Hi Blessed Believers, listen I watched Chris Rock's guest appearance on 'The View' yesterday (10/8/09). I found the subject matter very interesting and very relevant to we Christian women. I think it's worth discussing. Click on this link to see a preview of coming attractions.


Okay, the subject matter has to do with 'what is good hair?' It also touches on the 'billion dollar' revenue of the hair industry. The facts show that it is African/American 'women' who are the largest supporters of the hair industry.

Okay, first things first, I must say, the whole 'good hair' matter is a result of blacks being 'Willie Lynched' to the max. That low self-esteem, demeaning, slavery-wrought spirit took affect and was passed down from generation to generation. To our shame, It's as alive now as it was during the enslavement. It shouldn't be, but among far too many circles it is.


In fact, it was none other than blacks who came up with the term 'good hair.' In the eyes of the enslaved, those tortured, bruised, wounded and defeated eyes, their psyche' was literally wrenched 'insane.' They thought of their own naturally 'woolly' hair as 'bad or nappy hair' whereas whites had what blacks themselves termed as 'good hair.'

Mind you, Africans prior to being brought to the shores of America were not down on their hair such as blacks are now. In fact, in many African circles, 'hair' and the way it was prepared was seen as a status symbol.


Yes, one can literally tell if a woman's married or single or of the 'elite' status among their society. Ancient African tribes that are still in existence are shaped by the many hairstyles they sport. I'm sure you've seen many of the documentaries on the various ancient tribes still in existence. It's all about the hair. Now, the Wadubi? tribe have the men sporting long growing hair. The women cut the men's hair and use it to make 'extensions.' Well, there's a industry that is black self-supporting, self-sustaining.

We must pray for blacks to be delivered from a Willie Lynch demonic spirit. You see, the fact is, the Heavenly Father, 'Ancient of Days' Himself, is described as having the same 'woolly' hair that African/Americans have and, denigrate as 'nappy' (Dn. 9:7). Now, what black will stand before the Most High God and refer to His hair as 'nappy,' 'buckshot' etc.? Do tell? Such speech is a great sin against God and many know it not. In fact, they speak it, because they have no true self-esteem about them. They are 'Willie Lynched' slaveshackled in mentality. Just as slaveshackled as the enslaved ancestors. The ancestors to a degree can be excused, but in this modern day era, blacks who still rail such foolishness can not and will not be excused before a Just God! Make no mistake about it! Blacks are accountable!

Moving on, with regard to today's 'billion dollar hair industry' today's 'hair' used for wigs, weaves, extensions, is obtained from India and other foreign regions. According to Chris's findings, the 'women of 'India' cut their hair once a year and hand it over to the Temple priests' who then sells it to those white merchants who send it over here to the U.S.' The women do not directly benefit, if at all. You know, maybe an extra free cup of milk here and there but that is about all that male dominated pack of sexists provides them.

Still, the question arises, is that black women's fault? No. Black women aren't conscious to all of that when going out to buy hair products. Women just want hair products, plain and simple. Now, should black women groups unite and demand that the 'women of India' benefit from their own hair that is the key to the billion dollar hair industry? Sure. Enlightenment always brings about deliverance.

Should black women start forcing that income to come back into black's hands? Yes. The fact is, as black women directly support and sustain the black hair industry, we WILL have a say in where the income goes. As it is, we are responsible for making black's of the hair industry rich. That is a good thing.

As 21st century enlightenment has revealed, it is black women who keeps this industry running. As so, the question now becomes, how to get black's hands on the bulk of the billion dollar hair industry? It can and by the grace of God, should our Savior tarry, will be done.

As it is, one of the highest paid African/American groups are black hairdressers. So we see, black women know how to keep it 'in da hood' as some would say. By the way, I am appreciative of Chris Rock's efforts but while adding up the totality of where the bulk of African/American 'women's' income goes toward, I would like to know where the bulk of African/American 'men's' income goes toward? Is it court costs or among the black elitist rich male, and the white women they marry and put in fine million dollar homes? Do tell?

Anyway, just thank God that black women have sense enough to enrich blacks in the hair industry no matter who else is sinisterly benefitting from it. As said, 'we'll have to deal with the details later.'

