This is not a BIG surprise. I'm sure Newt Gingrich is liked & maybe even loved by a lot of black folks & I'm sure Newt have a lot of black friends that will endorse him. The Black Republican Party may come around to endorsing Newt. I'm sure Newt has black friends other than Kiron K. Skinner & Herman Cain.

A lot of black folks see Newt as racist. They can't understand why certain black people would endorse a racist. If Newt was a poor white man from the South running for office making the statements he made about blacks people he would be seen as a racist Klansman by most black people & some caucasians. As long as the racism is put on a platter by prestigious middle class or upper class white people black people will still vouch for them. I can understand how some black folks feel about other black folks that endorse or vouch for white folks that appear to be racist.

I'm going off subject a lil' here. I been to a lot of big universities, I see how certain black folks are bred to be the kind of upper class black people that would endorse Newt. They face a lot of frustration & problems psychologically when dealing with the black community because of what they see as a lack of intellect in the black community. Some of those folks come from black communities & have a lot of black friends. They see themselves as diverse because they have friends from every ethnic group & from all walks of life, but deep down inside they're more comfortable around white communities than the black communities. They may have been a victim or know someone that's been a victim of black on black crime. They try very hard around white folks to separate themselves from the stereotypical image of black people. I don't have all the answers but I see how some black people will support or be friends with white people that are upper class racist. Just as long that black person is treated right by their upper class white racist friends they 'll back their upper class white racist friends views as non-racist. Newt isn't the only upper class white person that some black folks see as racist with black friends. I haven't said anything about the Council of Conservative Citizens around Cleveland State University. The Council of Conservative Citizens is a worldwide upper class civilized racist organization. I barely speak to a lot of black people at CSU, but white folks will say, "he better not say there's a Council of Conservative Citizens on Cleveland State campus," not to me face of course. It's good they know my face, they're telling on themselves because I haven't mentioned them. I posted something about them a few years ago. My point, members of Council of Conservative Citizens have a lot of black friends that will vouch for them just like Cain is endorsing Newt. I can relate to how black folks see other black folks as more than just sell-outs, pawns or manipulated, it get a lot deeper.

I"ll re-post part of the thread about the Council of Conservative Citizens under the article.

Here's the article:
Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich for president | The Ticket - Yah...

Businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich for president Saturday at a dinner in West Palm Beach, Florida, calling it a "surprise occasion."
"I hereby officially and enthusiastically endorse Newt Gingrich for president of the United States!" Cain said. "One of the biggest reasons is the fact that I know that Speaker Gingrich is a patriot, Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas and I also know that Speaker Gingrich is running for president and going through this sausage grinder. I know what this sausage grinder is all about."
Cain, who dropped his bid for the White House in December, had formerly said he would not make an endorsement. Instead, he opted to endorse "the people" instead.
I already mentioned this in the past, but since I mentioned them I thought I re-post for those that aren't familiar with the organization.

This is a very upper class civilized racist organization that's about intellectual white supremacy. They may have over a million active members. They really know how to get next to black folk that can help their cause, it's a no brainer ac t like they're family. They really know the right things to say around conservative black folk & not so conservative black folk. The CofCC is really big at colleges and universities with Professors, Asians, Indians & Middle Eastern students. they have doctors, diplomats, authors, Independent movie directors, producers, political radio show host, senators, tycoon businessman & many more members. "Not your hood wearing Klan group."

I notice the wide rage of members who are very respected. One of the world’s most respected scientists is embroiled in an extraordinary row after claiming that black people are less intelligent than white people. James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, has provoked outrage with his comments, made ahead of his arrival in Britain.

Check out their endorsement list and chapters.
Gov. Kirk Fordice (RIP 1934 - 2004)
2 term Governor of Mississippi from 1992 to 2000
Speaker at the 1998 CofCC National Conference

Gov. Lester G. Maddox (RIP 1915 - 2003)
Former Governor and Lt. Governor, State of Georgia
Speaker at 2002 CofCC National Conference
Charter member of the CofCC

Sen. Mike Gunn
Former Mississippi State Senator

Hon. Jim Johnson
Former Justice, Arkansas Supreme Court
Speaker at the 1994 CofCC National Conference

Michael Andrew Grissom
Author, Southern by the Grace of God, The Last Rebel Yell, and When the South Was Southern

Leonard Wilson, Esq.
Has held state leadership positions in both the Republican and Democratic Parties in Alabama.

