"He has the best of this world who thinks least of it, and least of himself." - Charles Spurgeon
"The meek-spirited Christian says thus: 'Let God do what He will with me, let Him carve out whatever condition He pleases, I will submit.' God sees what is best for me, whether a fertile soil or a barren. Let Him chequer His work as He please, it suffices that God has done it." - Thomas Watson

"Meekness says, 'Not my will, but Yours be done.' "
"Meekness is controlled strength or power completely surrendered to God's control. It is an attitude of heart in which all energies are brought into the perfect control of the Holy Spirit."
"The meek person is strong! He is gentle, meek, and mild, but he is in control. He is as strong as steel." - all of the above quotes are from the Precept Austin Commentary

"God can afford to give an inheritance to those who are under control. It's not the proud or arrogant who inherit but the meek--those who say, 'Oh, Lord, we want Your will.' Too often our fists are clenched. When your fist is clenched, your hand is not open to receive what God wants to give you. What do the meek inherit? The delightful things of the Lord. All God is and has made belongs to the meek." - Dr. Warren Wiersbe

"Why is meekness so important? Why not just be Christians who have good manners and a good standing in the community? Our Lord is not calling us to business as usual but to be radical believers who emulate His character, character that shows the reality of His life in and through our lives, especially as seen in this paradoxical trait of non-retaliatory power under control. The world is dead in its trespasses and sins and desperately needs to see the meek, gentle spirit of Christ in and through you dear follower of Christ. Will you surrender to His call?" - Precept Austin

Matthew 5:5 says - "Blessed are the meek..."

Who are these "meek" who are so "blessed" of the Lord?

They are those who -

...are of a gentle spirit in opposition to the proud, ambitious, powerful, and important
...are ever ready to associate with the meanest of saints - feeling superior to none
...are patient in reception of injuries
...are not ready to take offense
...are prepared to endure anything
...are truly humble
...have a proper appreciation of their position
...claim nothing
...are ready to be thought nothing of
...exhibit a freedom from malice, bitterness, and desire for revenge
...choose to accept God's way without murmuring or complaining
...are willing to have peace at all costs
...are not indecisive or wishy-washy
...don't use their power for selfish purposes or their own defense
...are not overly impressed by a sense of their own importance
...don't glory in their own self
...are not always on the defensive
...are patient when suffering unjustly
...are ready to listen and learn
...leave everything - self, rights, cause, and whole future - in the hands of God
...have every instinct and every passion under control
...are the opposite of those who seek to gain as much for themselves as possible
...are willing to share and sacrifice on behalf of others
...realize their own weakness and insignificance in comparison to the power and glory of God
...truly understand and rely on the greatness of the Lord God.

These are the "meek" of which Jesus spoke would "inherit the earth." Initially, it looks as though they would be the ones who would be pushed out of the world. Not so - according to the Lord Jesus' words. They are actually the ones who receive the blessings - both temporal and spiritual - included in the promises. They are the ones who truly enjoy life. They enjoy the supplies of grace...feast on the privileges of the covenant... faithfully rejoice in the abundance of peace...are sustained by a tranquility of mind...dwell in God's goodness and favor...have all things necessary for life and godliness...enjoy a fortune of good things...and constantly live in expectation of the heavenly glory.

They are the ones who have learned to "wait upon the LORD..." (Psalm 37:9). They are dependent on Him for everything...obey His commands...trust in His grace and mercy...and wait on Him for the manifestation of Himself or the performance of His promise.

They are such "as be blessed of Him..." (Psalm 37:22). They "eat and are satisfied..." (Psalm 22:26). They are rich in spiritual blessings and filled with good things.

The Lord Jesus said - "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

The world says - "Blessed are the arrogant ...self-assertive...pushy...ambitious... demanding...or controlling, for they shall inherit the earth."

Whose word do you believe - that of the Lord Jesus or the world?

Whose philosophy of life are you laying hold of?

Whose ways are you following?

That will determine if you are truly a "King" among men.

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org

Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138

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Comment by Doris Trueheart on April 18, 2009 at 12:21am
Moses was described by God as the meekest man. So I beg to differ to your statements of "Choose to accept God's way" or "Leave everything in God's hands" because when God told Moses that he was going to destroy the children of Israel and make a new people of his descendants, Moses didn't "accept" God's way neither leave it in God's hand to do as he had spoken. Moses understood God's desires and used his (Moses')position of influence with God to remind God of his promise to Abraham. Moses reminded God of how God valued his own word, name and reputation. Being meek and in right standing with God, we have great influence. God made us to be his valuable friends. He gave us sonship. He has called us to move and operate on earth as his bride. This does not mean that we sit in silence, but that we speak to God respectfully and with honor and make our request known. Meekness does not mean that we are impotent. Without God we are nothing, but we are not without God; and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We actively destroy the rule of Satan. We go and do the work of God and free the oppressed. We let them know that their condition is outside of the perfect will of God.

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