Salvation is it eternal regardless of the circumstances or not come on lets get everyone’s opinion

But what is your take on what would have happened if the prodigal son or anyone who had received salvation backslides by rejecting the Father, His Son, the Holy Ghost and totally turned away from the faith and DIED without having repented or had the opportunity to return to the fold. Would that person be heading for hell or heaven? This is a conversation that came up with a couple of my work colleague when we were in an after discussion on Luke 15:11-32 so I would be interested in having a discussion and receiving everyone's point of view.

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Have you lived a perfect life since receiving salvation sir?

Perfection is on the other side of life. We all have foot of clay on this present evil world. If some claim perfection, it exposes their ignorance, and it is ridiculous.
My, you are a serious MAN my Brother.... God bless and Keep YOU...

Hello. This is an interesting discussion, well, my opinion would be, first you need to remember that the story of the prodical son is a parable made made by Christ Jesus, the father representing God, the prodical son representing sinners and the elder brother representing teachers of religious law, having said that you mentioned two important things that makes a person not to inherit the kingdom of God, first, Rejecting the Trinity of God(is the spirit of anti-christ, and the turning away from faith, those two definately will prevent one to enter into the kingdom of God, one last thing about the person dying without having an opportunity to repent, that will never happen in this life, every person living on this earth one way or the other gets the oportunity to repent but others even to their point of death still denies or rejects the opportunity, so the story of the prodical son is teaching us about God's love and the availability of this love to all man irrespective of a situation or circumstance.


Hope I've shared some light with you. Stay blessed

Thank you, but you need more enlightenment. The parable of the prodigal son and his elder brother has to do with self righteous believers. Don't forget that the pharisees are not members of the kingdom of God. So they are definitely not the main focus here. Unless you want to use this parable as an application to the pharisees, fine. Further, the meaning of the parable is ONE but application is many. The father is God, the two are believers, however, both at one point or the other fail into carnality, sin influence..Jesus told the parable so that we believers ought not to be too judgmental against other Christians who we pass opinion regarding their spiritual life, especially those we observe that commit obvious sins, unlike those who commit mental attitude sins, which we may not notice.Example, when a believer is caught in fornication is like hell is let loose, but if another commit sin of bitterness, envy, jealousy, etc, no one sees it.Regrettably, most Christians do not have a good understanding of the POWERFUL policy of GRACE. Christianity is grace from A-Z. And of course, grace is a higher spiritual law than Old Testament policy. Once again, i appreciate your efforts in wrestling over these things. May the Lord give you understanding..

Hello Amechi, Thanks but no thanks, that was not enlightening, the prodical son and his brother are both not a symbol of self righteous believers, yes one can see self righteousness from the elder brother and definetely not the prodical son and if you think that what the prodical son did by taking his heritage and left that is definately not self righteousness but pride(he had a spirit that said I can do without my father, do not need my father's care, etc), sef righteousness always makes one to see himself/herself better than the other and rises the spirit of jeolousy, the prodical son was not jeolous of his brother nor his father all he wanted was self independence on the other hand the elder brother was very much judgemental and considered himself better than the younger brother and worked hard to win the father's approval, the moral of the story is that the father loves us all and His love is available for all who will receive and accept it, then and only then you get the father's approval. I hope these discussions are for encouraging and teaching not proving each other wrong and comparing who knows more than who. Let us continue to engage in these discissions being compelled by love and nothing else, may God get the glory in all this, not you and absolutely not me. Amen 

Romans 10:9 states that you will confess with your mouth the Lord and Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead then you shall be saved. So the real the real question is did the individual really believe when they confessed.
Look my friend, it is not our business to find out those who really confessed or believed in Christ as their Savior. Talking of confession, this is made to God, and not to man. Confession is not different from believing. And it is more of a mental consent than audible. Else, the dumb will have problem with the quotation.
Have you ever read the book of Ezekiel, if you haven't i encourage you to do so.. through taking what it says literaly you will see that when we see a man whether he be righteous or unrighteous trapped in a fault and he dies in sin, his soul is required, yet the blood is on our hands. We are most definitely our brothers keepers. Whether they believed or not...Salvation is eternal, but it does come with requirements.

Rev. Watson, yes i believe that he died for our future sins.. to me salvation is an on going process, you know the parable about the two men praying in the Temple, a Pharisee, and a Commoner, Yet only one went home Justified. And we know from the Parable that it was the Repentant one. That is why I believe that we must be repentant even after Salvation, to me it is oxymoronic to think that I or anyone else is going to Heaven with SIN on the Books. Preachers tell the World all the time that God does not hear your prayers while you are in Sin. Now with that being said, "If God does not hear the sinner,How can he hear the sinner?"