Thomas S Bugel, Shirley M. Kiel,
Earl P. Holt III, Louis P. Fister
Former members & anti-busing faction, St. Louis(MO) Board of Education (1987-1993)

Robert B. Patterson
Maj. Robert B. Patterson, 101 st Airborne (ret.)
First Provost Marshall of the American Sector of Berlin
Founder of the Citizens Councils of America

Hon. John R. Rarick
Served 4 terms as US Rep., 6th District, Louisiana
Former State Judicial District Judge

Sen. Edwyn E. Mason
Served 26 years as a New York State Senator & State Assemblyman. Co-founder of the Conservative Party of New York

Albert L. Dapper Neil (RIP)
14 term City Council Member at Large,
Boston, Mass (1971 -1999)

Jared Taylor,
Editor of American Renaissance Magazine
Author, Paved With Good Intentions.

Col. Robert L. Slimp, US Army(ret.)
Presbyterian Minister

Mike Lady
President Chemical Workers Union Local 1744

Dr. Sam Francis, (1947 - 2005) past away
Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Writer for the Washington Times

Betty Furnis
School Board Chairman, Desoto County (MS) Academy

Claire C. Bawcom
Held numerous leadership positions in Williamson County, TN Republican Party and Tennessee Federation of Republican Women.


P.O. Box 947
Jasper, AL 35502
205-863-9673 (Nathan Ranger)
alcofcc at


Baton Rouge/New Orleans Chapters
P O Box 55
St. Amant, La.70774
lacofcc at

“Ark-La-Tex” Chapter, Northeast Louisiana
P.O.Box 29645
Shreveport, LA. 71149
(318) 734-0026 (Rusty McGill)


East Tennessee Chapter
P.O. Box 914
Erwin, TN 37650

West Tennessee Chapter
P.O. Box 34336
Bartlett, TN 38184


Upper East MS Chapter
P.O. Box 1479
Booneville, MS 38829
662-416-9997 (Brian Pace)

South Carolina - 1-843-597-4872 (Kyle Rogers)
North Carolina - 336-766-8471 (AJ Barker)

Ohio - ohiocofcc at

We are working on an up to date list of active chapters, more information will be added shortly.


Capital Region (Montgomery)
Central Alabama (Birmingham)
North Alabama (Cullman)
Northwest Alabama (Florence)

Arkansas - Little Rock Chapter


Southern California (San Bernardino County)
Northern California (San Francisco)

Connecticut - Connecticut Chapter

Georgia - Atlanta Chapter

Illinois - Chicago Chapter

Indiana - Classic City Chapter (Northern Indiana)

Florida - First Coast Chapter - (Jacksonville)


Bonnie Blue Chapter (Southeastern)
Baton Rouge Chapter

Maryland - DC Metro Chapter (Silver Springs, MD)

Massachusetts - New England Chapter (Boston)

Michigan - Lansing Chapter


St. Louis Metro Chapter
Mississippi Valley Chapter (SE MO)


Calhoun County
Carrol County
Grenada County
Great Southern (Jackson)
Webster County

Nevada - Las Vegas Chapter

New Jersey - Northern New Jersey/NYC Chapter

New York - Northern Adirondacks

North Carolina - Northern North Carolina (Yadkinville)


Eastern PA (Philadelphia)
Western PA (Pittsburgh)

South Carolina

Francis Marion Chapter (Charleston)
Upstate Chapter (Greenville)


East (Knoxville)
Middle (Nashville)
Southeast (Cleveland)
West (Memphis)

