I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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You see Brother Morgan, this is what I mean. Education is very good, but there is such a thing as getting too much of a good thing. Often we confuse doing a good thing with doing the right thing. Don't misunderstand me, seminary may be right for you, as well as a good thing, but it is not right for all. This is not the case where what's good for the goose is good for the gander. It appears that you are so focused on logic, and being grammatically correct, that you cannot see. It is true that Jesus has ascended into heaven. This is well known of all who love and serve Him. But because He is ascended upward does not mean he is off the radar. He is ascended, yet He is ever present with us. He is not a subject or legend that we study and read about. He is a living person, firstborn from the dead. He is alive in heaven and in earth. He is transcendent. He is a very real, living, sentient person who wants relationship with us. He acts for us and he enacts with us daily. He is not afar off as you suppose. But your logic, and your intellectualism has separated between you and Him so that you only learn about Him, but you do not experience Him. You say Jesus is in heaven with the Father. I have said no differently. I assure you friend, I am not anti-christ. Your fear has denied you much wisdom. He is indeed with the Father. Is it not written that Heaven is His throne, and the earth is His footstool? Did not Jesus say, and Lo I am with you, even unto the end of the world? Is God’s word then filled with lies, told of God to confuse the unlearned? I think not. To think this would be absurd. Isn’t it true instead that He has taken the wisdom from the learned who deem them selves wise within themselves and have revealed His wisdom unto the babes and common folk? Can you physically see heaven with your eyes? Do you see the Gates of pearl, and the streets of gold? Do you see the river of water clear as crystal which flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb? Can you see the tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruit whose leaves are for the healing of the nation? I’ll just answer for you. NO. But yet you believe. A thing does not have to be seen in order to exist in a very real way. We cannot see Jesus, but His presence is very apparent. When Jesus said, Lo I will be with you always, was He speaking metaphorically? Or did He mean what He said? I believe He meant what He said. I believe that He is with me, not bodily, but in the person of His Spirit. Remember, He is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. No my friend, I finished English 101 twenty-nine years ago. I do not speak metaphorically. I speak spiritually. Can you actually see God’s feet in the earth? No. But yet it is written that the earth is His footstool. This is no metaphor. This is spiritual. How has God hidden His mysteries from the prudent? He has done it by speaking spiritually. The prudent cannot understand the mysteries of God because they are spiritually discerned Nicodemus. I have ears to hear Him, and I have eyes to see Him. Not naturally, but spiritually. When you have gotten a real working relationship with Him, and have stood in His presence; when you have laid at His feet and have been filled with understanding of spiritual things, and not the letter only (for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life), then will you have found the knowledge of God. Hummph…metaphor indeed. Be careful that you do not begin to serve a paper god. Love constrains me to say the things that I say to you, because I can see that your potential is very great. There is so much good that you could do. Your potential is great indeed, but it is wasted. You serve yourself under the guise of serving God. It is you who exults and is exalted by your wit and your knowledge. It is you who is recognized and rewarded for your silver tongue, not God. It is you who have gained the attention, the medals, the diplomas, the accolades, the honors, and the esteem of others for your education and grammatical expertise. I pray for your conversion from carnal meditation to that which is spiritual, that the kingdom might benefit from that portion which has been invested in you. I pray that the work which was begun in you began again. God bless you brother.
Pastor Mel
I am in agreement with you Ach Moreh. Everytime I click on preaching & teaching, this topic is the most talked about. It should not be like this. Whether one has a degree, or not, let God's spirit lead the way. God does not care what degree you have. Spread the Gospel of the Kingdom, and the gospel of Jesus Christ concerning his death, burial, and resurrection.
It is the most talked about because those who have gone to seminary see the potential in ministry has risen after studying at seminary. While those who don't go make the Holy Spirit their teacher. Now don't get me wrong the Spirit is our guide and teacher, but what if one went to seminary or received some formal training be it from their Pastor or some local church, imagine what the Holy Spirit would have to work with!
I am a self study student. I study Greek, biblical customs, culture, exegesis, hermenuetics. I do this all without Seminary. Now, this is what works for me. This approach may not work for someone else. Someone else may need that tutor, and is not able to teach themselves. But, I love my approach, and its going pretty well with me.
I am not one to try and put God in a box! I have one question for you though has all of this debate made you study more than normal?
Sometimes when we don't understand things, we should ask questions! The phrase putting God refers to limiting God to do things a certain way! When one says that we should build an ark because times are troubled is putting God in a box! My point was that I believe seminary is good, but I do not believe that God will only substantially use only seminary preachers, but all preachers need some formal training! But let's be real you are not a preacher and simply want to bring what you believe to change others to your way of living. That is cool, but my problem with it is the fact that if I or others don't choose to flow with you, then you jump like you are God and try and push your beliefs like God only speaks to you! And I said God on purpose because while I do believe that God is Yahweh and that Yahweh is God, I think that we serve two different gods!
Brother McDonald, First time you actually made sense to me School teacher. But if the Holy Spirit deems it necessary for a man to receive formal training, He will guide him in that direction. After all you did say He is our guide and our teacher. But at least you finally made some sense.
Amen Brother.
What I said to Brother Moreh goes for you too.
We are leaving the street ministry to you.
Brother Moreh, You have only voiced the things which I have spoken. It is clear to me what you say. I only participate in these discussions to arouse a mutual respect between the two. It appears that the people speaking on this subject are divided. I only say All preachers were created equal, both the learned and the unlearned. They are equally important and by the Spirit, are equally effective. Looking ridicuous for me is a very small price to pay to win my brother. Brother, I am on the street with the Gospel. I preach on the corners, door to door, do prayer walks, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the prisons, mentor children of incarcerated parents, and I look ridiculous doing it, but I don't mind. I enjoy the journey. I am a blessed man. I only want to be a blessing to others. Poor people aren't the only needy people. The academically challenged are not the only needy people. Many of the needy don't know that they are needy. I love people, especially preachers. I can't help it. There is no malice in my words. I only like to talk. Its okay if people are laughing at me. Hey, I'm laughing at myself. I look back over some of the things that I've said on some of these discussions and I laugh. A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine. You judge us to be ridiculous because we discuss this topic, yet you yourself have indulged in this same topic as well. But I'm cool with that, because I have enjoyed your part in this deliberation. Beats watching T.V. I was going to respond to Morgan's question, but I am interested in what you would say Dr. Moreh. since you have surmised that neither one of us know what spiritual is. I would ask you Brother Moreh, to please define spiritual. Teach us now.
ENOUGH! of the childishness of foolish debating


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