I know this should spark a good discussion. I open this conversation for an opportunity to review and share your perspective and views.

I'm a Dem. (by choice) and I have been watching the race closely as things become interesting. Question? Why is it that Hillary takes the African American vote for granite? Time after Time she sends Bill in to rally the ol' guard to get the support, but will not show up herself, why is that? Why has some of our Civil Rights leaders, who claim to have fought for the DREEAAAM!!! to reach this point when we could have a good candidate, who is African American to run in the race and they refuse to support him because they feel we are still entitled and owed Bill for his years in office. Bill is not Hillary. Hillary ain't no Bill. History is repeating itself. We pray for the opportunity, which is then granted, and we refuse to accept and go back and pray again.

People, this is the closest time we have been to seeing the Dream come to life and instead of celebrating, we sit back and ask the question "is this the one or is there another?" I'm a supporter, but I'm not suggesting who you should vote but that you need to vote. We have complained tooooooo long about what is going on and we need to get involved or we will be left behind again. What am I saying? Don't give your vote away, but let it be earned. Learn what each person is saying and how you feel about it. You have a voice, you can say what you from your candidate, and you do count.

I think it is amazing what history is occurring in front of our eyes. People are forsaking color and looking for who is best to represent and not concerning themselves with the candidate of entitlement who you will not see in your church anytime soon. a recent CNN report qouted Hillary as saying, "I'm send Bill because he knows how to speak to them and he is carrying my message." I don't know how you take it but you decide. If you have not registered...do it now. If you are not informed....seek answers now. Do the research and make your decision. This is not an endorsement but a challenge to get involved.

PS.......This is News/Events. Todays News is yesterday's history...be careful who writes your history or you may become history.

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Iam so proud of Sen,soon to be Pres.Obama
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14

We must pray and seek God for guidance, and then obey His leading. Lord not our will, but your will be done.
SALLY WRITES::: [Thank you Sally]
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14

Shalom~~ ToDah RaBa [ peace~ thank you very much]....For your covenant relationship at SHEKINAH-LIFE

So who are the PEOPLE in the above scripture..?... they are those who walk according to the Covenant words established by YAHweh in a face to face with Moshie in the Sinai desert'
Simply they are those who obey...YAHshua walked the walk~~~Did He not say, he did not come to destroy the Covenant Torah [ Matthew 5:v17-19] but to "Fulfill it" which in Hebrew meants to "Walk it out"

Yet the Prostestrant daughters of Rome followed in paganist antisemetic ways and continue so today thinking everything is ok.
YET it is Not!! This country is reeling from Un-G-dly leadership..eugenics experiments gone wrong..and an illegal Fed Reserve system Ripping off the Common citizens....Are you feeling the Oppression yet?

However in reality the watchmen' of YAHweh were sent out to the hiways and byways of this country and all the Leaders of the Paganistic /Divided "Church" did was to mock them & laugh when the Shofars were sounded and seemed to think everything is OK Because J-sus paid it ALL"

No.... Each and every Man' has to come clean 'Set-Apart' to YAHweh and be washed from this present worlds systematic Paganism and Arise [ Isaiah 60:v1] to a greater revelation and understanding of what is required to walk the Walk [1stJohn2:v6]

Therefore Judgement is at the door... No one man can fix this mess we are in...It will only be the People of YAH in Echad that can right the wrongs.

"When you cannot find a man of YAHweh, then Become the man of YAHweh"
Opinions requested..
Indeed Rev Moore!

I used to be one of those people who used to complain after I have given my vote away in the past.
Not anymore.
I lived in West Palm Beach and was there to witness the 2000 election recount and all that hanging chad mess that took place. I must say that it was seeing the democratic process at work without the violence and dissarray that would have happened in my home country Jamaica.
At that point in time it made me realize that every single vote counted especially because of the narrow margin between the parties.Eight years later and all the mess we are in right now, people lets get out there and vote. This is history we're making.
Well, well, well.......it is election day. There will be a new president. Who? Some say Obama......I know I voted for him. Let's consider this: Many of you who commented ABOUT THE ELECTION and this question who is the best candidate, did your opinion change? If you were for Hillary, did you vote along party lines and cast your vote for Obama? Those who commented "that the world will never change" (it changes every day) did you vote at all?

