It seems that we are dealing with more congregants who simply come to worship service to see what new blessing they can receive (materially), as opposed to true worship. It is similar to the attitude of those followers of Jesus in John 6. He says to them: " you seek me,not because you saw the miracles(and believe), but because you ate of the loaves and were filled." The task for the exegetical pastor/preacher is difficult because our members would rather have us tell them what feels good ("I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright"), as opposed to having the truth of God's word dissected for us that we might become better. Yes, God will and wants to bless us, but He also has called us to live holy, set apart unto Him. We must admit that there is more sinfulness among the body of Christ in this present age than we would ever care to know, much less many would even dare to preach on. Jeremiah 3:15 gives us God's design for ALL called pastors. We must give what He gives to us. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. Many of our church members will perish in hell because of our unwillingness to share with them the TRUTH of God's word.
I am convinced that it is only those persons who don't really care anything about us that will not share the truth with us, no matter how it hurts. Do you care?

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Replies to This Discussion

Amen pastor. I got my parents permission to reply to your post. My most recent is entitled Consequences of disobeying God's word. We as preachers need to feed the flock with good stuff and good stuff doesn't mean material stuff but the whole word of God. We need to preach what God tells us. God hates sin and we must not be afraid to preach what God tells us. I am 8 years old and will be 9 next month and some people hate my messages because I preach holiness. God has not told me yet to tell anyone they are going to be rich maybe he will one day but if God does not tell me I am not gonna lie on God. If God don't say it I ain't gonna preach it.

We are in the end times and Satan is in big trouble because he knows his time is running out.

Jay D
boy, you something else! Keep in the Word and with the Lord!
That's right we as Pastors need to preach what God is telling us to preach. I have found that sometimes even preaching is not what the flock needs, and we as pastors have to be sensitive to the Spirit and sometimes teach. I have learned that preaching entertains some congregants and we have to do what will strengthen our people. God Bless and stay on the wall
Thats always been the problem of the black church-----putting more emphasis of the blessing, then proper exegesis of scripture. Most black churches are scripturally illiterate, but have their PH.D's in the shout dance, and in worship, but if you do not have your teachings right, then how do you know how to properly worship the Lord..
You are on everything that I teach my people with those scriptures. The problem we have is that we have lazy Christians that don't want to read they don't want to take an hour or so to pick up the Word and meditate on it, but will spend 3 hours in a movie and then come calling the pastor when all hell breaks loose in their life. Talking about pastor I don't know why........... I know you ain't got no Word up in ya to take on the situation. Turn the T.V. off and open up the Word of GOD.
Doctors, we must remember and take heed that teaching is doctrine facilitated, But doctrine with out worship or ( preaching) is void, and worship with doctrine leads to igonronce.

Doctorine stris up the mind and intellect, it shows us why we doing what we doing, But worship or ( preaching) stirs up the heart, without the heart being in our worship it does not facilitate transformation
All of you have made some excellent comments. I also say that we must dedicate ourselves to teaching/preaching the uncompromising message of the Gospel. I would also say that is past time that we begin living what we preach. As Jubilee says, it's time for us to do it boldly--not just say it boldly.
We as preachers are CHEIFLY resposible for the souls that we minister to. The Bible says, "Lift up your voices like a trumpet, cry aloud and spare none!" What I have noticed, even as a young preacher totally sold out to GOD, whenever GOD gives you a "word" for the people of God, HE will almost always, show the people themselves first! And some, yes some pastors know that if they preach the pure and unadulterated word of God, the people's sins will then become exposed. Not necessarily to everyone else but to themselves. And no one ever likes that. So they leave not recalling that that's what DADDY'S WORD is supposed to do! The Bible says the word is quick (don't take God long to do what He gotta do. supper long exegesis is sometimes a sign of flesh rising trying to show off human intellegencia), its sharper than any two edged sword meaning that its a weapong that is SUPPOSED TO CUT!! It cuts going in and it cuts coming out. It also pierces meaning that its precise and divides the good from the bad! So my collegues, lets be careful not be so concerned with getting the people to rise to an emotional histeria and never be changed and transformed by the word of God. If you have fatty, sloughful saints in your congregation, that means you are feeding them too much fast and fried foods and they are not letting the word of GOD cut the fat off as they WORK OUT their own salvation. (wow GOD that was good. Just got that revelation while I was typing! God is so wise! lol) I Love Him! But listen, bros. and sis., Everytime we speak, speak as the very oracle of God the King! Love you all! Be blessed!
yes sir
There is one thing that i have failed to hear in this entire discussion, and it was the influence of the spirit of God in preaching. A man can preach all day no matter what he is speaking about but if he does not have the spirit given anointing of God his words have no power or influence. what he have a lack of is preachers/pastors laboring in the word of God seeking the power and anointing of God that breaks the yoke. People are immune to powerless preaching and God will only work through those who labor in his word, who are constantly in prayer and fast and thrive for him. the anointing of God is something that can not be denied. I dare the people of God to diligently seek the anointing of God and see what happens. I am a witness to the powerful works of God and what he does through his anointed followers. he is a rewarded of those who diligently seek him


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