I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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By the way, to help me to prepare to preach, I pray, read the bible, use bible with commentaries, use the concordance to find Greek and Hebrew words, and type my sermon up.
A minister should study at all times in season and out of season.
MORGAN YOU ARE My FRIEND. Where did you go to Seminary?
The holy spirit will guide us into all truth, but he will not drop that truth out of the sky. The bible is an ancient book, and we must study it in ancient context---(biblical languages, history, customs, and culture).
O, what tangled webs we weave...
I am in agreement that there are some paganistic practices within what we call "Christianity". The real Lord Jesus did not have those practices, and neither should we.
Pastor CTJ I agree with the things you have said. However, I honestly don't believe that Morgan's words were motivated by malice, but out of frustration and fear. People are often afraid of that which they do not understand, and are frustrated by that which they cannot explain. I believe he is afraid of Moreh, and that it affects his reasoning. Until he was up against the ropes, He really made some good points. I think emotions got in the way. I am sure if he were not carried away so, he will not have resorted to slander as a defense. Moreh, bear with him in love. You are calm, and are not afraid, because you are sure of what you believe. Give him time to wrap his head around some of the things you've said. If he is a humble man, and if what you speak of is true, truth will prevail.I f you are right and he is not humble, then you have at least offered him truth. Give time for digestion. What good is your bread to his spirit if he regurgitates every crumb? I am certain that he can see that some of what you say is true, even if he does not agree with all. in the end, if he is a son/servant of God, God will give increase to the seed which you have planted in his heart if your words ring true from Him.
Yes sir. That is right. Easter, and Christmas are pagan. They are Babylonial in origin.
I agree
from paganism, and also from misunderstandings
Moreh, God demands our worship of him, correct?
I mean, the apostles were unlearned, according to the Greek Philosophers, because they did not attend a Gym(Greek University). They were taught from on high in many ways while they themselves studied the Old Testament.


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