Jesus himself warns in Matthew 24:4-5 "Take heed that no man deceive you. For MANY shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; AND SHALL DECEIVE MANY." And Jesus also said in Matthew 7:15, "BEWARE of FALSE prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." It is natural for all false preachers and prophets to proclaim that they are not the wolves, and that is because they are paid hirelings.

Someone was speaking about positive energy & living a positive spiritual lifestyle through health & fitness. I go to the gym so I stopped for a second to listen. The person was very convincing to women because he kept quoting scriptures from the bible, the women were eating it up. It took me about a second to figure some sales pitch was coming. He was selling something I just knew it & finally the sales pitch came. I thought to myself, it's always been very lucrative to sell positive motivation, health & fitness while quoting scriptures. It's a very lucrative business, especially in a recession. Anyone seeking salvation or anything else through faith can be a target, but women & poor folks are easy to lead. No one will deny positive speaking, positive speaking about health & fitness while quoting the scriptures. If you gain the trust of any organization with a very large prosperous membership than you to will be very prosperous because members will put you out there to pitch your sales pitch on non-members & who's going to argue with someone who's vouched for by so many prosperous people.

It reminds me of an article I read about a Reverend who was part of an unregulated network of traveling sales men who say they can heal the sick, perform miracles and make the poor rich. They held crusades mostly in poor neighborhoods. They would stay until the money stops coming in. Property records show the Reverend purchased 4.5 vacant acres of land upon which they said a church would rise. A little more than a year later the Reverend closed without ever breaking ground. “The very night the Reverend said the church was closing, he took up a collection,” a member said. The members never knew what happened to the money. A couple of years later the Reverend sold the land for an $800,000 profit. Two months later, Reverend & his wife bought their $1.8 million estate, putting down $525,000, records show. The ministry paid the preacher $206,000 and once provided him with a Mercedes-Benz, a Jaguar and a Corvette, according to court records.

This couldn't work if they weren't vouched for by many prosperous people.

The hustle is easy because most organizations play on FAITH before they make their sales pitch. They become the community leader & guru spokesman, experts on anything & everything. They only need to be vouched for by prosperous people & for you to believe if you follow what they say you will receive blessings of health, wealth & love.

The former leader of the National Baptist Convention embezzled more than 4 million dollars from the church coffers.
This couldn't work if they weren't vouched for by many prosperous people.

One Reverend was not only charged with selling 4 million dollars in worthless Gospel Outreach Bonds but was also convicted of swindling $25,000 from an eighty-three year old widow.
This couldn't work if they weren't vouched for by many prosperous people.

One preacher, a faith healer in South Carolina, was pulling in over 3 million a year selling miracle water, prayer cloths, and healing T-shirts using a very convincing spiritual positive motivational speech.

This couldn't work if they weren't
vouched for by many prosperous people.

We can go on & on with this, but I figure you get the point.

The hustle is easy because most organizations play on FAITH before they make their sales pitch. They become the community leader & guru spokesman, experts on anything & everything. They only need to be
vouched for by prosperous people & for you to believe if you follow what they say you will receive blessings of health, wealth & love.

Slave masters used the bible to justify slavery. Slaves were often told that they were the cursed children of Ham whose duty under God was to serve the White man and their only hope of salvation was to accept Jesus Christ as their savior so that they would inherit heaven when they died.

Frederick Douglas describe the sale of slaves to fund the church one can only imagine the feeling of betrayal.

“The church and the slave prison stand next to each other; the groans and cries of the heartbroken slave are often drowned in the pious devotions of his religious master. The church-going bell and the auctioneer’s bell chime in with each other; the pulpit and the auctioneers block stand in the same neighborhood; while the blood-stained gold goes to support the pulpit covers the infernal business with the garb of Christianity. We have men sold to build churches, women sold to support missionaries, and babies sold to buy Bibles and communion services for the churches.”

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