In the meantime, is it a sin for black women to care about 'hair?' Again, no. From our childhood upward we in the U.S. are bred to play with dolls and their hair. Mother's love to fix their daughter's hair with barretts and the such. It's just the way it goes and in fact, it's a beautiful way to go. It is female holy ground and cursed is the male who would come forth misinterpreting Scripture in order to ruin girls and women's delight in hair care.

Yes, we all know what Paul, single, unmarried Paul, stated with regard to women's hair, (1 Cor. 11:14-15; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3).. However, 'hair in the time of Paul' meant a whole other thing than it does in the modern era. Paul and Peter both speak of 'not' adorining the hair with 'gold' and the such and as we study ancient history of their day we come to see why.

Again, 'hair and status' was the rule of the day for the Romans/Greeks/Africans and by and large, all the surrounding nations. Click on the link below and read the facts with regard to the role 'hair' played among those ancient socieities' of Paul's and Peter's day.


Hair and hairstyles meant everything. In ancient Egypt, wigs, weaves, dyes and a literal 'ironing comb' was found among the ancient relics of blacks. In Greece and Rome, wigs, weaves, and hair dye all 'GOLD & RED EMBRODIERED' was seen as a status symbol. No wonder that Paul and Peter would then command, 'make NOT these hairstyles of 'gold' that which symbolized the believer rather, to the Glory of God, make 'modesty' the rule of the day.'

In so stating, they were NOT, as ruthless, fallen, self-righteous males misinterpreted it, proclaiming, 'don't wear wigs and/or make-up' rather, they were speaking to the customs of their day and their relevance. Again 'hairstyles' were outward symbolism for status. A status that we of the modern day are just now coming to comprehend and so better understand what the apostles truly meant with regard to 'hindering women from making a public show via their hair wear.'

Bottom line, God was not forbidding women to wear nice hairstyles or make-up rather, God speaking through the apostles was addressing 'hair' as it represented the 'status' of the ancient cultures of their time. Hair and status meant everything in the Christian world God would have the foreign Romans/Greeks/Egyptian converts know that that is NOT how God values 'women'. The will of God is for the spiritual to shine out to the Glory of God.

However, 'hair' in the fashionable, wholesome, modern way in which women wear it, is just that 'women's fashionable statement' without the evil, satanic connotations of Paul and Peter's day. God is more than aware that young girls and women like beauty in the form of nice hairstyles, make up and the sort as God is the Creator of modern day women. As long as women are fashioning our hair or weaves or wigs or extensions to look nice to to the Glory of God then be assured that the God we serve is Glorified through the attractive headdress of holy women..

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Thank you Sis. Johnson for this valuable information and words of encouragement.
Hi Chaplain Pat, you're welcome. Scripture states, 'silver and gold have I not, but what I have give I unto you' blessed is the God of Truth who sets the captive free from centuries old lies and deceits of the enemy. Let the TRUTH of God's word be exalted to the Glory of God!
Anthony Watson...LOL I got no beef with brothers and the white women as long as 'their' combined billionaire income is being compared to 'black women' who are at least, putting the money as far as they know, back in the black community via supporting black 'hair care' business.


Not only do I bless our beloved fathers, brothers, sons, nephews, friends, pastors, believers who walk in righteousness with regard to their goodwill towards righteous black women but I daily, intercede that the Most High would flood their spirits to speak up for the black woman just as the black woman has always supported them while RESISTING THEIR NUMBER 1 ARCH ENEMY BLACK 'MALE' not MEN but MALE treacherous beings who would KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY RIGHTEOUS BLACK 'MEN' AND THEIR BELOVED FAMILIES.

So Anthony Watson, God bless you for PROFESSING to be a Black MAN who is in line with black WOMEN and NOT condemning BLACK WOMEN even if you may have a white blessed wife. As said before, I got NO personal beef with the white or foreign woman who the black male chooses to bring into the black community. It's old news now. Albeit, you may want to speak with those black male militant types hollering 'the black woman don't stand by us.' Or, better still, maybe the white and foreign women of black males might want to form a coalition and go before them cause' hey, we black women are tired and don't want to hear it anymore.

God bless ya, and KNOW THIS, God has blessed you with righteous black women like myself who will withstand your ENEMY WITHIN as well as WITHOUT! Such black women are the REAL BLACK MAN'S best friend and don't you forget it!!!


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