Utah - Salt Lake City

How real is the problem.
To show that the CofCC is a soft version of the Klan group and most if not all members belong to both.
One of the most beloved member of the South Carolina GOP, Witherspoon isn’t well-known outside of Republican circles. He is a South Carolina Republican Committeeman and, as such, a member of the Republican National Committee [RNC]. It was uncovered that he was a Klansman, a full-fledged member of the CCC. When it was first uncovered he spends his spare time running around in a white sheet with a pillowcase over his head and at the time RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson demanded he sever his ties to the Klan subgroup, he told him to go kiss off. Three months later he announced he was severing his ties to the CCC. ‘I am a Christian. I am a conservative. But one thing I am not is a racist,” he claimed at the tim.”
Homeland Security warns that an extended economic downturn with real estate foreclosures, unemployment and an inability to obtain credit could foster an environment for extremists to recruit members who may not have been supportive of these causes in the past. Homeland Security department issued law enforcement officers, very well could be recruited by these white nationalist groups along with college students looking to use cyber attacks more often in the next 10 years to further their cause. Returning military veterans who have difficulties assimilating back into their communities could lead to terror groups or individuals attempting to carry out attacks. The returning war veterans have skills and experience that are appealing to right-wing groups. One of the most popular white supremacist Web sites got thousands of new members the day after the election, compared to the 91 new members a day the normally get Election Day. The site was temporarily off-line Nov. 5 because of the overwhelming amount of activity it received after Election Day. Ohio has the largest White supremacist group growth since the election.

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I know one thing, I plan to vote for Obama this election.

If he gets it good, if not I will be rather heart broken --> but after this - I dont plan to ever vote for another Democrat again.

I dont plan to vote for a republican either (they are some of the most racist folk I have come across).

But I cant see voting for the democratic ticket again - I am just to conservative.

This homosexual thing is getting out of hand and it amazes me how the Democrat leaders are siding with the filth and pervesions of it all.  But thats me.

OBAMA 2012 !!!!

Lol.. I don't know a lot about bisexuals, but I'm pretty sure there are gay Independents. Actually, the homosexual movement is powered by the women's movement & it appears that the most conservative gay-basher Republicans are homosexuals. I'm not concerned about homosexuals. I'm concerned about legislation being signed into law that will affect me. I'm concerned about employment, credit, small business, home loans, insurance rates & government grants. I'm concerned about taxpayers money being wasted on programs that's not successful. I'm concerned about banks & corporate America having control over the naive out of touch so-called intellectual politicians & judges. I'm concerned about Research Institutions receiving billions of dollars annually & not producing cures only more treatment while pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars. I'm concerned about a lot of things concerning government & the control banks & corporate America have over government, but homosexuals don't concern me.

There used to be a time when I didnt care about anything except all things financial...but then I had children.

This pervasiveness of sexual perversions are infiltrating hard into the lives of our most precious commodity.

I would rather my sons and daughter work hard for the rest of their lives and live 'decent' godly lives than have great credit and home loans 'but' taking into their spirit that which God calls abominable.

Its more dangerous than being poor any day of the week and thats 24 hours a day.

The spirit of homosexuality is POWERFUL and the church is allowing the fight against it to go by the wayside. We are allowing our sensibilies to be dulled.  We are inviting this strange evil spirit into our homes and around our precious children. 

Just to chase a buck?

Newview you're on point & you're not just talking about the obnoxious black gay or bisexual men that's very over the top loud & ridiculous obnoxious. I don't have children but I can see your concern & the homosexuality movement is very powerful. The reason why the homosexual movement is so powerful & at this point unstoppable is because of the powerful white women's movement. White women dominate college campuses, I see it on college campuses all the time, white men & in some cases black folks articulate themselves in the same fashion as white women would talk. In many cases I see white men, Asian, Indian & even black folks dress in the same fashion as white women would dress, look at all the tight clothes. During the Girls Gone Wild Craze white men urged white women to kiss & have sex with one another at parties & clubs. White lesbianism became cool & popular & behind that very quietly the gay & bisexual movement became cool for not only many white men but all men who wanted to come out of the closet.  In the white Scottish Rite lodges Aryan traditions suggest a special elite homosexual priestly class. The Epic of Gilgamesh has a special relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Druids and Celts were renowned for homosexual priest activity and certainly the Shaman traditions of early cultures focused on gender variant activity.

It's always been gays & bisexuals but never before in history have they been out in the open as in this generation. I doubt the group is even a minority because anyone from any age group, racial group, religious group, political group or financial background could be gay or bisexual. It was a time you could be fired from your job if anyone found out you were gay or bisexual.  Not today, today the company could be sued for any harassment in today's generation. When did gays & bisexuals civil rights become such a BIG issue? After the millennium when the women's movement was at it's strongest.

