once were and where they were at the present time.

He could have just related how the gold had lost some of its lustre! But NO! We see and feel passion and fire coming through his words when he makes it an exclamation - "HOW IS THE GOLD BECOME DIM! HOW IS THE MOST FINE GOLD CHANGED!"

Can you hear the passion in his voice? Can you almost see the tears welling up in his eyes and hear his voice as it increases in volume while he enunciates each syllable in each word?

These were the people of God who were chosen by God - who were privileged to see His glory as manifested in the Temple. They walked and talked with God. He was Jehovah Shammah to them - God is here!

But look at them now! They are not glittering...they are not brilliant with the light of the knowledge of God...they are not attractive any more.

In fact, in Lamentations 4:2, Jeremiah compares them to "earthen pitchers" - "The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter."

Oh, please don't miss what the Prophet is saying here. These people who were the handiwork - the Masterpiece, if you will - of God's very own hands - are now reduced to something utterly worthless - vessels of dishonor - fit for no use but a common one - "the work of the hands of the potter" - the work of man or flesh.

Can this really be happening? Can it be that this "holy nation" and "kingdom of priests" is reduced to something so useless and contemptible?

What was behind this fearful change that took place? What caused their reputation to sink so low? What stirred up this pictorial and effectual depiction of change from the Prophet of God? What could possibly be the cause behind this reduction to the level of the poorest and meanest? What was the source of their loss of brilliancy?

One minute they are esteemed as having equal value with fine gold, and now they are regarded as something so utterly worthless as earthenware pottery.

Perhaps we need to ask the question again - from where did their value come? The answer is clear. They were comparable to one weighed with fine gold because of the pure standard of holiness that they followed. Their God was holy and demanded holiness from His people. As long as they followed this standard, they retained His image and brilliancy. However, the moment they steered from that pure standard of holiness, they became dim and dull - until they lost all splendor.

Notice how the Prophet reacted to the fearful change that took place in the fate of "the precious sons of Zion."

What was his reaction?

Well, what is the name of the Book in which we find these verses of Scripture?

It is called - "Lamentations"!

Jeremiah lamented the wretched state of the Jewish nation. He didn't ignore it! He didn't live in denial about it! He faced it head-on! He called it what it was! And because he did, great lamentations poured out of his heart and soul before God because of it!

"How is the gold become dim! How is the most fine gold changed!...The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!" (Lamentations 4:1-2)

You may be wondering - but how does this all relate to me?

The sad thing about all this is the fact that these same words of lamentation can apply to the church of today - or more specifically to individuals within the church.

Look upon many of the Pentecostal churches of today - for example. They once were filled with the Glory of God. But now, they are "twice dead, plucked up by the roots" (Jude 1:12) - so to speak! They once were shining lights in their neighborhoods - drawing many to salvation in Jesus. But now, they have blended into their worldly neighborhoods to the extent whereby it is hard to distinguish between them and the world around them. They once were filled with the uncompromising Word of Truth. But now, they have become so sophisticated and seeker-friendly that they wouldn't dare to preach about the Cross and the Blood - lest they should offend people or drive them away. Now they are filled with men's programs and philosophies of life. They once had the reputation of being filled with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and a tangible fear of God, but now they are filled with adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, etc. Resultantly, all you feel in their services is death, depression, heaviness, unbelief, pride, rebellion, lust, witchcraft, control, manipulation, sickness, disease, confusion, and strife.

"How is the gold become dim! How is the most fine gold changed!

Look around at most of the churches today! Faith in Christ and righteous living is at a frightening low...hope is not lively...the love for the brethren is waxen cold...a veil has been drawn over the Gospel... and doctrine as based on the Word of God is not clearly and consistently preached.

Look at those who call themselves Christians! Many who once were "fine gold" are growing "dim" or losing all of their lustre completely because they are taking their God-given talents and gifts and using them for their own glory or even far worse - for the devil's glory and praise. Many others are wasting or prostituting their rare talents on low pursuits, gains, or ends. Some are neglecting their gifts - while going after sensuality...the love of money...and worldly ambition. Some are choosing a lifestyle of sin and rebellion rather than a lifestyle of holiness and obedience to God.

The result?

The church is corrupted! The Bride of Christ - who should be all glorious within with graces and goodness - is soiled, dirty, tarnished, and dull.

Where are the Jeremiah's who will lament this awful reduction of the glory of God's people? Where are those who are moved to tears and groaning over this fatal fall to uselessness?

Does anyone care that "the gold" has "become dim" - "the most fine gold has changed!"

You may be reading this message, and you know that you are not where you should be with God. You once were "gold" and now look at you! You have allowed sin and compromise to rob you of your lustre and shine. You once shone brightly for Jesus and now you are like an earthen vessel - having no "touch" on the world around you.

It's time for the people of God to lament!

It's time for the people of God to repent!

It's time to cry out to God for the "gold" to become bright again with His Glory!

Cry, Church! Cry!

Cry aloud, O Reader, and ask God to restore what sin, compromise, your own flesh, and the devil have stolen from you.

Ask Jesus to bring back His glory into your life... into your home...into your family...into your ministry... and into your church!

Lay hold of God and refuse to let Him go until He changes you from an "earthen pitcher" with no lustre to "pure fine gold" that has a noticeable brilliance before all!

Let the lament begin - NOW !

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org .

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