Acts 15 & 21 seems to say that Gentile believers are only required to observe several laws, namely, staying away from meat sacrificed to idols, fornication, and things strangled.

Its kinda confusing. 1 John 2:3 & 5:3 states that the love of God is keeping his commandments. A question would be,"Who is that scripture geared to... Jews, or Gentiles, or both?

Jesus also said he came not to destroy the law. And he gave the 2 greatest commandments which sums up the whole law. What did the Jerusalem counsel really mean?

I'd like to know what is Acts 15 & 21 really saying concerning Gentiles, and the position of the law in their lives. Should they keep all the law as the Jews must?

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First of all, who is Jew vs. Gentile today? Are you speaking of righteous and wicket? or children of light vs. children of darkness? Grafted in vs. unsaved? In otherwords, whatever is spoken of for Israel to do, is it not for all who wants to be part of the Remnant?


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