We all have a God given purpose in life. And yes, we all want to be in God's Will, but it does get difficult at times. I often think about how I find myself not wanting to be where God has me to be. After a weekend of "struggles", I felt the need to tell it like I was feeling it! Knowing that some of the things I was saying was hurtful. But I preferred to get it out instead of holding it in. But, after saying what I said and having time to think about it, I realized that it was not important for me to say what I said. I actually, at that point, did not have faith in God and took matters in my own hands. It get's hard at times to handle the emotions we feel. But...as scripture says...

~"A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back." ~Proverbs 29:11

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It's ok to say how you feel but use wisdom in what you say and how you say it. When you know your speaking to someone who feelings are easily hurt then you say it with a little more sensitivity but when its someone who gets offended no matter how you say it then you just give it to the lord. one thing i know is what ever the thorn is in your side is a sure sign God is trying to deliver you to a place of peace in how to handle that thing. One thing you must not do is hold back on your feelings honesty is best and if you need to vent do it with the lord and he will give you what you need to handle the person,persons or situation. sometimes it is a word , a prayer, love or just silent he knows the struggles we have and when they come but if you just be patient he will work it for you. I always say to the lord help my unbelief when i struggle with having faith to trust he will work things out and God does work with you he loves us and know we are working towards being more like Jesus and he knows our short comings the problem is sometimes we become to hard on our self for things we do when we shouldn't.So First lady i just want to encourage you and others with this that it happens to all of us. God bless.
Oh Tara, thank you. Sometimes when everything hits at once, and we are so use to encouraging others, we forget how to keep ourselves encouraged. I have to admit sometimes I just slump down (in defeat) and don't think to ask God for help. But...everyday is a new day, filled with new Grace and Mercies. And if God woke me up today, I have another chance : )

Thank you again for your words. God has not delivered me a spiritual ministers wife in the flesh yet, but he has delivered me some via internet. Thank you again for always giving me a word.

One thing that God re-revealed to me just recently is that His grace is sufficient... Specifically God's grace is time... (think of the grace period we get when our bills are due). And when I'm frustrated, confused, mad or even about to launch into prayer for someone or something, I can back down and remember God's grace is sufficient. He will always, always give you the time you need to stop, breathe and go to Him in Spirit and in Truth, in praise and thankfulness and ask for the best course of action according to His will and the wisdom and understanding He would impart to you. No matter what the circumstances - no matter how frazzled, panicked, rushed, scared, concerned, anxious or desparate - we always have His grace. And it is always sufficient.

~Min Dez
Just yesterday God revealed this to me. And I made a confession with my mouth that I was no longer going to give in to the tactics of satan (by arguing with the hubby). I would submit (duck), and let the Spirit take control. I also learned that as you said, God's Grace is sufficient. I just have to make sure I respond according to God's Word. Be responsible for ME and let God work out the rest.

You know, as I continue to seek God's Word and things are revealed to me, it is soooo amazing. I am thankful that God loves me. Girl, it feels sooooo good.

Thanks again.



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