"Exhorting means coming alongside and inspiring another with the truth." - Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary
"Especially in days of difficulty and distress, God's people should be daily urging others not to forsake Christ for religions that cannot deal with sin effectively." - Believer's Bible Commentary

"Exhorting is the gift of stirring up the saints to desist from every form of evil and to press on to new achievements for Christ in holiness and in service." - Believer's Bible Commentary
"Exhortation is the God-given desire, ability, and power to proclaim God's Word in such a way that it touches the heart, conscience, and will of the hearers, stimulates faith, and produces a dedication to Christ through separation from the world." - The Full Life Study Bible

"Many ministers fail to 'exhort' or admonish believers to continue in the faith. Such ministers do not preach the urgent warnings of the apostles." - The Full Life Study Bible
"The Church is a spiritual benefit society. Friendly counsel and admonition are a valuable safeguard against apostasy." - Pulpit Commentary
"Doubtless many professors would be saved from gross sins if mutual exhortation were more commonly practiced in the churches of God in the power of the Holy Spirit." - Biblical Illustrator

Exhorting believers to continue in the faith is a vital necessity. Hence, every believer must be exposed to the Preaching of the Word - in some way, form, or fashion.

Why is it so important? Because it is the one, sure, and valuable safeguard against apostasy (Pulpit Commentary).

Throughout the Scriptures, we find references to exhortation or Biblical "exhorting."

Romans 12:7-8 says - "...let us wait on our ministering...Or he that exhorteth on exhortation..."
2 Timothy 4:2 says - "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."
1 Thessalonians 2:11 says - "As ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father doth his children."
Hebrews 3:13 says - "But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
Hebrews 10:25 says - "...but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Scriptural Exhortation or what we call "Preaching" is aimed at the heart and will. It urges the believer to practice or discharge his Christian duties. It brings truth "home" to the conscience of every individual. It leads the people straight. It stirs up the souls of men to decision and activity. It is basically the work of every Evangelist.

That is why the Apostle Paul said - "Preach the Word...exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." The Preacher must "reprove" - expose the real nature of sin... "rebuke" - lay blame on the guilty sinner...and then "exhort" - use persuasion against continuing in sin. This involves persuading him to forsake all error...persevere in faith and holiness...and walk in a manner becoming the Gospel - showing love and producing good works.

Exhortation involves the setting forth of the whole truth - not pandering to the tastes of the people or to the fashions of the day. For the Christian, it is a call to a holy life - to serving and obeying the Lord willingly. It should be done with tenderness and love...with a full interest in the welfare of the individual...and with wisdom and understanding - just as a Father does with his children.

Exhortation is the antidote against the awful peril of having a heart hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Moral insensibility does not happen overnight. It is a process. Over a period of time, the will becomes hardened against certain of God's commands...the heart becomes hardened against the influence of Divine Grace...and the soul becomes so calloused where spiritual things no longer impress. The individual resists any claims to Truth and gives in to inflexibility and rebellion.

Exhortation must be steady. Christians must be constantly called to prayer, public worship, and the diligent discharge of their duties. They must warn each other against the danger of falling into unbelief and backsliding - especially with the day of the Lord's Coming approaching. They must be using every means of grace in order to be found ready.

In Acts 11:23, it is said of Barnabas when he arrived at the church in Antioch - "Who, when he (Barnabas) came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."

Notice that the grace of God is clearly mentioned here. Barnabas saw the effects produced by the grace of God in the lives of these Christians. What effects were there? These Christians demonstrated a noticeable consecration to Christ.

Seeing the grace of God in action in their lives, Barnabas exhorted them the more - "...that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord." Jesus was their very life. Therefore, Barnabas encouraged them to always make Him closer and closer - to be very jealous of anything that would come in to separate them from Him for a moment. He encouraged them not to settle for nearness to Christ but for oneness with Him. In order to do so, they would need a firm mind... fixed and settled resolution...a strong affection...and a set purpose. They would have to forever remain faithfully attached to Him.

In order to avoid any hardness of heart through the deceitfulness of sin or the sin of unbelief taking over in their hearts, these believers would have to cleave with stedfastness unto the Lord and attend constantly to the temper of their hearts - watching diligently over their most secret thoughts.

Knowing that there is a natural tendency in the human heart to cleave to inferior things, Barnabas realized the need for exhortation - instruction, warning, or directing into all truth. He "...exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."

We can conclude from this Scripture and all others that the basic aim of all exhortation or preaching and teaching must be to entreat believers to cleave unto the Lord. If and when they do, they will avoid all apostasy.

Apostasy will always be a threat. Therefore, exhortation is a necessary ingredient for every believer's life.

Look what happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness. All of a sudden, they decided that they could not take any more trials and testings. They "said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt" (Numbers 14:4). In a split second, they were ready to give up all the manna - miracle provision...the cloud by day and fire by night as a guide...and the Shekinah Glory - Presence of God - as manifested in the ark of the covenant.

Sad but true - we are all but a step away from this same gross ingratitude ... shameful distrust ... and utter madness.


We need to hear the whole counsel of God as delivered by God's Preachers and Prophets. We need to urge one another with a holy jealousy to "cleave unto the Lord."

Be sure to sit under the anointed preaching of those exhorters who will stir you up to desist every form of evil. Absorb the teachings of those who will provoke you to new achievements for Christ in holiness and in service.

Do you have someone who is coming alongside you and inspiring you with the Truth?

Who in your life is admonishing you to continue in the faith by the Grace of God?

This is a must!

This is the only way you will avoid hardness of heart through the deceitfulness of sin and counteract apostasy.

"But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
"...but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

We need never tell people - "Don't preach to me!"

We need to change that to - "Preach to me! Exhort me! Admonish me! Preach me straight! Step on my toes! I don't ever want to fall into hardness of heart through the deceitfulness of sin which eventually leads to apostasy!"

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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