I spent much time on this study and have come to my own conclusions. I simply refuse to begin new pagan practices... so in leaving Christianity's pagan Christmas celebration, I did not want to begin Hanukkah, if it was the same content in a different package.

My research led me to the Book of 1Maccabees and John 10:22--- to the end of the chapter. Based on these scriptures, I found Hanukkah acceptable to observe with two exceptions. One... the gift giving was not scriptural so I recommend being careful in that and also ... this lighting of one candle each night or the story of the shortage of olive oil for the lamp (the menorah) was not in the scriptures either. So, I lit the entire seven candle menorah, not that one was needed at all in the observance. I had one major focus throughout the observance and it was to teach my children the story and to encourage them to cleanse and dedicate their own Temples to Abba. I came across teachings where the brothers explained that the eight night observance should be treated as the Feast of the Tents with an opening and closing high sabbath. I will treat the closing tomorrow as a high sabbath.

Oh...also...Scripture gave the clear date of December 25th was when Judas Maccabees dedicated the temple. So, the eve of the 24th was my official start time.

Well, did you observe the Feast of the Dedication ?

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Sorry... This is another very long video but it addresses questions posed above and in my messages. Shalom!


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