Following the high profile antics on Black Liberation Theology Pastor/Teacher Jeremiah Wright during the recent Presidential Campaign, and several other high profile black ministers falling into various problems financially, spiritually, and of course morally, I’ve been asking myself “Are black preachers in real trouble?” More and more black preachers are falling away from the root of the black church: social action, the preaching of the authentic gospel, and strong conservative family and political values. I’m of the opinion that once we as black preachers got away from that, we got away from reality.

I’m sure that there will be plenty of people that would argue that what I said isnt the complete truth. I would probably agree that it isnt the complete truth because I certainly do not know the complete truth. I do however know what should be happening in the Black church. That is social, ecomonic, spiritual and moral liberation. Why isn’t that happening? THe answer is simple. Black preachers have always loved fame. We follow after fame more than we follow after God. That can be argued for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, T.D. Jakes, and even myself. Of course we would never state that publicly. That would all but destroy our public ministry. It is evident with the false gospel some of us preach, the preoccupation with personal wealth and prosperity, the less socially active we are (not in regards to marches, protests or things of that nature, but in matters concerning education, sexuality, and technology gaps). The black preacher has become a class of its own both materially and philosophically. As the spread of prosperity gospel overrides fundamental Christianity, many black preachers have set themselves up to fail. That does not imply that all black preachers who proclaim that message from their pulpits are completely in error, it simply states that more younger black preachers are being seduced into this theology without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions. Myself included, have been duped into the popularity complex versus the authentic preacher complex. For the black church to remain authentic in its cause and mission and existence, the black preacher must return to that authenticity without fail and without flaw.

As the world encourages more diversity and cultural and moral tolerance, the black preacher cannot afford to fully do so without losing a great amount of his/her identity to the black church. That is to say that the more diverse we become as a church body, the more black preachers need to cling to the heritage, the message and the mission of the black church. The diverse world would not like for black preachers to continue preaching a theology of liberation but rather a message of tolerance and change and love of all humankind. That sounds good, but there is no real way for an authentic black preacher to preach that message without addressing the continual racial issues that still plague our world.

I return to the original question. Are black preachers in real trouble? Will the old regimen of black preachers with a prophetic voice in their world cease to exist once they are gone? Will young black preachers like myself who were trained by them, educated, and are attempting to be contemporary miss the mark and fall o step with the current trends and lose all that they left for us to continue in? I believe that we as black preachers, particular the younger ones are in very serious trouble. Its a trouble that’s not just a moral one, a theological one alone, but it is a trouble of the very existence of a culture and race centered around the black preacher and the black church experience

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Very well written piece!! As one who fears the direction that the institution we love called the black church is headed in, I am glad to see someone else finding that she-the black church has neglected her duty to social action. I look around social issues such as; HIV/AIDS, mental illness, lack of healt care, children and families in poverty and you know what I see? Black folk leading in these categories and the church is quiet. The problem I see Brother Neal is that some of the older preachers and pastors have neglected the younger preachers; they don't want to pass the the baton for whatever reason. Many churches across America are suffering as pastors head into the latter stages of their lifes and ministries and have not trained their replacements.

Are we in trouble? Our race is in trouble as we are faced with issues on all sides but and I say a big BUT, we have the answer to fix this problem and HIS name is Jesus. We must get back to the true teachings of Jesus Christ. We gotta give that money hungry theology back to the pimps in the pulpit and give our lives back to Christ.
Thanks for the reply. I completely agree with your statement about the passing of the baton. Its my opinion that young black preachers (including myself at one time) are suffering from a major identity crisis and are therefore drawn to issues and purposes to which we are comfortable and not challenged. I have sat in the presence of some great black preachers and despite their shortcomings, they were bold in their proclamation of social inconsistencies and necessities as well as a powerful proclamation of Christ as the answer to all man's ill.


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