Spring cleaning, where did the idea of cleaning out ones house come from? Why is it such a part of American tradition during that time of the year? Each year after the weather has subsided you hear a buzz, spring is coming. Is it something in the DNA that compels the women of the house to do a thorough cleaning? The question is clean out what? Is it coincidental that it is written in 17 books (1+7=8 new beginnings) and 42 verses (4+2=6 MAN); after so many references do you think Yahweh commands us to do a certain cleaning? God has put such a heavy penalty to this Commandment that disobedience can result in slavery or even death. The North Atlantic Slave Trade ( Duet:28 signs and wonders) is one such evidence that His Word is true. There is a major problem here, just as in the days of Noah the masses do not believe. His truth is not based on anyone's acceptance. God deals with the generations and He is getting ready to send another generation back into slavery. There is a way out, through the doors of obedience just as the Israelites had to put the blood of the lamb on the door post we have an opportunity by the blood of the Risen LAMB to clean out the leaven of our homes for seven days a law FOREVER. Remember you do not have to do this, only those who desire the protection of Yahweh from the destruction that is taking place NOW (financial instability,disease,war, famine,drought).

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Yahweh said I will put you on slave ships, look a little closer at the character of His words verse 41 is a good place. It started in 1619 as indentured servants 50 year later full slaves.

In Deut. 28 Yahweh speaks to His people of whom He has called out of Mitzrayim. He tells them that if they do walk in accordance with the Torah they will be Blessed, but if they turn away they will be cursed. Many of the curses proclaimed in the 28th chapter of Deut. were lived out and are still being lived in the descendents of the slaves brought to America. So Deut. 28 is extremely relevant to the Mid-Atlantic Slave Trade. See Brother the fruit is what you have to look for, Yahweh says, “if you do...then I will do" or "if you do not...then I will bring on you..." Deut. 28th tells of the fruit that will "overtake" the people who stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai.

Below are just a few witnesses to prove that the Black people in America could very well be the descendents of those who stood at Sinai:

Deu 28:30 “You become engaged to a wife, but another man does lie with her. You build a house, but do not dwell in it. You plant a vineyard, but do not use its fruit.

Deu 28:32 “Your sons and your daughters are given to another people, and your eyes look and fail for them all day long, and your hand powerless.

Deu 28:36 “יהוה brings you and the sovereign whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other mighty ones, wood and stone.

Deu 28:37 “Thus you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a mockery among all the peoples to which יהוה drives you.

Deu 28:41 “You bring forth sons and daughters, but they are not with you, for they go into captivity.

Deu 28:43 “The sojourner who is among you rises higher and higher above you, but you come down lower and lower.

Deu 28:48 you shall serve your enemies whom יהוה sends against you, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in need of all. And he shall put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you.

Deu 28:49 “יהוה brings a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you shall not understand,

Deu 28:50 a fierce-looking nation, which shows no regard for the elderly nor show favour to the young,

This is just 9 examples of what occurred to the Black American's ancestry in this country. I don't think that it is a coincidence that the curses spoken of in Deut. 28 are mirrored in the American slave trade.

The first Black indentured slaves (20 kidnapped) arrived on these shores on 1619, in 1640 John Punch was tried for being a runaway along with two whites, the judge made the two white slaves serve their masters 7 additional years, but Punch was given the rest of his life as a slave and that changed the face of servitude in this country for Blacks. Finally in 1652 the VA courts handed down a judgment that "If your mother is a slave then the seed of that woman would also be a slave regardless to whether the father was white. The Asiento Treaty signed in the 1700's began the organized trade of slaves throughout the world which also included the Roman Catholic Church.
Blessings Family,

Thank you for this post. I do want to share my perspective on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we must clean up sin in our lives as we clean up the leaven from our homes. It will be working in vain to clean leaven from your homes and sin continues to persist in your household. Where is the leaven... more so than the piece of burger roll hidden in your home is the sin teaching videos in your children's video closets.... or our persistent negative speech over others or even over our own self. leaven is sin... get rid of leaven for the Truth walk with Abba but as important is the sin for the Spiritual walk with the Most High, His son, and His Ruwach. Shalom.
Omein Achoti!!!!

While examining ingredients in the grocery store when we were preparing for Passover 2 years ago. The Ruach Kodesh said to me, "That is how you should examine yourself for sin." I had my glasses on and and me and my Sister in our congregation were going through those ingredients like a hawk, anything that looked like leaven or yeast we put it back on the shelf! I tell you, you are correct in saying what difference does it make to clean our your homes if you life is filled with leaven!!!!!

We must search, and continue to do so, for sin in our lives and most importantly it's those 'hidden' places where they hide, and we have to be bold enough to challenge ourselves to bring those 'high places' down. Those can be the asherim in our lives that stop us from receiving the fullness of Yah's Greatness that He wants to fullfil in us.

Blessings and Shalom!


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