The women's struggle for equality is very important & a deep part of American history. In the 50's, 60's 70's, 80's & 90's you saw a lot of progress but it wasn't until after the millennium women saw the movement advance in very large numbers. In the millennium white women began to out number white men on university & college campuses across America. Women competed on the corporate level in strong numbers. You see more & more women judges, lawyers, doctors & in movies & TV women have taken on very strong roles. Many women are sports analyst in major men sporting events. Is the field still equal to white men? No. But this is the women movement strongest time in history. Is it a movement for all women? Black folks only make-up 13% of the population. Black women only make up 6% to 7% of that. Black women are equal to black men in the numbers living in poverty, unemployment & number of HIV cases & we aren't gonna talk about the latino, Asian & Indian women. White women are almost equal to white men in number of college graduates, corporate jobs, fair credit, home ownership & small business ownership. How is the women's movement equal to all women?

MY POINT is that the homosexual movement is powered by the white women's movement because most conservative white bisexual men would never support the homosexual movement. It's not enough bisexuals that's out of the closet to power the movement. It wasn't until recent that the same sex marriage & same sex parenting become so important. Not until recently did heterosexual black men start to support the homosexual movement. Today you see TV adds with great sports figures supporting the homosexual movement. It's become very fashionable for women to compliment other women on their body. Women wear lil' or nothing in todays generation not for men but to look hot for other women. Sure I see a lot of couples on college campuses but that mean nothing the gay & bisexual movement is huge on college campuses.     

I posted this before on other boards.  Pagan organizations, religion, money, intellect is used a lot as a master tool for manipulation. Take the Freemason  & Order of the Eastern Star organization. I know everybody know about them because everybody has a family member or friend that's an active or inactive member. They're the largest fraternal order on Earth. Think about it, if every black person has a family member or friend that's a member than think of the size of the white Masons & Order of the Eastern Star Organization. My point,  of mentioning the Freemasons & Order of the Eastern Stars. Folks always have their shield down & are willing to trust someone when others are masters at interpreting the bible. It's even worse when that person truly believes in what he or she is saying. This is how individuals or groups of individuals in secret societies try & manipulate religion in order to justify their homosexuality in order to manipulate others & at the same time they're manipulating the organization sorority or fraternity they belong to as a member. They appear as well known, respected prestigious, illustrious, hard working, mentors &  partners, brothers & sisters. They will try & bring you closer to Christ or build a stronger relationship with others that share the same love & spiritual bond with God. Through secret doctrines and initiations the manipulation begin. 

Jesus said " When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female.....then you will enter the Kingdom ".

A ritual garment worn by a Sumerian gender-variant priest, in the Bible the coat survives but the context does not. It seems clear for example that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a tale re-moulded by the scribes to suggest a battle between two religious traditions that of the town of Sodom or Qadesh and the warrior cult of Yahweh. There are many other Biblical examples, certainly the homo-erotic relationship between David and Jonathan in the Old Testament come to mind. 

In the white Scottish Rite lodges Aryan traditions suggest a special elite homosexual priestly class. The Epic of Gilgamesh has a special relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Druids and Celts were renowned for homosexual priest activity and certainly the Shaman traditions of early cultures focused on gender variant activity. 

 "The word 'sodomite' is not found in the original Hebrew, nor is it found in the Greek. It was not until AFTER the rise of the hierarchy in the institutional Church that the account of Sodom and Gomorrah began to be equated with homosexuality. The word 'sodomite' then came into use. If the truth be known, the original use of this word referred simply to a person who was a resident of Sodom." 

In chapter 13 of her book, Love, the Law of the Angels, Gwen Shaw introduces the Gnostic concept that God is androgynous.

“God is not only ‘male,’ He is ‘female.’ One of His names is El-Shaddai, which means ‘Mother-God.’ We see the completeness of God only as we realize this truth. He is both male and female… So when God created Adam, He made him like himself, creating in him the male and female characteristics.” (Love, the Law of the Angels, p. 67)

Chapter 23 begins with a passage from a Quaker book, Feminine Aspects of Divinity, which sexualizes the Holy Spirit as a feminine deity:

“In the first few centuries A.D. Aramaic versions of the Old Testament introduced the word ‘Shekinah as a reverent circumlocution for God. In Exodus 25:8 an ancient translation reads, ‘I will let my Shekinah dwell among the children of Israel.’

