Do you think Musicians are paid to much for there services. Do you think they should be held accountable to a local Pastors.

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Hey Miss Pearson,

You are generous in spirit and gracious in temperment.
After reading your response, I was reminded of these verses.

Matthew 5:5 - Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:6 - Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:7 - Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

God's bouquet has many beautiful flowers. Continue to bloom where you are planted.

Many Blessings Sis,
Thank you for that I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, i just now got back on this page. Be Blessed Man of God
Evangelist Pearson,

God Bless You.
Continue to serve as unto the Lord. You are certainly welcome.
Is this you calling things that are not as though they are? LOL i like the sound of Evangelist Pearson
Hello Mr. James L Brown,

This is so good, indepth and light hearted that I'm going to paste it into a word document and email to all of my contacts. Preachers included. LOL You speak from experience and its resonates in my spirit. It's great to have this platform to get the opportunity to express to so many common courtesies and practical provisions. Awesome, Brillant, Creative, Down to earth, Excellent, Fabulous and Good. Keep talking. Don't hold in. It will fester. Not Good. Thank you Man!
Hey Minister Marshall
Thanks for the encouraging words my brotha, I too think that if we continue to speak to this stronghold that if enough people become involved and proactive in this discussion we might just be able to tip the scales on a long overdue sore spot in the body of Christ that should have been addressed.

I hope who ever reads these comments will realize that we are a very low percentage of Musicians and Pastor's that haven't even really touched the surface on these ridiculous and very overlooked practices that are sabotaging one of the most important dimensions in our worship experience. Worshipers are being cheated in one way or another because we as a church are shying away from doing what is right for the sake of having quantity more so than quality in the Music ministry. Ephesians 4 talks about not grieving the Holy Spirit of God, ...God can not get the glory while we are feuding with one another and until we are willing to lay aside the foolishness of the "old man" we will continue to walk in the wilderness just as the Israelites did in the time of Moses.....there is a way that seems right to man but as we are witnessing at this very hour, it is only leading to destruction in our Worship environment.

If you read alittle further into Eph 5 it says that we as believers should expose the "unfruitful works of darkness" so my charge to us that know better is to do better....let me close by saying this..."turn the lights on !" it's time for a change 1st timothy 4:12 implores us to take heed to our ministries and be examples to the believers in word, conduct, love, in spirit ect.....we have got to get to the point where we stop playing church. Give honor where honor is due.."give and it shall be given unto you pressed down, shaken together...ect" I feel like dancin all of a sudden....can somebody give me a A-flat ...( oh yeah I forgot.....because your church didn't see the need to bless the ministrel you have to rewind the I'm sorry yall I'm just
Dr. James L. Brown,
You are a wise man of many words. I'm encouraged by reading your remarks.

Years ago, I was invited to a pastor's/musician's conference. Many of the issues and topics that are posted here, were talked about. We too, started out with clear-cut differences. A line had not been drawn in the sand yet. For a few hours, the dialogue was great. Passionate questions brought out heated but heartfelt responses.

Moments before we adjorned, a pastor who had previously been silent; ask to if he could sum it all up. His remarks were a bit radical for the tender hearted and somewhat offensive to those who are holier than thous. I dare not give his name, but check this out.

He said that the relationship between a pastor and a musician can be found in the world when we look at the relationship between a Pimp and a Ho. [We all were speechless. For a moment, "I know he didn't say that". LOL].

He went on a little further by saying, a Pimp don't care if the Ho is sick or tired. There is no job description. All of this is on the job training. If there are any questions, it can wait. Just do what I tell you to do. No excuses. You are oncall 24/7. 'Aint' no vacation time or weekends off. There are no benefits. I'll break you off a few bucks, but never ask. And if you're a good Ho; you won't never have to worry about a job. I'll take care of you.

We closed the session, shortly thereafter.......
I apologize to any that have been offended by these recollections, but far too many musicians, they know exactly where I'm coming from. No Mam and No Sir, It's not a one-sided issue. There are faults on both sides. We all must be just in our dealings and faithful in our engagements; and to be exemplary in our deportments. Can anybody relate? Much work to be done. Many prayers to be prayed. A lot of comments to be considered.

