Is your church teaching Gods commandments or man's traditions. Yes, I am aware that some traditions are to be passed down from generation to generation. But here lately I am hearing a lot more about what seems right unto man and not what God said in his word. Be careful! Are you looking for religion or salvation there is a difference?

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iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
Many times lots of Christians follow things that they think are godly but in the true sense of their nature they are following ways taught by men or things that truly look godly but they are traditions of men. I god to the books of Galatians and Collosians when I need to understand the doctrines that are taught by men.

The flip side to this is when as Christians fail to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, then the easiest cop-out is coming up with "Pharisaical" attitude who out of zeal they wanted to lead people to God but at the coming of the Messiah the didn't recognize him. We can't as Christians continue putting the cart before the horse. Faith without works is dead and works without faith is incomplete. It is by grace, through faith that we have been saved; and our works come in place because we are masterpieces that God created to do the good work He[God] apportioned for us in advance to do. Remember its not so that anyone may boast.

Yes, there is a Big Problem in the church with coming up with new doctrine like OH' we go make the tithes payers go 1st non tithers go last. We go put u out the church if Ur cell phone goes off if u dont allow us to take ur cell phone from U. Its just to much.
In all things they must line up with the word of God. So if there are traditions according to man, and they are not in line with the word they shouyld be done away with.
If we fail to teach the principles of Christ and the Commandments of God, can we still then be rightly called The Church? If we knew who the Church was, then would we know our position as the Church and govern ourselves accordingly. All that say unto Christ, Lord, Lord, does not what he says. I believe that the many buildings we call churches are not perfect by any means, but I also believe that a small residue of the Church is in the midst of them. If there is but one righteous man in the whole of a 3000 member congregation, then that one righteous man has brought the Church in their midst. The Church is everywhere, like the air we breathe. It is not the buildings or the members, or even the preacher...It is an awakened spirit, a risen soul that has come into the light of God and is ever learning and doing His good pleasure.
Mr King: I really think this might help>>>
If Yeshua was a Jew and for the most part he was a product of his generation and wisdom of that generation..and historically a Talmidim ( disciple) of the House of Rav.Hillel~~~with that written ; Why does the church look anywhere but Israel and the Sages of Israel for their real answers....
Trust me the Sages and Rabbinic authority truly know their Torah [ the TaNaKh] and teach it very well, and that is how you obtain the ShekinahLife~~
Mr. Shek, I do not agree that Yeshua was a product of His generation. Before Abraham was, He is. I also do not agree that He was a product of the wisdom of that generation, but that His wisdom was a product of the manifold wisdom of the unnameable God of creation who we call Yahweh. Yeshua was indeed a pupil, but He was nobody's disciple. His wisdom was greater than that of those who thought they were His teachers. And whenever they compared their doctrine and wisdom with His they were found wanting. But then perhaps we are not talking about the same Messiah, the Christ, The Son of the Living God. If this is the case, then your argument is relevant. Israel knows the prophets, but they do not embrace the apostles wholly. I believe we should eat the whole roll.
I believe it was Eat the Scroll...BTW if your interested this may help in the understanding somewhat;
Personally I teach the Historical version of the Scriptures..That generally does not get people emotional enough to give much...but then we serve HaShem in Charity from one to another Not to an institution~
As to this Venerated man; Simply the man was a Jew and to hate the Jew, or Mock our heritage is to hate your Jesus/Joshua Yeshua or whatever flavor the sacred-namers prefer this week]~~

Simply If the Historical archives in the library of the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem...state that the Virgin birth is a fabricated lie based upon a first century Hellenist doctrine that the gods could get a woman pregnant.. Like, who am I to Argue;

If the Imperial church of Rome historians see the same inconsistencies to the Linage and it too is misaligned, and not congruent with Torah truth;... then yes again who am I to argue...

After more than four decades at the Masters feet ; Sadly at the end of the day the teaching of your Rabbi is a misconstruction, and that is being very kind:
Our Father prayer is flat out Plagiarism of the One attributed to Rav. Hillel the Elder of Israel way before Yeshua taught it.( Read Pirkei Avos)..the Temple destruction prophesy is from Hillel Historically even the Historian Josephus only wrote two paragraphs regarding this man...and historically the version given to the christians are not the historically correct ones used in 'Wars of the Jews...etc
This may help someone: SRY I must go it is time for Shabbos~~~Shalom to one and all May the Father of light show you His shekinahLife
Enjoy your Shabbat~"J&T"
I pity you Mr. Shek... So so sad for you:(
Pity: is good,...I love great intellectual discourse: I might have thought you were having antisemitic thoughts or something~ Heaven forbid:
Obvious by now someone here at least had the curiosity of checking on any of what the Master has given me to Share..But I remember that even if I teach correctly about walking in the Shekinahlife...I am still a lighter colour and some folks are not into receiving from what they describe as a lesser....Hopefully you are still "Teachable" if not that violates the Xian Mitzvot now does it not.

So here is the same thing I am saying from an ordained minister... and she is probably more to some folks liking: so there:

All this back and forth is depressing This may help someone deal with Depression of Excessive inadequacies because of self arrogance'

This will help in the Redemption of things: ShekinahLife AfriKan Redemption group~~

Oh and lastly that young man YHVH used me to raise from the dead to call the Life breath of G-d into some seventeen years ago Did not use the word Pity He used the words Thank you..

To the the 57,000 fed in a Fresno food out reach in 94' under eight weeks of difficult political persecution, did not use the word Pity, they all said thank you.......and there was only me a Servant all of my children and the Call of YHVH to guide me past the gunfire to the real need of the heart....334 kids in a buss ministry and all of that outside the four walls of Christianity( the church does not want to get it's hands dirty with the real needs and teaching of Tzedakah/charitable giving from one to another in the community ~~Not to an institution)
Pity is not the word...the real word is INTIMACY with the Divine Master as one called Son.
Shalom Aleichem.....
Those people in the land are not the Jews of the Bible, but are the edomites...
Oh Please ..................Go and study,... we are all One human species..stop all the arrogant ignorance and deal with it. We either become One/Echad...Like in Shema Israel or another Holocaust is coming because of people who just do not get it.


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