What a Godly woman is not —

1. A godly woman is not someone who faces less temptations, struggles, problems in her life:

a. We are committed to follow one who faced hardest struggle before the termination of His life, whose life is ended on the cross.

b. I Peter 4:1 indicates that the very struggles that we go through in life make us perfect, helping to rebuild ourselves and prepare to develop a positive attitude which can be an armor tomorrow to face the future.
Ex: When a moth emerges from a hard-shelled cocoon it wriggles out painfully, yet it will come out with bright colors. If one cuts the edge of a cocoon in order to help the moth its way out, it loses its life. So, struggles are meant for a good purpose in human life.

2. A godly woman is not someone that always responds correctly:

a. The more she continues to respond to the day-to-day events in life, the more she realizes her weakness and faults in the light of her faith. She realizes that she is weak and sinful in nature. But as she faces the life situations, she continues to grow towards godliness and gets closer to God. She realizes God is her resource and continues to rely on Him in every instance of her life.

b. At the same time she does not look for a dramatic experience. But she allows God to work in her life in a unique way to bring her into godliness through all her experiences.

3. A godly woman is not necessarily an ideal person and most certainly not a finished product:

a. She does not keep doing this and that in order to present herself a perfect being. She neither acts nor presents a false picture to meet the expectations of others in her life. She is realistic in her way of life. She always keeps in back of her mind that it is God who can bring her to perfection one day in His time.

b. She balances her life. It does not mean that she gives much of her time in meditation and neglects all others. She involves in life and meets her responsibilities. At the same time she does not neglect the word of God, God continues to be her priority.

4. A godly woman does not and would not label herself godly:
a. She probably experiences both sides of life experiences like that of Job in the Scriptures. She never tarries in repenting (Job: 42:5, 6). The more she sees GOD in the beauty of His perfection, the more she realizes that she is a sinner and draws near to God in repentance.

What a godly woman is —

1. A godly woman accepts the negative facts about herself:

a. She recognizes that her proud misconceptions about herself are shattered by God. She realizes that she is a failure, poor and needy like David, weak and dependent like Paul, handicapped and inadequate in unique personal ways. As godliness increases, her pride and "im all that" thinking decreases.

b. She realizes that her virtues and accomplishments, in which she takes pride, are nothing in God’s sight. She finds herself in a training school like Paul, realizing human helplessness in doing good. She cries out “what a wretched woman I am!” and discovers the way what God wants her to be. She affirms her sufficiency is God.

c. If God wants to do something wonderful, He starts with difficulty; and when He wants to do something very wonderful, he starts with impossibility.

2. A godly woman learns that God‘s love can even transform failures into blessings:

a. The crucifixion and resurrection are her best models, where the worst failures of man are provided with a beautiful picture of salvation. He can do it even and transforms our as stepping-stones to glorify Him.

3. A godly woman knows that she can do one of two things:

a. She can notice the things that she does not like in her life and may act to look nice before people. But,
she acknowledges her inability and negatives. She journeys on to learn the wonderful things God says about her and has in store for her. This lifts her heart, not in pride but in gratefulness. Every one of us needs to understand that God wants us to focus on the positives while realizing our weakness.

4. A godly woman learns that she is far worse than she/people thought about her:

a. In human virtues and adequacy, she is infinitely better than she thought she was as God’s love object and as a channel for who God is! She learns that she is made righteous, justified, and clean. God has forgiven her and she is very precious to Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17 says that we are united to the Spirit of the Lord and righteous!

5. A godly woman learns that she was uniquely created for God’s pleasure:

a. Revelation 4:11 tells us that all things were created by Him and for His pleasure. Only human beings can give Him love and adoration in worship, which He longs for. He created each one of us differently, for a different function in His body. The godly woman learns that her time, her love, her adoration, her vision, and her submission are important functions, and they bring special joy and pleasure to God for eternity.

6. A godly woman learns that she has been brought into an intimate loving relationship with God:

a. We cast Him into some funny roles like stern, demanding, legalistic, and ready to punish us if we make a little mistake. Jeremiah 31:3 says “Yea, I have loved with you with an everlasting love, with everlasting loving kindness have I drawn you.”

7. A godly woman learns that she has been given a very exalted position:
a. Scripture tells in Ephesians that Christ has been given supreme honor in heaven. Ephesians 2 says that He has lifted us above to share that exalted position with Him. She knows that she is His princess and He is her Prince.

8. A godly woman learns that she is adequate in Christ for everything that life may demand:

a. Her present or future, for every circumstance she has to face and for every responsibility that she has been given, she learns that Christ is her resource.

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Comment by Iesha N Carthen on June 17, 2010 at 2:26am
this is an awesome blog, very encouraging....thank you Jesus for allowing Sis. Gabrielle to share this with all of us...May God keep you and bless you :)
Comment by Ambassador for Christ on June 14, 2010 at 6:53pm
I love this and it is very encouraging and inspiring...thank you Lord for this! God bless you

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