 One of the biggest frauds of Doctrine is that we are all sinners, talking about the Church. How can we who are dead in our trespasses, live in them.. The fornicator,drunkard,adulterer,idolator, sexualy immoral shall not enter, so sir I believe that just because one was saved does not mean Heaven is our Home. Not talking about past or future sins, the present ones will do. the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, if we are not saved, we know the conclusion, yet if we are we risk losing what we have gained. You can't steal from yourself, Jesus came to set the captive free. Satan has the sinner, he wants to steal, kill, and destoy our very souls. This is why yhe Christian must have Faith enough to know that/ GOD DID IT ONCE AND HE WILL DO IT AGAIN!!!

 The Apostle Paul wrote that {"if we confess ou sins" he is faithful and just, to forgive us} if once saved always saved, why is there a need for confession?

  Many miss the point of Salvation.. We are all messed up/wrapped up/or tied up in something. In order to make it straight we always "Call on the name of the Lord, to be saved" As the Man in the temple cried out to God "Have mercy on me a Sinner." I believe all Christians would rather be Justified, than Self-Righteous..

  I believe I read where someone said "Salvation is dependent on the integrity of God" now here we see the problem, Our Father has integrity, but many of this Children do not..

 Two men went to the Temple to Pray, One was preying on the other, Yet the One was Praying To God..



  Rev. Watson, I would encourage you to youtube "Nobody's Fault But Mine" by Blind Willie Johnson, or Nina Simone.. please listen and enjoy.

Salvation is a good question and there are God's view points and man's view points. What I do find interesting is that while most people would say, if asked if they were a gambler they would say no, but many are gambling on salvation and hoping that it comes down to "believing."


In the OT one had to follow to be saved. In the NT it it seems to be especially in Christianity that all it takes is to believe one is saved. If one goes with the concept of Christianity then they also believe that Jesus came to start a new religion called "Christianity," even though there is no proof that says that is what Jesus came to do. In fact not only did Jesus, not say that one is saved by being a Christian, but none of the apostles said that is what it is to be saved.


What is also interesting is that most scholars will tell you is that it was pagan worshipers that actually started with using the word "Christian" as they were mocking believers. Now if all that is true, "would God want His chosen people being called by a name that was started with pagan worshipers?"


The other possibility is that Jesus came to graft all in to the promise. Jesus said one must be born again to see the kingdom of God, but in Christianity that means to be born again is to be saved.


To start with the questions, try the following on for size. Assuming that salvation is belonging to Jesus, then to belong to Jesus it takes love one for the other. Jesus said, "they will know that you are mine by your love one for the other."


The next thing to possibly look at as to what salvation is what Paul wrote which is used in the communion service and everyone reads it but I wonder "how many stop to really think what it says and if they understand it." "My body was broken for you." This short sentences is making several statements, but first whose body are we talking about. We can find that none of the bones in Jesus was broken so one can only assume from that is that "My body," is talking about the body of Christ. If that is true then the other thing that scripture is saying that the only way one can be in the body is by being broken. "My body is broken for you." third part of that is action, we are broken so that we will reach out to others. 1 John 3:16.


Some other troublesome verses say that in order to be a son or child of God that one needs to be led by the Spirit of God.


Scripture also says that if we do not keep the commandments we do not love God. I would also think a part of salvation is to love God, but how we show our love for God is by how we love others. One of the commandments of course is to honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy and for some reason Christianity felt the need to change to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?????  Well we do know that if we break one of the commandments we break them all.


Other scripture that people do not often preach on is "those that overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony," which goes back to the fact that we eat of the fruit of our lips.


Last but not least we have Matthew 25:31-46, but many misread that as well.


Salvation what is it, is a good question and then the second question is salvation about the things mention above or is it simply going out leading people to Jesus and letting the figure it out for themselves. Is salvation about coming to maturity, because in scripture the only way for one to come to maturity is through the five fold gift ministry which is some are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers of which most of the Christian church has done away with.


Lately I have heard a lot about people gathering to pray and seek God's face 2 Chronicles 7:14 and it mentions our wicked ways, but it is sort of left open to interpretation as to what those wicked ways are? Today and each day some 14,000 people starve to death, not because there are too many people for to little food, but because we do not stand up together and decide to end starvation. Instead we build more church buildings. Scary isn't it? 


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