Be Blessed.
Doc Marshall...I read your comments,and I know you speaking the truth....when you get a chance,read some of my earlier posts,because they echo what you and Doc Brown have as to that Pimp and Ho thing....I'm glad I wasn't there...cause He need to corrected.....but I understand that some church folk hold the Pastor up like he's God...when he ain't,and I hope other Pastors who read this will see and understand some of the lunancy that takes place,and some of the things that musicians and Music Ministers have to deal with...and I hope that fool that you had to deal with is reading these posts,cause he will soon understand that it's idiots like him....yeah I said it!!!to all you folk who think it's so terrible.and so appalling to call him an idiot..well...that's what he is....he really need something put on his.....Oh well...I ain't gonna go there...God will handle him.After over 40 years in this business,nothing surprises me anymore.We need more forums to address the many problems that are prevalent.And I'm gonna let everybody in on a little piece of knowledge that I know.Most churches.....if you do not ask and make it known that you are not gonna play for free,will not pay you...even if they are financially able,because we have confused resonable service to God in holiness and humility,with being supremely stupid.I wrote this in another post and I'm going to write it again....most church members and Pastors too,would never go to the auto mechanic and ask them to fix their car...for free.....the mechanic will diagnose the problem.....tell you what it costs to fix it,and then if you decide you want him to fix it,then you pay him......OR!!!!if you don't want him to do it,you have the choice to go somewhere else.Now let's look at the mind set and the pyschology of this scenario....number one....the problem with your car,does not upset the mechanic because that's what he's does is fix problems,so the only somebody worried about your car is you.Secondly,he knows from experience that the problem could be equipment failure,or your own negileince in routine maintenance.Last but not thing that is sure,is that you will pay him,or he won't touch your vehicle.......the same scenario is prevalent in our ministries need good "mechanics"that can give "routine spiritual maintenance"when it comes to your particular music ministry,many times you have Pastors trying to be "musical mechanics"when they should be sticking to their area of see the design of every freeway in any major city or town works......if drivers will adhere to the laws of the road...and that law is very keep wrecks and crashes from happening...first you have to have educated drivers who know how to....STAY IN THEIR LANE!!!!!,and that's what happens when Pastors try to "cross over"in to the Musicians's going to cause a you either hire some one who can fix your problem,or you try and "shade tree"and you create a bigger mess.I've said it before and I'll say it again...most Pastors who go to seminaries don't learn anything about music ministries for their churches,and if they do get it,it is mostly on the historical aspect of music in the church,and that's it,so they are already handicapped even from the educational aspect,because it is not taught,and you don't know,what you don't know....but they have been led to believe that because they are Pastors,they know everything.....not all of them....but a vast majority of them all think the same way.So,we have a long way to go in mending some of the bridges that have been burned by both sides,we need more prayer,more coming together to help solve some of these problems.I personally know of church musicians who are now drug addicts,and achoholics....I mean strung out!!!!behind ministries that have used and abused them......most of you all don't about these kinds of things because you have never had to deal with issues such as these,mainly because the average church member only hears the finished product on Sunday morning,and yet they don't realize the work and dedication it takes to get it done...they don't know how you have to deal with sometimes 30 and 40 different personalities at one time trying to get them to work together,they don't know about the hours you spend putting this stuff together,the time spent away from your family,there is more to it than meets the eye,all of these things that I just mentioned...I tell young musicians and young Music Ministers that are coming better be girded up and prayed up in this business...and you better be tough...cause it ain't for the weak and the scared....if you won't last.........if you scared.....then either call the LAW....OR STAY AT HOME!!!-Be Blessed...I'll Holla!!!
Too much to digest in one setting. LOL
Min. Youngblood,

God bless you. Hold your ground! LOL.

The life of a Church Musician can be difficult. I've learned that every situation, especially the uncomfortable ones; have taught me something about myself, others and the Lord; and it has not always been good.

We live in a world of imperfect people with shallow dreams and we serve in churches with contradictory doctrines of insecure ideologies. We, who have been wounded on the battlefield, hand sore and scarred from the work we have done; we have to stay uplifted. Religion has gotten way too complicated.
We need to worship in spirit and in truth without all the drama.

When we strive for our best in service, God will understand and say well done. I sincerely believe that. We need to work together. God intends for us to come together. He is the only Master and the rest of us are servants. There are no slaves.

There is an interesting account of our separate duties being used together for God's divine purpose.
2 Kings 3: 1-20 These verses give an account of when 3 kings marched for 7 days to do battle. They under estimated their journey and ran out of water and supplies. They regrouped and inquired if there was a prophet among them. Someone went and found Elisha. He told them to let the Minstrels play first, and then the bible says the Spirit came upon Elisha. [15] But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

They were all in the same boat together. God is showing us that He is the source and not us. And until we come together as brothers and sister in Christ and do what we've been called to do, we will not be able to love each other properly. We have to move our ego's out the way.

In the economy of God, everyone has a proper place and it's not on opposing sides.
We are not rivals.
We are all on the same team. Amen.
Have a blessed week, Thanks.
The workman/laborer is worthy of her hire.


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