I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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jeez man what do you listen too no gospel jazz
nothing before the year 1611 probably right?

'Yes' what?
I dont understand the phrase 'hiphop minister'.
I listen to all kinds of christian music and I guess that would include gospel jazz - but lets flip the question....what IS a 'jazz minister' ? Or a 'heavy metal minister'?
The phrase must have some kind of meaning.
Help me out. :-)
maybe its a "rock n roll" miniter or servant of rock n roll or hip hop I choose to be a servent of God...
Hum! Hip Hop minister? We keep adding new titles everyday as we go along, I went to one church who had a "Deacon Emeritus" they actually place a sign on the first row near the pulpit indicating that it was his seat and one else should dare sit on that corner of the pew.
" I went to one church who had a "Deacon Emeritus" they actually place a sign on the first row near the pulpit indicating that it was his seat and one else should dare sit on that corner of the pew. "

Wow the church is in a sad state.
But God will be cleaning her up - and baby look out.
geez how religious! dude that wasnt a title it was a description......I do respect the titles outlined in the bible concerning the 5 fold ministry however lets make that clear...
Everybody is getting all in an uproar about titles. Just to let you know some history, no one in the New Testament was ever referred to as Reverend. Yes the Church made that up, the Catholic church that is. O whole lot of titles have been made up, that's nothing to discuss. I want one of you to answer the aforementioned question:

Read the following and please tell me what is sinful about it. Note these are originals to the person that wrote it, He didn't imitate anyone. If there is something that you disagree with that is not Biblical, let me know in detail what it is and why.

"I wanna know if you wanna know which way to go
It's a narrow road, and if you carry loads, you can be set free
I don't care about the car you drive... are you alive?
This is do or die, so you and I need to be totally free

Who you wanna be like, a man or woman with vision to see right?
Do you have any passion to be right or be light?
Shinin' like you're a diamond or would it be tight
to roll with a cat, who holds a gat and lets the weed light?
Quick to brawl and get involved in a street fight
Quick to ball, forget it yall, he's enthralled with street life
He's gotcha thinking that he's hype but these type
never sleep tight they stay awake countin the sheep right?
He's got a sweet life? Please "Sike!"
He's a phony, he's really lonely that's why he clubs every week night
He can't handle the storm, he's like a cheap kite
He needs Christ, he's the opposite of Levite:
Unholy and a contradiction like "free price"
blind as a bat or better yet blind as three mice
Either way you look at it the crooks get it
don't look at me like I'm pathetic, the book said it!"

-Compliments of the CROSSMOVEMENT

Has this encouraged you to sin in any way. If it has please let me know what sin it tempted you to commit, because that would reveal your real issue.
I must admit, I wasn't all too thrilled about the idea of Gospel Rap because the rhythm of the beat was too secular. But, knowing young people like this rhythm and many do listen to the lyrics, I had to reconsider my position on this topic.

Jesus met the people where they were. He spoke in parables to help them receive and understand the message in a simplified manner.

Gospel Rap is doing the same thing. It's reaching a generation where they are - speaking their language while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a simplified manner.

Shalom in Jesus
Thank God..its just that simple...only satan could confuse something so simple and make it so complex...I wonder whats next...maybe someone will propose that you cannot stream a church service...all members have to be in the building in order for God to move...
Hip-hop is a secular form of music that should not be allowed in teh church doors. I understand people want to draw youth to their church, but think about why you are drawing them. They are not coming because they hear a good word that blessed their soul. They want to come to here someone talk in rythem in the mic????........NO!!!!!!!!!!!! I was bought up when there was nothing but gospel in the church; and barely even R&B in the car. Stick only to Christ in the churhc and see how much your church is really blessed.
interesting to see where that approach has gotten us...a stagnant irrelevant church...content to be a generation or two behind musically and with connecting with what is going on in the world...its no wonder that as soon as these children hit college they have no staying power....you guys stay in that manufactured world of yours ok...Imma hit these streets and preach this gospel! hopefully I wont refer anyone to a stagnant church ...
Stick to tradition and see how stagnant one becomes...

No one is suggesting taking Christ out of the church but if music that sounds like what the kids today listen to can draw them to the cross, why is anyone critical of it? Jesus, Himself, said "it is the traditions of men that make of none effect the Word of God." If you don't dig it and do not allow it in your church, well, all the best to you. But please, let's not be so critical of something that is yielding results for the Kingdom of God. Be Blessed!


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