I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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The name of our church is Ratliff Chapel Church, and we're located at 3656 Highway 22 East in Edwards, MS.

Take I-20 West (towards Vicksburg) to Exit 19 (Edwards/Flora), turn right off the exit travel about 2 miles and the church is on the left. Services are each Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.

I look forward to your visit.
Hey sista...not trying to poke my nose into your conversation...but just reading your testinmony has shown me alot. Thank you for sharing it.
And the Church said AMEN
Pastor McCall you stated and I qoute "I feel that all churches should come together and say that there will be no one to come through this pulpit without an M. Div". I STRONGLY disagree with this statement for 2 reasons:

# 1. What does a Masters of Divinity prove if the majority of your congregation only have a High School Diploma or GED?

# 2. What does a Masters of Divinity mean if the people you're preaching to, you're SOOOOO FAR over their heads with your degree that we don't meet them where they are.

Jesus preached and teached with SIMPLICITY while yet being PROFOUND, and HE was THE MASTER OF DIVINITY.
Tishmach Elyon Adonai YHWH, I see you have changed in the past year Bishop.
I agree to a certain extent. We all know you don't go to seminary to learn how to preach. And if you don't have faith when you get there ...you sure will lose it before you leave.We learn homoletics and exegetical preaching in seminary. But just cause someone goes to seminary doesn't implied the are called by God to preach or pastor. There are alot of what i call professional preacher(for a fee). They have no power or annointing. They are concern with only (ABC) 1.Attendance.....2. Building........3.Cash flow ABC preachers. Don't forget Saul when the Jews didn't want God's man they wanted a King so God gave them a wicked King.....Saul.....the annointing had left him.Just because someone has a seminary degree doesn't mean they are God's man. Now i do have minds and if someone is able to go they ought to go. God requires excellence for sure. But try every spirit ....AMEN !
I'm not so worried about the intellecually dumb, its the spiritually dumb that bothers me, they stand in the pulpits and never stop whoremonging, lying, or partying, and tell people ," nobody's perfect everybody do something wrong", and we know Jesus Christ died so we could strive for perfection. we need preachers that will sell out to God, and go and make disciples.
The people aren't dumb my friend just haven't been taught by the Holy Spirit and man is trying to teach them when they don't know the Word. Seminary training doesn't equate to knowing scriptures because it's the Holy Spirit that teaches you the Word and not man. If your spirit isn't right with God doesnt' matter what kind of man's education you have you can't learn the Word and God's understanding, wisdom and knowledge won't be in it. Hence why there are so many still lost that attend churches today. Give the glory to God and not man and his education. Man's wisdom is foolishness to the Lord and thers is too much foolishness on this site.

God Bless.
I'm all for education, but what bothers me is this, when u except the call from God there should be a preparation time. Gone are the days when men and women laid before the lord waiting on Gods instruction to his people. I was truly blessed to grow up in a church where the man and woman of God would take the time to seek the lord and wait on God. when they would walk out onto the pulpit you knew they had an experience with God. The anointing filled the church.souls were saved, people were healed, needs were met. I believe in education don't get me wrong, But I also believe there is a price to pay by spending that quality time with the God of the bible and in his word. I'm one of those indviduals that believe in both education and keeping the word of God in my heart, however I would never trade the quality time I spend with God in prayer or just hanging out in his presence. How awesome is that. I love the experience. Its worth more to me than what this world can offer. When its all said and done, remember its only what we do for Christ that will last anyway.
I believe that there is a pure teaching that only come from God through the power of the Holy Spirit! God said that He will write his laws upon our hearts! He also said that he would hide these truths from those who think themselves wise, and reveal them to babes! The reason we have so many divisions now is because we are caught up in different men's ideas and methods of interpretation. The gospel is so simple that a child will understand it before the leaders of the church! There is too much religion and not enough holiness. Holiness is functioning in the Agape love. Imagine a community of people who are not selfish. Imagine a community that took care of the needs of it's members, a community whose leaders were humble and not exalted. If we were to go back to the Act 2 Christianity, I believe that we would see a huge growth in the Church! Healthcare wouldn't be an issue! We wouldn't need a Stimulas package from the Government because we would stimulate each other! The power of God would flow through us and there would be great healing starting in the Church! Education only should pull out what God has deposited in you! But in your education Do not become so heavenly bound that you are no earthly good!


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