Why Kosher?
Written by Darrin C. Hatch Sr.

Kosher simply means to be 'fit and proper,' and is commanded by G-d. It is important to understand that humans didn't make up the biblical kosher laws--just like we didn't create the fish. The Hebrews (Jews) have never claimed to conceive them, nor to fully understand them.

G-d gives us a choice about following His ways. We can follow His commands or not. Eating what He says is kosher or not; doing the things He says are holy makes us a 'set apart people.' Just as G-d said we should be!

The dietary commands that G-d has given in Leviticus chapter 11 include:

Not eating spiders, flies, worms, scorpions, and other such creatures.
Not eating an animal (or even part of that animal) while it is still living.
Not eating an animal that has been attacked by wild animals (dogs, wolves, bears, etc...)
Avoiding meats of strangled animals.
Avoiding the blood of an animal.
Eating only water animals that have both fins and scales.
Not eating certain birds (eagles and vultures), any creature with toes (rabbits, bears, cats, dogs, etc...), or swine (pigs).
While most of us agree that road-kill is not a delicacy, and that the idea of eating a scorpion is repulsive, there are some who say that rare meat is wonderful. Modern medicine has been able to prove that consuming the under-cooked blood of an animal can infect people with exotic and highly infectious pathogens.

While some people love shark meat, blood still seeps from the muscle, even after being fully cooked. And while a lot of people like the taste of lobster & shrimp, medical science has found toxins in them that build-up in the human body over time. These possible exposures to unknown dangers were advised against by G-d, and only proven in our lifetimes.

Many say that a pig, raised for the sole purpose of going to a slaughterhouse, is 'OK' for food. But G-d, who created that animal, says that it is not for food. One possible reason given by medical science is that pig flesh is closer to human flesh than any other animal. So, with that said, would you eat the meat (muscle) of another person? Probably not. Or would you eat 'Lassie?' No? Then why would you eat anything else that G-d forbids?

Children depend on their parents to teach them what is safe and what is not. A good example is a hot stove. If the child trusts their parents they will never get severely burned. So must we trust our Father of Heaven, to keep us away from unsafe things.

The kosher laws are written for our health, and to give us a choice, Life or Death.

Darrin C. Hatch Sr.

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You go girl !!!


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