Womanhood is a call and motherhood is a ministry. The womb of a woman is a gift that is attached with responsibilities. Which every woman ought to know at her finger tips.

It is rather unfortunate that a good number of women round the globe have not known the importance of their womb.And this has caused many nations of the world from fulfilling their prophetic destinies.As those who were supposed to have been prepared from the womb of their mothers lost the opportunity.

The womb lays the fundamental foundation in the life of everyone on earth, which can influence the person positively or negatively as the case may be.

Some are yoked today due negative gate ways opened from the womb of their mother. Which has stood as a legal ground, hence a stronghold of the devil over their lives. Thereby bringing unfulfilled life, contrary to the will and purpose of God for the person.

The womb is an altar, And altar is a place of worship,communion, service etc. The baby while in the womb is either influenced by godly or ungodly spirit. (Psalm 22 :9 - 10, 139 :13).

The womb of a woman is a place where destiny can be enthroned or dethroned. Just as Esau-s destiny was dethroned from his mother-s womb. (Gen. 25: 22 -23).There are a lot of children round the globe, whose destinies have been dethroned from their mother-s womb. Due to spiritual insensitivity on the side of their mother and lack of ministering to the baby during pregnancy.

God has His plan and purpose on each of us before conception. Hence He expects every mother to dream along side with Him. By being sensitive in the spirit as to minister His mind to the baby during pregnancy. And that is the MINISTRY OF THE WOMB.which God has given to every woman.

Whereby the woman ministers to her baby within the period of pregnancy,By using her apostolic and prophetic mantle to enforce the will of God for the child. At the same time, lay a solid foundation from her womb which God uses as a memorial to relate better with the child when born. (1st Samuel 3 :4)

Nevertheless , this ministry has been neglected across the globe due to ignorance of the existence of the ministry. As well as spiritual immaturity that has led to insensitivity in the spirit. Which can be attributed to the fact that women across the globe have not known THE DEPT OF THE POWER OF THEIR WOMB,

The fear of the devil is on a child whose mother through the leading of the spirit, prepared from the womb to fulfill his or her destiny. And that is why the devil will always fight such women. {Revelation

The unspeakable treasures attached to the womb is infinite. And that is why the devil is afraid of women,due to the POWER behind their womb. Which is divinely mandated to birth little gods.

It is heart breaking to note that this ministry has been neglected. And the devil has taken advantage over the seeds of women across the globe. Since their mothers failed to have prepared them spiritually from the womb. Thereby leaving their destinies to the influences of the devil. Hence making a mess of the apostolic and prophetic mantle that is attached to womanhood. Which God originally designed as an EMPOWERMENT tool that prepares babies ahead of time before birth over the challenges on earth.

Every prepared womb gives birth to a blessed child.( Luke 11 :27) And that is why God from time to time, would shut the womb to enable the woman get it prepared as she travails in prayers.(1st Samuel 1: 6 )

We do not have to wait until God shuts the womb before we can acknowledge the place of God in child bearing. It is in the place of every woman to have a fore knowledge of her child before and during pregnancy.{Judges 13:3 - 5).

Within the period of pregnancy the baby can be separated from all manner of generational strongholds or curses etc. As the women makes use of her PRIESTHOOD ordination and her knowledge of the MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION to reconcile the life of her baby to the will of God. This will limit the influences of satanic gate ways that a lot of people are yoked into.because their mother failed to have ministered to them when they were in the womb.

These are women that have an understanding of the place they occupy in destiny. And uses their womb as a gift for mission for God here on earth because the womb is for a ministry. And such women always gives birth to destiny fulfilled children.{Luke 1:30- -33).

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Sis. Elechi:

The womb is an altar, And altar is a place of worship,communion, service etc.

With all due respect, you are going to have to show me in scripture where the Lord said a woman's womb is an altar.

All through the Bible we are taught to worship God at the altar - where does a woman's womb fit into this picture as an altar to worship God?

I have read the Gospels and no where have I found Jesus making reference to a woman's womb being an altar for worship, communion, service, etc.

Peace in Jesus
Womanhood is a call and motherhood is a ministry. The womb of a woman is a gift that is attached with responsibilities. Which every woman ought to know at her finger tips. Where does it say that in the Bible?
I need some supporting Scripture,and I'll start from there
Pastor Valentine, thank you for reading through my material. It is important that I respond to your question. Let me recall on what an altar is.

1. An altar is a place of worship
2. It is place of communion.
3. It is a place of sarifice
4. It is a place of service.
5. It is a place of encounter.
6. It is a place of power.
7. It is a place of meeting.
8. It is a place of fellowship
9. An altar is a place of ordination.

An altar can be godly or ungodly. There are two kinds of altar.

1. Visible Altar _ 1st kings 8:13, 2nd Kings 21:1 to 5

2. Invisible Altar _ e.g in the moon, sun,water etc Psalm 19: 1 to 4, 2nd Kings 23: 5

If the above is said as the definition of an altar, let us examine these questions.

1. Do babies in the womb encounter God?


2. Do babies in the womb experience the power of God.?

22: 9 TO 10

3. Does God meet with babies in the womb?

THE WOMB IS A PLACE OF MEETING - PSALM 139:13, 22:9 TO 10,JOB 31:15,HOSEA 12:3

4. Does God fellowship with babies in the womb?


5, Does God ordain babies from the womb?


IIf science and the bible do agree that life starts from the womb, is there any role that God left for the church to play towards the babies in the womb? Knowing that babies in the womb do have body, soul and spirit. And the word of God is also a spirit.

However, kindly examine the account of Hannah the mother of Samuel who entered into a covenant on behalf of her unborn son, in 1st Sam. 1:10. Have you wondered on why Samuel began to hear from God as a little child? 1st Sam. 3:1 - 14.

I can see a woman who has experienced God and imparted her godly nature in her son while in the womb. And went an extra mile with God to see that her son would keep to her covenant that she made on his behalf. To be a priest unto the Lord.Please do note that as the placenta feeds the baby in the womb, so the spiritual life of a woman affects her baby positively or negatively as the case may be. Luke 1:42.

God bless you.

Apostle Uchehchi J Elechi
Apostle Elechi:

With all due respect, we you provide scriptural support on the following 4 points you listed as it relates to the woman's womb?

1. An altar is a place of worship
2. It is place of communion.
3. It is a place of sarifice
4. It is a place of service.
this is a great revelation
What is a revelation?
WOW ! Wasn't the birthing givin to Eve because of sin. Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Now it's a ministry, strange doctrine is what that is.
I agree. This is strange in deed.
Now it's a ministry, strange doctrine is what that is.

Yes, this is strange, since I have yet to read where childbirth is a ministry and the woman's womb is an altar.

WOW ! Wasn't the birthing givin to Eve because of sin. Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;

Giving birth wasn't the punishment, it was the "sorrow" (pain) in giving birth that was the punishment. After all, did not God give Adam and Eve the commandment before the Fall to be fruitful and multiply? How else was Eve going to be able to have children if not through childbirth?
Gen 3:16 and thy conception
Gen 4;1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived,
if you rightly divide Gen 1;28 then you would pick that up after the fall in the garden , until then there was no knowing Eve by Adam.And again we see this in Gen 5;2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam,
ok praise him
if you rightly divide Gen 1;28 then you would pick that up after the fall in the garden , until then there was no knowing Eve by Adam.

So, what you are saying is that the earth was created for Adam and Eve only with no intent for Adam to know Eve and thereby conceive.


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