Q1. When did the Christian churches first started?

Q2. Please note this is a 3 part question.

i. What was the first major crisis that the early church was faced with?
ii. Which group or groups of people did it affect?
iii. What was the outcome or decision that was made to solve the problem?

Q3. In Christianity the classification of doctrine proceeds from which 3 sources?
Please list your answers along with the book of the bible, chapter and verses that illustrated these 3 sources?

Q4. Can you tell me why in the study of Christian doctrine it is logical to study God then Man then Jesus instead of going from God to Jesus then last man.?

Q5. What is the Dogma of a church?

Q6. When we look at us as man there is two things that is certain which is life and death how could we use the letter (Y) to exalt and try to get a non convert to make the right choice especially when it's our own family members or loved ones?

Q7. What was the first miracle that occur in the Bible?

Closing date is 7/10/2009

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Hi Robynne

Thanks for joining the Bible Trivia. I have made the following comment to the answers you have given unfortunately none is correct

Q1. Can you explain your answer to: i.e what event occurred to make you give the answer you have given what was going on at them time. You see you have not given me the answer I am looking for.

Q2. i Your answer to this is incorrect

Q5. Your answer to this is incorrect (T he answer you gave is often mistaken stated as such but when I reveal the answer you will see there is a difference)

Q7. Please read this question again. Your answer is incorrect. (Sometimes we have a tendency to add things that is not there and you have done this by adding to the question. You must look at the question that is ask without assumption)

Please don’t feel discourage we are all here to learn so try again there is a way to go before the closing date you are allowed to use the Bible etc to research the answer as the idea is to get us studying that great book)
1)Matthew 15:16 states that Jesus decided to build his church upon Peter.
2) The first major crisis would have been the knowledge of Jesus' going to the cross.
This affected the disciples as well as the Jewish officials in the land.
Well, he went to the cross and became the propitiation for our sins.
3) We put doctrine in to categories(Man) God and the word it'self
4)It is logical to study God first because in the beginning God. Genesis1
On the six day God created man and he said it was very good. Genesis 1:31
Once the fall of man took place God the decided to send a Savior John 3:16
For God so loved the world that sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him shall not perish but gain everlasting life. (Jesus last as an atonement.)

5)The church dogma is the doctrine in which the church goes by. According to Act 2:42 And they continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine......The Apostles doctrine was Jesus' doctrine.
6)We certainly can not.
7)The first official miracle in the bible was at the wedding of Cana of Galilee. This is where Jesus turned the water into wine.John 2:1-11
Thank you Sister Ronnetta for your participation however please look at my notes on your answers.

Q1. Is incorrect

Q2. Is incorrect

Q3 you fail to list correctly the 3 source and you have not read the question fully because you also fail to list the book, chapter and verses.

Q4.Is correct although the scriptures quoted was not requested and although you could have answer a little clear you have the correct formula of why God Man then Jesus.

Q5 I am going to say is incorrect because you use the word Doctrine to give your answers and there is a difference between Doctrine and Dogma

Q6 Of course you can which is why I ask the question. Therefore you are incorrect. Look at the letter (Y) and pray on it for a revelation of how you can use it to demonstrate life and the certainty of death

Q7. Is incorrect

Please try again you have time before the quiz closes and remember we are here to gain knowledge.
Hi Sister Ronnetta I forgot to add in reference to your answer to Q6. Where you said, ‘We certainly cannot’ Remember what is impossible to accomplish by our self is possible to achieve with the Spirit of God indwelling in us. Pray on this question and on all the other questions for revelation

Hello Prophetess Carla I thank you for taking part. I know it is hard but it's all about learning about studying to know the word and what better way to do it but in a fun and competitive way. Please note my comments below and take note you are welcome to resubmit for the ones that is incorrect. Well done on the ones which are correct.
Q1. Is incorrect
Q2.All 3 parts are incorrect
Q3 yet to be submitted
Q4. I would like you to think about your answer and give me more.
Q5 incorrect
Q6 I like your exaltation but give me more you have a loved one who is a non- convert always together so what could you say to try to persuade your love one to convert. ( Prophetess please pray on this you are not wrong but give me more ask God for revelation)
Q7 Correct (perfectly answered)
Hi Prophetess
You have done exceedingly well, not perfect but very well. However I have a closing date of 7 October when the answers will be revealed. See if you can work out where you have failed. What I would say is probably about 90% of your answers are correct. By the way the first part of your exaltation is of no value, however the second part of your exaltation have the ingredients I expected to find however you could still do better, just keep it on the same theme and track there is something I am looking for that you have not explain to your love one whom you are so close to and always together
part iii of q2 is incorrect, i want a bit more on Q4, Q5 have not exactly given me what I want and expand on Q6
Answers to Bible Trivia 7

Q1. When did the Christian church first started?

A1.The CHRISTIAN church started on the day of PENTECOST

Q2. Please note this is a 3 part question.

i. What was the first major problem that the early church had to deal with?
ii. Which group or groups of people did it affect?
iii. What was the outcome or decision that was made to solve the problem?

A2. i. The first major problem the early church faced was whether or not GENTILES should be CIRCUMCISES .
ii. The GENTILES because the JEWS did not believe they should be accepted unless they were circumcise
iii. The decision was made that it was NOT NECESSARY for the gentiles to be circumcise.

Q3. In Christianity the classification of doctrine proceeds from which 3 sources?
Please list beside each source plus the book, chapter and verses that illustrated these 3 sources?

A3. In Christianity the classification of doctrine proceeds from the following 3 sources:
a) The Thought of God
b) The Thought of Man
c) The Thought of Satan

Q4. Can you tell me why in the study of Christian doctrine it is logical to study God then Man then Jesus instead of going from God to Jesus then last man.?

A4. God who was first and He was the creator, who created man who then SINNED and only because man sinned Jesus came to earth in the human form to redeem man from sin. Therefore we study the Creator, the created Man then the redeemer Jesus.

Q5. What is the Dogma of a church?

A6.The church creed or statement of Faith

( a church Dogma is the specific belief of the individual church in oppose to doctrine which derives from the 2 Greek word Didache and Didiskalia meaning: That which is taught and the method of teaching)

Q6. When we look at us as man there is one thing that is certain which is death how could we use the letter (Y) to exalt and try to get a non convert to make the right choice especially when its our own family members?

A6. The bottom line of the Y is the life that we and our love one is travelling together in life, our abode is the same we may sit together eat together, we walk together, we do family and fun things together we communicate and all sort of things we share with each other with the exception, one of us has accepted Christ the other has not then we reach the top of the straight line just at the point before the line the Y separated into two separate lines branching in opposite directions that I would say is the point of death because once there is life there is sure to be death at this point there is no turning back our path is already determine by the decision we made in life. You see the decisions that we already made in life determine whether we see each other again or not because we now reach the point where the line split and branches off into different directions and at this point there is no going back no more decisions to be made. All who is in Christ will branch to the right and those that are not in Christ branches to the left never to meet again because beyond the point where the Y separates it never meets again so it will be with us and our love ones if one of us follows Christ and the other do not.

Q7. What was the first miracle in the Bible?

A7. Creation


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