We can not deny that today the world will change. Win, lose, or draw.......the impact of this election will send ripples down the fabric of time.

whether anyone wants to beleive it or not, each vote had an impact.
In order to eatablish and electorial vote it is base from the state results, which is the populous vote. These votes are counted. we are not voting for prophecy, that can not be accomplished. Porphecy is in conjunction with time. Both must occur simultanteously and both are expected to come to pass. We can not manipulate prophecy but we can live and experince it........By the way, whether you vote or not you are still part of prophecy and history. The choice is wether you live through it or experienced it.
I voted on Friday and there was not a line. The people at the polling place call me by name as I walked to the booth. I felt my part to history was being done. Regardless of the outcome, we enjoyed the experience.
One big pat on the back of Humility~~~~It is written:::>
Everyone who humbles himself the Holy one,Blessed be he, exalts;
and everyone who exalts himself, the holy one ,blessed be He, humbles'
Worthy of repeating:::<><><>
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14

So who are the PEOPLE in the above scripture..?... they are those who walk according to the Covenant words established by YAHweh in a face to face with Moshie in the Sinai desert'
Simply they are those who obey...Yeshua walked the walk~~~Did He not say, he did not come to destroy the Covenant Torah [ Matthew 5:v17-19] but to "Fulfill it" which in Hebrew means to "Walk it out"
If anything he only shed his blood as it is written From Moshie to YAHweh<>what will happen when the alter sacrifices end~~YAHwehs answer~"I will the take a Hasid" [ a righteous ,pious,benevolent one] from among you to fulfill my covenant promise"...

Yet the Prostestant daughters of Rome which this site exalts,..followed in paganistic anti-semetic ways and continue so today thinking everything is ok.
YET it is Not!! This country is reeling from Un-G-dly leadership..eugenics experiments gone wrong..and an illegal Fed Reserve system Ripping off the Common citizens....Are you feeling the Oppression yet?

However in reality the watchmen' of YAHweh were sent out to the hi-ways and by-ways of this country and all the Leaders of the Paganistic /Divided "Church" did was to mock them & laugh when the Shofars were sounded and seemed to think everything is OK Because J-sus paid it ALL"

No.... Each and every Man' has to come clean 'Set-Apart' to YAHweh and be washed from this present worlds systematic Paganism and Arise [ Isaiah 60:v1] to a greater revelation and understanding of what is required to walk the Walk [1stJohn2:v6]

Therefore Judgement is at the door... No one man can fix this mess we are in...It will only be the People of YAH in Echad that can right the wrongs.

"When you cannot find a man of YAHweh, then Become the man of YAHweh"
Opinions requested..
Agreed. I do not disagree with you, however this question was not about the tribulation nor the change......this topic was for those who are participating in the process to voice their opinion of which candidate they were going to select. These things, events, crisis, turmoil, are all in line with the scripture and makes the scripture revealing to those who know. I respect your knowledge and I realize you choose not to participate in the process. But if you had - who would you consider?

BTW - I would rather mobilize all brothers and sisters to change within which will force the outward change.......but as usual you are on point........never stop
Shalom, my brother, Shalom
Yehoshua writes:::This country has ceased to acknowledge the validity of Yahweh (and may I say the so-called church has also) and His scriptures.

Entering the Kodosh Ha'Kodoshim cannot be obtained without reverence to His word truth and complete understanding to the Manifestation of all things...We are in a time of gathering and a time of purging of that which is not of Ha'Shem.

Yehoshua writes:::'One cannot know the plan and his idea’s and thoughts are based on the society in which he is in captive…"

Freedom, education, choice and hope,are all words without merit in a captive totalaterian society~Yes we are in Mitzerim


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