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you are so right ,that's why i as the question because jealousy in women is pitiful. when we all, are powerful you just got to know your strong point in God.
You're right, in our weakness we are made strong.One of my strong point is that i can acknowledge what's right. Am i my brother / sister keeper.
The question is Do women know how powerful they are, It didn't say women of God are women of the world. I'm thinking it's all women in general. Help me if I'm wrong, I have been before. Let's reword the question, Do you know how powerful you are, as a women of God? explain. Thank you so much for your time and answer. LOL Lots of Love
This group is women in the word. When we walk so much in our flesh we think everybody is the same.Everybody is strong in the flesh but the spirit is my concern. When we can't die to our fleshly views this Cause us to have more fleshly fruit than fruit of the spirit.We are powerful in the spirit thing of God because most women are senstive to the spirit and always seeking God desire. Strong women know that God have many gift and talent and not just us.And fruit of flesh is not the way to be.
Thank you for your responds, I asked the question if it was women in general, because of an answer I saw about some women in the world. But I quess I was wrong, I did warn you ahead of time. Let's try this again, Do women know how powerful they are? I do understand that this is a women in the word network, so in my experience (not all) but some women of God do not know how powerful they are, reason being they don't know who they are in God. This is where true power comes from, knowing who we are in God, what our purpose is for being here. We are powerful because we are confident in God, humble and not proud. Powerful because we can forgive others, and Love in spite of, and pray for an enemy. Powerful because we care for our husbands and children, and if we are single mothers we do not compromise our bodies for it is Gods temple. Powerful because we preach the word in season and out, and we live what we preach and teach. We understand that we are not perfect, we strive for perfection. Powerful because we obey the word of our King. Powerful because we know we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Powerful because we are anointed, wise , willing to share, willing to serve. Powerful because we are created in the image of God and His Holy Spirit lives in us. Therefore if we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Power comes from staying on our knees and being humble Lots of Love
So true, bittterness shouldn't be apart of our life so that we can't move forward.Jealousy because something we thought or felt that most of the time has nothing to do with us.Low self esteem because what we don't like about ourselve and what other in life has said.We got to keep our faith in Jesus,so when tests and trials come we will know what level we are at in our life from one to a hundred everything is in degrees. Real issue will let you know where you stand,who you are,what you are, are you going to be marry or not. Jesus never fail but we have through test and trials.
This is really good! Pastor your insight is always refreshing and empowering! Just wanted to thank you for starting this discussion! God bless you richly members of this group! In Jesus name..
Yes, I apologize Minister Parrot I seen you started please forgive me! I Meant to adress you by name! Pastor thank you for your insight again in response to the topic!!! I absoluely love these discussions.
apologize accept ambassador
Praise Him! I definately enjoyed reading these comments.Women should unite. I feel blessed to know women like you all. We are like LIONESS.As I read Ithought about Adam and Eve. She was made from a rib of man - so he would not walk in front of her and make her feel less, neither was she to walk in front of him to threaten his manhood -but, beside him to be helpmeat for him. They both can hold their heads up with pride. Until a man finds a good thing(wife) he is walking around with a missing part.A rib protects vital organs . When he finds his rib he is complete. We complete men. What a marvelous God we serve to have every aspect figured out before we even realize what he is doing. We are fearfully and wonderously made. Pastor Teloria Williams
When i think about your comment it let me realize God alway protect us. We as women most of us are never happy and nothing can make us happy because we always wanting something else.God gave us somebody (husband) to take care of us now we want to do this ourselve. Man find a wife finds a good thing,The glory of a man is a women.We need to know what we want.
The Holy Ghost is what all God people need,because the Holy Ghost is a teacher, if you want to be taught.I think everybody have short coming//DYSFUNCTIONAL Please don't let it be one of our petpeas, something we think a person should be past because we think everbody is on the same level like us and God deal with them like us.PASSION is what women should have if nobody has it because all we have being through. Lady Tonya everything you stated is right.


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