Huffington Post

NASA is launching a dramatic mission to bomb the moon.

The LCROSS (Lunar CRater Observing and Sensing Satellite) mission will send a missile traveling at twice the speed of a bullet to blast a hole in the lunar surface near the moon's South pole.

Scientists expect the impact of the Centaur rocket to be powerful enough to eject a huge plume of debris from the moon. The moon dust should even be large enough to be seen from earth through telescopes 10-to-12 inches and larger, says NASA.

So what's our beef with the moon?

The bombing isn't an act of hostility: it's all part of our search for water in space.

The missile will impact the lunar surface at crater Cabeus A (see photo below). The crater is located on the moon's South pole, an area in which scientists estimate there may be billions of tons of trapped ice.

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I cant see God wanting us to be bad stewards of what He's given us on this planet but to go out of our way to blast away at the moon is rather inconvenient.

It may be Ok - because I am sure they are doing it for the furtherance of man kind or whatever dreams they have of living forever.
But this just does not seem right.
Who knows.
Hey, has anyone ever stopped to consider why NASA for the past few decades turned its' attention away FROM the MOON to MARS? Well, reading the millions of tons of info on the Internet here's one theory I heard that is bizarre but worthy of consideration. Check it out. I heard that the real reason 'all' talk concerning the moon had ceased and turned to talk of 'mars' is this, the astronauts met a group of beings on the moon who more or less told them to 'get the heck out of there and don't even think about coming back' LOL!

Now, it would be just that a LOL = Laugh out Loud except for one thing, all NASA'S attention for decades ceased to be upon the 'moon' and instead, the next thing we know, there are all sorts of MARS explorations. I always wondered why there weren't 'moon' apartments, moon selling homes, etc.
Think about that people, think looooooong and hard about that. I know I did.

Anyway good luck on ALL the last few decades exploration of MARS and what they have and have not found upon that planet. As for the 'moon', just like me, wonder why they ceased to speak upon it, other than this current, 'I'm going to blast the moon' sudden interest.

Oh yeah, that would be fallen humanities' mentality, 'blast away' anywhere man can't have control, just blast away. Unbelieveable but thought provoking, eh?!
With all of the problems we are currently experiencing in the U.S., can anyone explain why we are spending millions of dollars on space travel? What exactly are we hoping to accomplish? How is this going to help our economy, health care issues, unemployment, global warming, etc.?
LOL . . . .
Hi Chaplain Pat, fallen, wicked man knows he's brought the earth to the brink of destruction so they are literally looking for a place to resettle themselves in. Hey, and don't even think about a 'black face' being invited amidst their new

I actually heard the very wealthy are as we speak, paying big bucks to be flown to some sort of satelite station they already have set up there. Really, I heard someone mention that a friend of Martha Stewart had taken the trip.
No Anthony Watson there shouldn't be 'much' of a problem from this possibly 'deadly' experiment that will have moon debris floating in the galaxy, perhaps landing on earth, and bringing with it some dreadful, contagious, element that God never designed to reach planet Earth.

Yeah, you're right, nooooo foreseen problem there..:-)
Mmm Hmm... they keep it up - they'll bump into to something they'll wish that they had of just let things be.


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