Proverbs 18: 14} The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble but a weak and broken spirit who can raise or bear up?

Do we just read God's word or do we study it and meditate on it? Sadly enough many of us just skim God's word by reading it and then forgetting what we have read. Too often we don't wait on the Holy Spirit to reveal something to us through God's word. I don't know about you but I get so excited when the Holy Spirit opens up something to me that I never saw before! Do we even realize what today's Scripture is telling us? It's telling us that regardless of how bad circumstances are, regardless how strongly we get hit, and regardless of whatever it is that comes into our lives, we can bear up under it if we are keeping our inner man, our spirits strong. This is what sustains us from troubled times...God's word! It is also our weapon of warfare and that's why it's important to know it so we can stand on it and use it to cut off the devil's head whenever he attacks. Without it we are wide open to every single thing the enemy wants to throw on us! When our spirit is weak or wounded every demon from the pits of hell will attack us and be victorious. Satan loves to kick us when we are down! Anyone who uses the excuse; "Well, the less I know, the less I'm accountable" is a spiritual wimp and God is not pleased. Hello? Are we getting this? I hope so!

This is what is wrong with many in the Body of Christ today. We are not accountable to God or our walk. We do not do what God commands us to do many times. The most important thing being to study the word to rightly divide and show ourselves approved by God. What excuses can we use when we stand before God and He asks us why we didn't spend time with Him or time to study His word? None! We will be accountable folks! When our spirits are not fed we will not be able to handle things in our lives very well. That is when our emotions, feelings and thoughts will always run our lives and dictate to us what to do. Then we will get sick, depressed and every other negative thing. It's not a good thing to quickly react on situations. We need to slow down, take a deep breath and seek God in all things. That is what He means when He says "Be still and know that I am God!" He always has a way out for us!
Another reason we need to build ourselves up is to be an encouragement to others. Now I don't mean to hit them over the head with the word all the time, or force them to go to church, or manipulate them in any way. We are to love them through whatever is going on. If we can help, we do so! That is one of the jobs God has given us to do...become an encourager and to bless others. People who are encouragers and givers are very easy to recognize. Just as those who are discouraged, angry, hoarders and every negative thing they operate in are also easy to recognize. Just being around people who are encouraging and a blessing to us will always bring us joy and lift us up. They make us feel better about things! Just their actions shows us that they are truly walking the walk of love. It comes naturally to them to uplift, encourage, bless and strengthen others. It comes naturally for them to be led by the Spirit in all things. So it should be with each one of us. Remember one rule of thumb...God is not pushy, He does not manipulate or control others against their own will. Neither should we! It's also important to be accountable to our sins, our pains and hurts that we have inflicted on others....we need to ask forgiveness from the heart not just from habit. Accountability needs to be an important priority in our lives. Especially when it comes to not forsaking the gathering ourselves together with the saints. Not only do many not go to church in these days but many do not tithe and wonder why they are in lack. We need to be accountable to everything God commands us to do church!

When we encourage others it brings joy to our hearts. And after all, the joy of the Lord is our strength. If we want joy, give it out to others. If we want love, give it out to others. If we want healing, pray for their healing. If we want prosperity give to God's Kingdom and to others as He shows you to do. If you want forgiveness and peace, give it to others freely. You want your debts canceled, cancel others debts who may owe you. Let's face it, many Christians today have a problem with giving, not only to support their churches but to support one another. This is what this walk is all about...respect, love (nurturing love, not superficial and phony) and caring about each other. It's not about a bunch of religions, traditions, and any other form of programming that stops us from showing the world who Jesus really is. He is love! Period! We can all become better people and shine out God's love and glory by refusing to be offensive or slanderous to others. We can refuse to allow evil things to operate in our lives or speak through our mouths that tear people down. It's time to speak life to others, to ourselves and our situations. God's word works...use it! Speak things as they should be and not as they are. Let us begin today to really strengthen our inner man by eating more of God's word and getting more into His presence so that we can be so intimate with Him that nothing happening in this world will phase us. The bottom line is He is our Father, He loves us dearly, and He will take perfect care of us if we will only trust Him. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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