Do Christian women have a right to dress sexually provocative and say that the brothers need to control themselves? Can we truly dress how we want to dress?

Many young women wear this during church services, in the choir and doing their so called praise dances.

It is my believe that we are not to become a stumbling block for our brothers. Many sisters are quoted as saying that is his problem if he can’t contain his lust and we already know that some men’s minds are going to go where they are going to go.

According to the following scripture can a woman truly excuse her sexual dress and provocative behavior. Should a Christian woman wear anything that may cause her brother to fall.

For the record I am not talking about brothers who would be tempted by anything walking but those who struggle daily because of being exposed to underdressed women, media overexposure and so on.

Romans 14:13 KJV
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

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This post has been a blessing to me! To God the Glory! as you can see I have never been one to be afraid of being in the minority. (History has proven that the majority is usually wrong.) But because I have a desire to see no one lost, especially our youth. My arms are open, and I know what Jesus mean't when he said, suffer the children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.

Their vices are always glorified, the churches depicted are always the ones that show them at their worse.

There are plenty of our youth, that are not sheltered up, but have simply been taught right from wrong that have not kneeled to Baal.

Worshipping decently and in order our Lord. I admonish you not to throw a blanket over the lot of them, babes and THE REST. For God may not be through with them, just because you are.
Take heed to God's word.
Proverbs 7:24.
* Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.

* 25. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.

* 26. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.

* 27. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

1 Corinthians 10:12 KJV

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall .

Remember how Sampson was able to defeat the Philistines as he was the Strongest man in the bible, but yet a woman was able to bring him down.

Let he that hath an ear take heed.

Evangelist you should be very careful how you teach young people as God will hold you accountable for wrong teaching. The bible even says can a man take fire to his bosom and not be burned. Tell them what the bible says and not how you feel. Sure God can keep us but everybody hasn't been delivered yet.

As I mentioned earlier a young man just getting saved may not be able to handle this type of temptation. Sister, please stop being a devil's advocate as you yourself could be casting a stumbling block. We hear it all that time where HolyGhost filled brothers are falling in sin to women. It is all over the internet, on the news and in the tabloids. Sister's don't have a right to dress how they want and tempt the brothers. Point blank.
Sister I encourage you with the Word as Jesus commanded the disciples

Mark 16:15

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Preach it to those that don't look like you, don't dress like you, don't speak as you do, GO! to every creature.
Thank you sister, We do just that (go ye into all the world). Our videos and messages are all over the internet for the World to view and respond. We hear from both those that agree and those that don't.

We get so many objections to our Rapture videos by those who oppose it. Many people do not believe that Jesus is returning and that we are leading people into falsehood by stating differently.

Everyone won't agree on everything but the gospel still must be preached.
Young man I will give you what the word of God says, not an opinion. Take heed to God's word.
Proverbs 7:24.
* Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.

* 25. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.

* 26. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.

* 27. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.

1 Corinthians 10:12 KJV

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall .

Remember how Sampson was able to defeat the Philistines as he was the Strongest man in the bible, but yet a woman was able to bring him down.

Let he that hath an ear take her. The bible even says can a man take fire to his bosom and not be burned.

Evangelist you should be very careful how you teach young people as God will hold you accountable for wrong teaching.
God will, not YOU! Thank you though
Sister, I think that is what I said. God will.

Please know this and I mean it with all my heart. God knows that I do. I love you dearly as a sister in Christ and hold no ill feelings, however in my dealings with young people especially young women they need this type of teaching in this last day. I know young woman who are hurting and need the truth. One young lady that I minister too has told me of her weaknesses and how she needs a man constantly. The Lord spoke to me and told me that a particular guy is trying to give her aids I told her this and she took heed. The guys ex-girlfriend told this young lady that he has given her aids and that she needs to leave him alone. She revealed to me that the young man we spoke of is trying to sleep with her and that I was right about him trying to kill her with aids.

I don't deal with these young people harshly but in love speaking the gospel truth. When my husband and I ministered to two teenage boys and their parents in our home about a situation they were involved in one young man was literally in tears over this issue. Not tears from our preaching to him but over the issue he was dealing with. He and his parents left our home knowing how we feel about things (concerning holiness and living right) and didn't feel judged but thankful for the truth. How we ministered will keep these boys out of JAIL. They have a great deal of respect for our family and knows that the love of God is emulating from this house.
I think that in our zeal to allow people to "come as they are" as long as they are getting the Word, we have become a church that allows this even at the highest levels. There are female pastors (some I have seen on television) that wear very tight outfits that sometimes can be very small. There is nothing wrong with a woman being proud of being beautiful but think about how many you are leading to lustful thoughts, sometimes unknowingly. When you are preaching or are in the house of God we must try to exercise modesty in your dress. The thing we should be focusing on is the Word of God as it is preached, not how you look.

On the other hand, there have been men I have seen who actually don't wear ties, which is fine if that's what you like. But they will wear shirts unbuttoned too low. Yes a man can cause a woman to stumble as well. Sometimes women may be attracted to you as a leader in the house of God. So when you dress seductively (knowingly or not) with tight shirts you cause the woman to think imure thoughts. Yes ladies struggle too.

Let us be mindful when we are ministering of who we are influencing. Because the only one who should be influencing people when we minister should be the Holy Spirit of God, not the devil.
I agree with this 100 percent, wonderful brother

The thing we should be focusing on is the Word of God as it is preached, not how you look.
If you understand the brothers whole post, He is trying to articulate that women up preaching in overly tight or sensual clothes are causing some to lose focus on the message because of being distracted by what she is wearing.

I don't think he's saying that it is okay to dress anyway you want and others shouldn't be bothered or concerned by it. How we dress can distract others.
I can certainly agree that brothers should watch their dress too. A friend told me that once the pastor at their family church would wear tight pants when he taught the bible study classes and many of the woman would be giggling and blushing and not concentrating on bible study. When this brother sat before this mostly women audience they would be concentrating on this crouch and not his teaching.

This pastor was also sleeping with a couple of sisters at the church even though he was married and it seems as if he accomplished a goal of creating a lustful atmosphere by wearing clothes that were way too tight.

Both brothers and sisters have to be careful not to be stumblingblocks to one another and causing an occasion to fall. Suggesting that we leave it up to the Holyghost to convict them and not teaching them how to properly is not realistic. Not everyone has holyghost conviction and thus will dress provocatively regardless to who is affected by it. I believe that proper dress should be a church mandate as to help those who are new converts or struggling in the flesh. This will reduce the opportunities for lust in the flesh. Amen.
I was going to let this go, but I can't, you are always speaking on what somebody told you, a pastor told me, a friend told me........ let me suggest that you not take heed to gossip, a person talking about their pastor wearing whatever kind of pants, and the who is sleeping with who, is not conversation befitting a saint, it's outright gossip and it is a sin.


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