I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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It is no different than the so called 'hip hop' gospel, it is still an act of adopting the things of the world in order to include it in what should be sacred and holy.

I have no problem with this at all, we have had several services that have had this vibe. There are some new Gen-X churches that have whole churches built under this same concept, combining it with contemporary preaching, gospel hip-hop and spoken word. Windsor Village UMC in Houston has weekly Sunday service targetting young adults that have this particular vibe. It is called "Awakenings" I would encourage anyone who has not attended one of these services to do so, It is a truly eye-opening experience. It is a fresh new approach to the black church. Here is some information about it, if you live in Houston. I encourage you to go.

Awakenings @9543…

A Worship Experience with

New Sights, New Sounds, and the same Gospel truths.

Every Sunday @12:30pm

Never in the history of the human race has there been such a combination of music and multi-sensory moments. Every element of the service is a thread that is intricately woven into the fabric of the worship experience. Each minute is maximized through the use of cutting-edge sights, sounds, and multi-media experiences.

Chaplain Harris,

I think you would probably be interested in the video series by John MacArthur entitled, "Does The Truth Matter Anymore?"! And I am referring to a sermon preached by Bill Vaughan. "In summary, John MacArthur began by examining the state of the Christian Church today and he then drew parallels from the history of the church, especially from the time of Charles Spurgeon at the end of the 19th Century. He focused on how the philosophy of pragmatism has invaded many churches. Pragmatism says that what determines the worth of something is whether or not results are produced. Why is pragmatism wrong? It is wrong because it CLASHES with God's way of doing business." According to MacArthur, worldliness has invaded the church, and the church is trying to act like the world in order to attract the world to the church. The so called 'Hip-Hop and R&B gospel music" is merely a part of this. To many this sounds good, but it is derived from "the Doctrine of Demons" worldliness is a sin! The apostate church in America is growing in number and this is why we have this demonic intrusion.
You viewpoint is duly noted Rev. Miller
If I had a church, I would not allow "Hip-Hop" in it. We also have to be careful about some of these artists who are saved, but their message is one of "what material possessions I can get." Romans 2:12 says, be not conformed to this world. Worldy music has no place in the church of God. I visited a churches watchnight service on Thursday, and I was appalled that the people of God had resorted to entertainment, instead of worship as they played a game of 'name that tune' using worldly music from the 1930's to 2009. Moreover, they had a comedy act which made fun of their members shouting! This is obsured. Our youth just want to be heard, loved, and respected. They need to learn and know the truth about respecting God's house, but at the same time they should have a freedom to be able to speak and get their questions answered and be respected as part of the body of Christ.
"... Romans 2:12 says, be not conformed to this world..."

Well Sis, if the church is not conformed to this world how will they draw the young sinners?

"...Worldy music has no place in the church of God. I visited a churches watchnight service on Thursday, and I was appalled that the people of God had resorted to entertainment, instead of worship as they played a game of 'name that tune' using worldly music from the 1930's to 2009. Moreover, they had a comedy act which made fun of their members shouting! This is obsured. Our youth just want to be heard, loved, and respected. They need to learn and know the truth about respecting God's house,..."

But sis if you dont allow entertainment in the church to keep the people in their pews what will happen to the gospel?
Dont you know that Paul brought in famous harpists and prominant tambourinists and looney jesters and belly dancers to draw the people to the risen Christ?
Get with it.
Amen Sis. Miles!

Oppsites attract! if pretending to be a women was required to draw women I would not be married today! If pretending to be a liar to draw liars how could one then call himself saved? where there is no Bold Contrast, what is the purpose of changing? Romans12:1-2 what part of be not conformed to THIS WORLD is not understood? anything that mimcks the world in effort to draw the world is satanic at its very core!

