I don't know who will be able to see this but as a Christ Follower I have to speak up.  First, everyone who dump on Ms. Bell or defended the waitress, Take a chill pill.  Yes, as Christians it is our responsibility to be the hands and feet of Christ. BUT!!!.......We are also of this world, which means we don't always do the Jesus thing 24/7.  I know for me I fail to live up to Jesus' standard every day.  Just because we say we are Christians does not mean we won't hurt our fellow man or in the case letting the pen be mightier than the sword.  If any one can proof to me they have been perfect ALL DAY Long, then you may cast the first stone.

Now, the situation that started this is stupid...I am sure Ms. Bell sees the error of her ways.  I loved to talk to her on the phone and in person, to hug her and tell her what she did was jacked up but I love her and so does Jesus.

Ms. Apple-bees Waitress,

Be very thankful I am Not your Manager, because not only would you be fired, you would be leaving in hand cuffs.  Just because we have the technology does not mean to use it to post to Facebook, twitter,Pinterest, or what ever the other name are.

If we as believer would pray before writing something or clicking that picture on our iPhone, this would be a better place to live!!!!

Proud to be Called A Jesus Freak

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Not very Christian like, Pastor Alois Bell! Applebees auto charges tips for large groups just because they're used to getting stiffed by them. Please stay at home if you cannot afford to leave a tip when you go out to eat! The waitresses work hard for their money. They work 10 times as hard when they have to wait on a large group. Shame on you for getting this poor girl fired! I do believe Pastors should live to higher standards than the rest of us sinners.I will pray for you!

As a Deacon I am personally ashamed of Alois Bell!


This must be a very narrow minded pastor is is more of a Pentacostal than any other religion since they pinch pennies.  My heart goes out to this employee being fired because of a loud mouth, non-christian person.  How can someone be a Christian with truth faith that destroys someones income.  What if this employee now has to go on unemployment, welfare and food stamps, all because of a stupid single act by a complete idiot!  I have now started many blogs against Applebees along with sharing the story via Twitter and Facebook and have asked everyone to complain not only to Applebees, but I have asked everyone in the Internet community to join your website and make direct complaints, wjho knows, shortly yourt Pastor's stupidity may allow someone to take over your website or take it down.  Not that I would do so, but wait till the multitude of complaints start coming in.  Again, shame on Alois Bell.  She should not be a Pastor, she should be removed from any authority under any church for being a sinner in causing someone to bhe fired, and I personally consider what she did as a sin.  What if this Applebees employee is a single parent with three kids at home, how dare she.  She needs to setpm up, take responsibility and directly contact Applebees at their Corporate Office and have her resinstated, if not, her sins just continues.


God bless!


Dont see how you are complaining about waitress. She did nothing wrong besides point out a cheapo.  The hole group of 8 people and only a 7 dollar tip?  And hand cuffs? You'd never make manager cause you don't know the law.   If Ms Bell was picking up the tab for the group, maybe someone else should have got the tip instead of such a reasponse using God. 

Maybe next time she'll think first.


I have been a manger for over 20 years now,  On the receipts that are kept is your credit card number, the expiration that as you put the poor waitress posted on the internet. She could be arrest for Credit Card Theft!!!! Plus if you had read what I said I thought that was a jacked up thing to do weather she is a Christian or not..  Even Paul messed up waiting for GOD to perfect him....

Huh, on that reciept the credit card number was not shown, just the authorization number.  I own a business, that receipt is worthless regarding identy theft, checfk it out with your local police, I just showed the posting to a Detective with the Fraud/Identity Theft Division here at the Houston Police Department and youa re wrong!

Maybe there in Texas but here In Memphis it is.  Every state has their own laws

If she is a true Christian, she would be on the telephone to Applebees Corporate Office asking for the employee to be rehired with back pay.  What if this employee is a single mom with three small children and now without a job.  As a Deacon with over ten years in the ministry this is the dumbest, stupidist act I have ever heard being made by womeone in the position of being a Paster or Minister.  I have already lodged a formal written complaint against this Pastor to the Southern Baptist Council and this weekend will be starting a new blog entitled "Alois Bell, Pastor or Deamon" and all I will post is nthe article on the Applebees firing of this employee.  You should see the over 39,000 comments under the Yahoo article, almost all are anti-Bell.  The power of nthe Internet is also a tool for God's mwork and when someone in a Pastoral position causes someone to lose their job, it is a "sin" in my book and my KJV Bible!  I have also asked others to join this website and make theirr comments also known

I understand what you are saying and I agree about she should call and get the girls job back, BUT  Both of their action were at fault here.  Do what you have to do,  You might want to read in KJV Bible Romans 12:3-17 and Galatians 6:4.  It will tell you how as Christians We should handle this.  we have to remember 'All fall short of the Glory of GOD..."  Peace be with You!!!!

Seriously? If you were the manager, the server would be leaving in hand cuffs? For what? You have to break the law to get arrested...

Why would you ever dare to do such a horrible thing to another person?  I don't care about your "judgment is mine, sayeth the lord" crap, and I don't care about your religious values.  How?  And why?  You have betrayed a human with both your note and the power of your money.  I don't believe in hell but I hope they give you Auschwitz.


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