“‘It is interesting to notice that the Shekinah is referred to as feminine in more than a grammatical sense from the third century on. The Shekinah is called 'she.' 'She' is spoken of as being omnipresent in the world, but more often 'she' is physically localized. The Jerusalem temple was built to be 'her' permanent home. When this temple was desecrated and destroyed, Ezekiel saw 'her' move out from the Holy of Holies and stand over the threshold of the house (Ezekiel 10:4) Jewish history tells us that the Shekinah wandered to the Mt. of Olives or into the desert and waited vainly a few more months for Israel to repent, then for a while went to heaven... When the temple was destroyed for the last time in 70 A.D., 'she' moved on to the principal synagogues of Babylon, where ‘she’ not only appeared from time to time but made ‘herself’ audible in the sound of a bell. 'She is believed to be a comforter of the sick, a helper of those in need and especially tender toward repentant sinners. ‘She’ would descend and rest upon any who performed good deeds, even if they were pagan idolaters, and would also rest between worthy husbands and wives. ‘She’ accompanied her people through the centuries of exile and mourned with them ('she was seen by one mystic in widow's garb by the Wailing Wall), 'she' came to be identified with the Ideal Israel the faithful Community which awaited redemption.*…

“The feminine aspect of the eternal God is the ‘El-Shaddai,’ the mother-nature of God. It is in this realm that the Shekinah is revealed and does its high office work.”

“ff. *Feminine Aspects of Divinity (a Quaker publication) by Erminie Huntress Lantero.” (Love the Law of the Angels, pp. 164-5)
Following the above citation, Gwen Shaw states that God is androgynous and BISEXUAL. Her authority for this teaching is the early Jewish rabbis, of whom more will be said later.

“You remember us mentioning in chapter 13 that God had created Adam male and female. If God created man male and female, it was because bisexuality somehow belongs to His own nature. The fact has been recognized by early rabbinic commentators that this is true.” (Love the Law of the Angels, p. 165)

See how interpretation is so very important. 

newview you are correct when you stated that this pervasiveness of sexual perversions are infiltrating hard into the lives of our most precious commodity. I don't have children but I agree.

Not to mention you have a very large group of people that work for the State & Federal department that are closet gays & bisexuals. Not to mention the military don't ask don't tell policy & we all know a lot of people from the military get state & federal jobs after serving.

You know - as they say whats done in the world today - give it a decade and its done in the church.

I wish the church could see that the woman to usurp authority in the church was never to be allowed.

And it was not allowed for a reason ---> it brings along a spirit of confusion and disorder.

And many leaders thought it did not matter if they tweaked the biblical rules and regulations a bit.

Well what they did not count on was that what they sowed to the wind - would beget the whirl wind.

Oh what have they wrought?

That Jezebel spirit opened up and dragged something out of hell that most church folk did not know would be following not too far behind.  And its powerful.  Its zapping the masculinity right out of the men and engorging the women with that which they should not have.

Nothing but a hellish ball of confusion.

That spirit is so powerful now - you have Christian parents telling their sons its ok to be feminine when the holy word of God said if a man is effiminate he is on his way to hell.  And thats just talking about a man carrying himself in less than a masculine fashion.  But the leaders will tweek that teaching and make it none effect.  Saying that God does not mean what is written.

That feminist spirit is all from the same demon. Homosexuality and women not staying in the place where God has called them - is of the same spirit.

Gotta pray brother and you gotta fast.

If you do have sons - raise them according to God's word.

If you do ever have daughters - raise them according to God's word - its the only thing that would protect them.


You know it has only been the last ten years that I noticed - that men in the media or even on the street have openly encouraged women to perform lesbian acts to satisfy their own lusts.  Dont get me wrong - Im sure men for thousand of years asked women to behave like this but it was not something that society Ok'd.  And especially not the church.

And you know what - silly weak minded women did exactly that.

Now not only do they carry these acts out with abandonment.  They do it to catch a man.  I guess times are so hard for women these days that they stoop as low as their weak minds will allow them - just so they can attract a man.  Now it is not enough for women to be whorish - they must go above and beyond normal wickedness - they must change their affections. 

But God will visit His house first. He will judge the house of God first and come after the teachers and leaders and elders for not teaching what He wrote.

Gird your loins.


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