Pastor Hodge
Now you guys are getting ridiculous,

I can agree with you that we don't come to church to be entertained, we do come to worship and to be enlightened on the word of God so that we can put it into action in our lives. The most important thing about the New Testament church worship service that you must understand that it is not a time for traditional ritualistic religion, which is what some of you are describing. It is about a celebration of unity that is meant to evangelize the sinner, edifty the saint, and most of all exalt the saviour. I do agree that "name that tune" is a little weird (never heard of that one... LOL). I do believe that creativity should not be stifled. Creativity should be encouraged in the church. Because the message can never be altered, but the packaging can be. God gave us the message and the Great commission. It is up to us to get the message out there and educate each other about the things of God. So many have been held captive by tradition, but you must understand that God doesn't care about your traditions. So many of you are looking to reposess crumbs from bread of the past, when God is trying give you fresh bread for today. Learn to be open to move of the Holy Spirit and don't let little stupid stuff seperate you or bring division into the church. It is more important that we stand together than it is for us to enjoy and agree upon every little deatil of what goes on in a worship service. If you don't like what goes on in your church, two things can change,You or where you go to church. Ask God what He wants changed and do what He says. Stop being so critical.
"I do believe that creativity should not be stifled. Creativity should be encouraged in the church..."

There is a difference between creation and imitation...I'm all for the Church being "creative" it's the imatating the world that we are talking about. Again; Rom: 12:1-2 Be Not Conformed! you can be creative , just don't be conformed!

Pastor Hodge
With all due respect, I really don't think that hip-hop or R&B music in the church is brought on by a "...move of the Holy Spirit..." and what some of us are saying should not be dismissed as "...little stupid stuff..." it is an extremely serious matter. You are right it is all about what God wants, who told us that God wanted a "change" in the way He is being worshiped? We need to remember that He is the same yesterday, today; and tomorrow.
Who said anything about a change in worship, I was talking about a change in us.

Here is where you guys are getting confused. Your righteousness is nothing but filthy rags to God, it is through the righteousness of Christ that we are able to worship. None of us in it of ourselves will ever be good enough. It was Jesus Christ that bridged the gap for us. Anything that is covered by the blood of Christ is new. Read the following and please tell me what is sinful about it. Note these are originals to the person that wrote it, He didn't imitate anyone. If there is something that you disagree with that is not Biblical, let me know in detail what it is and why.

"I wanna know if you wanna know which way to go
It's a narrow road, and if you carry loads, you can be set free
I don't care about the car you drive... are you alive?
This is do or die, so you and I need to be totally free

Who you wanna be like, a man or woman with vision to see right?
Do you have any passion to be right or be light?
Shinin' like you're a diamond or would it be tight
to roll with a cat, who holds a gat and lets the weed light?
Quick to brawl and get involved in a street fight
Quick to ball, forget it yall, he's enthralled with street life
He's gotcha thinking that he's hype but these type
never sleep tight they stay awake countin the sheep right?
He's got a sweet life? Please "Sike!"
He's a phony, he's really lonely that's why he clubs every week night
He can't handle the storm, he's like a cheap kite
He needs Christ, he's the opposite of Levite:
Unholy and a contradiction like "free price"
blind as a bat or better yet blind as three mice
Either way you look at it the crooks get it
don't look at me like I'm pathetic, the book said it!"

-Compliments of the CROSSMOVEMENT

Has this encouraged you to sin in any way. If it has please let me know what sin it tempted you to commit, because that would reveal your real issue.

Minister Jenkins I would never tell you what to allow in your Church. I agree with Brother Rev. Luckett I feel some Churches are using the energy of Hip-Hop to draw the youth into the door & that's OK. If fats food commercials can use Hip-Hop than Churches can do the same. Remember two Icons in Hip-Hop & two of the best rappers in history are Run-DMC/ We know about Rev. Run & his family from the TV show & DMC was awarded the Angels in Adoption Award for his work with children in foster care and promotion of adoption. He founded a summer camp providing 170 foster children a childhood experience. I say that to say, the roots of hip hop are found in African music. Africans rapped with beats in Africa. They later were brought to the new world as slaves and used the beats from Africa with music from the new world. Jamaica also performed "toasts" poems that tell stories in rhyme. I say that to say, Hip-Hop is a form of energy, expression, a feeling a vibe that some folks with a gift, like myself, can't really explain were it comes from, but I'll try, Hip-Hop is energy, a life experience, maybe a gift from God to explain our life & environment, maybe. I say that to say this, if Hip-Hop was the pulse of the culture in about AD a large group of Jesus followers & maybe a few disciples would be rhymers & rappers and if DJ Kool Herc was living in AD this would be true. Oppression brings expression.

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith


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