Should a pastor that spends most of his time preaching and teaching get paid for what God has him to do? I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free?

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The reason God commanded us to not add to his word is because he only speaks through his word the bible,this way if someone says God said it, we can check it out in the bible,before the bible was completed,we had to wait to see if what the prophet said came to pass,if it didn't, the prophet was false...this was only before the bible was that its complete all we need to do is go to the bible and check what God says in his word...the wisdom of God fixed it so that there could be no false words spoken for God..
The Tzavah (command) of YHVH to Israel and the stranger with them'~ you allude to Mr Preacher, is fixed before the Milta,... before the beginning, Simply it is part of the Adam Kadmon~ the blueprint for all humanity.

The very essence of YHVH is within us and until folks un-lock the inherent truth, they will always follow fables and socialized misconstruction. You are however right in that everything revolves around the Torah first established at Har Sinai...when 600,000 souls stood in awe at the thick darkness and fire and the Bath Kol from YHVH to his Bride Israel.
The Essence of YHVH never stops speaking and refreshing each and every morning..Solomon essentially said that.And more-so the tapestry of love painted across the evening sky~The night and the day are one day..the Light and darkness are in one day the Light will however prevail if the children would only go and study the essence of the King instead of focusing on the prince of the kingdom as we are all..or should obtain to be..that is teh full stature of the Man the Adam Kadmon...Thwe Psychology of the soul is the journey [ This may help someone<> as a tool of instruction.

The whole point of the Torah is to evolve from an inherent animal instinct to that of a Einstein as one with the Divine Master in wisdom knowledge and finally full understanding (that is Chabad) [ ]

Sadly Very few obtain to the Oneness witch Ha'Shem where He states~" I no longer want your praise from the book I want it from your Heart...

Some of you will get that if so join me at http// and start coming out of her"
Who's monitoring this site?Way off the point.
There is Nothing off point..everything is G-d~~~(that's who is monitoring) for your Good...or in your terms ~
"All things' work together for good to those who love YHVH and are called to deep calleth unto deep study of the scrolls.
That is a Mitzvah (a commandment) my good neighbor:
To bring a Minion ***/-Ten good men together to Daven (pray)and study,...then go out and heal the world in some way.

Has nothing to do with self...(Personal-gain~topic~) However it has everything to do with Self-nullification:

Enjoy your study of Torah basics, for in there, you will find your heritage and destiny: Shalom
***The Minion is based upon that G-d could not find a Minion of Righteous men in Sodom...therefore much like Amerika destruction is at the door:
Pastor Lorenzo you answered your own question: "I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free."
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4;17 Those who are truly called know their needs will be met because we seek His Kingdom first. If getting paid is anyone's motive for serving God I fear for them for in their folly they don't fear God themselves...
Look at it this way..your father ask's you to go do some Important business for him,and the reply,Ok how much will you pay me?
Mazel tov~Ahavah has no price and has no limits.
I am not an ordained minister yet, but I believe that God will make a way for you to reap the harvest of the field. As long as you do the work the Lord has called for you to do then the benefits of the work will come mightly. Don't expect the benefits to come because that's where the Lord will know that you are doing it for the money. I believe the word of God says don't let your right hand knows what the left hand is doing.
Ordained yet..May be a good thing Lets see what you will get ...Ah,... A title and prestige and then if your real good at moving the crowd the handlers will Promote you to there wash boy status..Yeah right;

Ok so there is the flip side,....... the religion that is your heritage that is Not a religion...Judaism..It is a Lifestyle walk...something Yochannon wrote about between the added phraseology it states 'Those who say they follow Yeshua's teachings should therefore walk as he walked"( 1st-John-2:v6)..that alludes to the statement of Matthew 5:v17-ff~

Enjoy your journey:
The fruit that The Word speaks of is Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version)

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. 1 Timothy 6:10

Money is a tool not a benefit. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, Matthew 6:3. Taking scripture out of context to justify one's self is an abomination. It's deception unless you really don't understand the scriptures. Being ordained (a man made tradition) is not a permit to live above a "flock" and play shepherd. Here is something for all you title seekers, whether preachers, teachers, apostles, evangelists, reverends and your host of first ladies; repent while there is still time
Mr. Wesley writes:"~repent while there is still time"
Yes with Teshuvah ( return to YHVH ~then go and study) we have a chance for Redemption or the Guelah This may help sort out a few things: This link is to a powerful testimony~~~Ordained Minister to Torah Observant. If it has merit Pass it to a friend.

May the Shekinah illuminate your way today this is one to take notes from
I totally disagree with some of us who say a Pastor shouldn't be paid. You guys are being biased on the issue and not holistic and I disagree. Should a pastor be paid? YES. He is a laborer who deserves his wages like the Bible says. Can he be fired? Yes, if he is not producing. Pastors who are overtaken by love for money (whether paid pastors or church founders) will always miss the mark. What did the Bible say? "The harvest is truly great, pray to the Lord of the harvest that He send laborers to his field" Luke 10:2. "the laborer deserves his wages the Bible says so, not me. Another instance from the Bible is found on Matthew 20, a story by the Lord Jesus Himself about the Lord of the Harvest (Him) and His HIRED laborers. What happened in that story? The Lord of the harvest first of all agree with the laborers for a fee (salary) and to cut the story short, the laborers all got paid. The Lord Jesus illustrated that Pastors (laborers in the vineyard) have got to be paid, and very well too. The Bible said "the Lord of the harvest AGREED with the labourers on the amount. Which means there an agreement from both parties, its there in the Bible. You who is not a pastor, why do you work? You work to earn. Are you not a Christian, a believer in the Faith? Why not wait for the Lord to take care of you from heaven? Have you not read that Faith without works is dead? in the Book of James. God speaking in the Bible, He says, "I will bless the work of your hands". If you don't work, God will not bless. As a Christian, you got to be a laborer either in the Church or in the office or both as the case may be. Tithing is Biblical and God constituted tithing so that the Church can have funds for administrative, logistic and project costs, etc. So people, Pastors who are paid will not answer to God like some of you said, rather, whey will receive a great pat on the back from their Master IF they really did the work. You ask, why didn't Jesus get paid for His work on earth. And I answer it. The Lord Jesus is the Investor. The Investor invests His money to pay his staff (laborers) and agreed sum (salary). All the staff have got to to is to stay faithful to their faithful Master. IF you stay faithful, you get a raise, you get a promotion! And in the case of the Lord Jesus, it goes further than a raise and promotion, Eternal Bliss.


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