Do America Need A Police State In Arizona? Legal Action Against SB 1070

Did black folks overlook the SB 1070 bill? Should black Americans who have Native American & Spanish blood have shown Hispanic Americans more respect & support in their fight against SB1070.

Prepare for legal action against SB 1070 the strictest immigration law in the country.

Do America need a police State in Arizona? Should Americans be forced to carry more than 2 pieces of ID to prove citizenship? It's to the point legal citizens are scared to go out. If your black you know all to well how up-setting it is to be racially profiled & stopped by police. Black folks know all too well that you can train officers on how & when to implement the law without engaging in racial profiling or discrimination & because of personal perception or prejudice it never works. What's next? Are police going to be allowed to walk door to door & search American homes? How can you tell what will give an officer reasonable suspicion to stop you? 

Supporters of the law say it fills a void left by the federal government's failure to properly address immigration reform. One of the few enumerated, delegated and specified duties and powers given to the federal government in the Constitution is to provide for the common defense of the nation. In this they have failed by not securing the border and by not keeping immigration law up to date with the needs of our nation. This law will allow local law enforcement in the course of their duties to question individuals in regards to their immigration status.

Hear from the people.
As many as 2,000 students walked out of several Phoenix high schools in protest. Other demonstrations occurred in cities across the state, and furious immigrant rights supporters around the U.S. met and organized a response to this latest assault.

Ramon Garcia, an activist who traveled to Phoenix from Tucson to take part in a rally of several thousand on April 24, told Reuters, "I feel very strongly that the law is extremely unconstitutional and racist, and it violates both human and civil rights."

Another 3,500 protesters turned out the following day in Phoenix. Wearing T-shirts that read "Legalize Arizona" and carrying signs saying "We are human" and "We have rights," protesters called for the Obama administration to block the law by passing federal immigration reform, and for activists to carry out civil disobedience, if necessary, to oppose the unjust law.

As Dr. Warren Stewart, pastor of the First Institutional Baptist Church, told the crowd, "Some of us may have to go to jail if all else fails. Let's fill up and overflow [anti-immigrant Maricopa County] Sheriff Arpaio's jail. Overflow it with those for righteousness and for justice."

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon told the crowd: "We'll go to court. We'll go to the state courts, we'll go to the federal courts, and we'll go all the way to the Supreme Court. The law is unconstitutional, the law makes it unsafe for everyone and the law will harm us economically. Most importantly, it is just plain wrong." SB 1070 was signed on April 23 by Gov. Jan Brewer. Brewer claims the law is a necessity because of a supposed "crisis" of undocumented immigration that, she says, "the federal government has refused to fix."

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith

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