Over the years, I have heard many men and women in the holiness denominations say that women shouldn't wear pants in the church.

Were is the scripture to support the ideology that women shouldn't wear pants? If it is in scripture then I would have to ask why are men wearing pants? Did men wear pants in biblical times or did their wear something that covered their loins and then long robe like attire? I mean isn't that what you depict in your biblical plays? So why aren't the men being asked to wear similar apparel in the church to maintain a outward appearance of holiness? Why aren't they asked to not cut their hair (both facial and head)

What are the clothing designations for men in the holiness denominations.

After all, without holiness NO man/woman shall see God.....

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Founder /Chairman Evangelist Nazia Gill

My Name is Evangelist Nazia Gill, Faisalabad, Pakistan. I have been included in the community work to serve the people of God. I have also been busy in developing of the community that we faculty members have established together. Its name is Faith Unity Fellowship Ministry.

Brief Introduction
about Ministry

May the blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and the people you are working with? Faith Unity Fellowship Ministry is performing its Religious, Social, Welfare and Relief Services from in many different cities of Pakistan, through its following Ministries and the centers pertaining to. We are grateful to Jesus Christ and his blessings, and in the belief that it is proper and beneficial to establish such as Ministry in order to perpetuate good in service to humanity regard and religion, do hereby agree that this body, known as Faith Unity Fellowship Ministry, 

It is not what is outside of a person that defiles them but what is on the inside for out of a person comes adultery, fornication, covertness and so forth

It's really sickening to see that you all are STILL TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING for the LAST TWO YEARS...GIVE IT UP ALREADY???? 


May the blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and the people you are working with? Faith Unity Fellowship Ministry is performing its Religious, Social, Welfare and Relief Services from in many different cities of Pakistan, through its following Ministries and the centers pertaining to. We are grateful to Jesus Christ and his blessings, and in the belief that it is proper and beneficial to establish such as Ministry in order to perpetuate good in service to humanity regard and religion, do hereby agree that this body, known as Faith Unity Fellowship Ministry,

Well. Lots of the things you are talking about in regards to church behavior, and some of the inappropriate acts of many people are in this ebook. Visit The Website. Read The Free Version. You will be amazed. Here is the website.

The Black church, is not the only church dealing with these issues, as I have seen these same things in the Asian church, and the White church as well. We are fighting an enemy: The world, The flesh, and The devil. He comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. Jesus came that we would have life, and that more abundantly. We must put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand against all the wiles of the devil. Prayer is the best way to win this battle, and that is why we must pray without ceasing.  When we lift one another up in prayer, the devil's agenda is defeated. Husbands must dwell with their wives with understanding, so that their prayers will not be hindered. Wives must have a meek, and a quiet spirit as they share the gospel in the home. Children are to obey their parents in the Lord, and fathers are not to provoke them to wrath. This is how we win in spiritual warfare. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

I was raised in the United Methodist Church but my Dad didnt allow us to wear or buy us pants. Pants were not made when the Bible was written. It is 2012  and many women wear pants in church now. ...Even on the praise team!

I agree with you sister. God is concerned about our hearts. There is a scripture that says women should not wear anything pertaining to a man. I do not know where to tell you to look it up just now but I have read it. My pants r for ladies not men although I do buy men jeans sometimes. My body has taken on such a shape that they fit me better than some ladies. I think what the word is referring to is when women try to dress as a man and wear men shoes combs in their back pockets denounce their feminism and act like men when they are gay and trying to lure women.  God wants our hearts to be clean and pure as well our motives, so with saying that with all readers and minds and hearts clear be blessed. I will search the scriptures and come up with the exact exegesis on this topic Then I hope we can let it rest and move on to win souls who cares what you wear as long as u dress appropriately like a christian. my men pants are for fishing and lounging around and just for comfort and the sweat suits I buy that are men are just better stronger material and wear well against the cold.

Be Blessed

Minister Cassandra Barnes, Evangelist let's win souls for the Kingdom building and stop worrying about the small stuff!!

Greetings, Even though holiness is a part of our church name, we are nondenominational. We don't separate ourselves into sects like many others. That's why the body of Christ is so divided now. Anyway, the Word says, "man judges the outward appearance, GOD judges the heart." Be blessed!

I agree with you as the word of God tells us he looks at the inner appearance not the outward...

well i studied this  and  cant remember the exact scripture,  but  bible says women are not to  wear mans cloths  as if there dressing like a man  but my  study bible says  they  make pants  for women to wear   such as two piece suits just as they do for men ...  so its  between  u and god   long as you know who you are ,,,, me i get so sick of these individuals  putting women   down in ministry,,,  it was  several mighty women of god  that mentored me  when i wanted to walk away  because of  hurts pain within the church,,,,  to this day i say were was my so called  brothers in christ?????? oh let me guest i was not  part of the click????    i was just  part of there gossip talk,,,  I SUPPORT WOMEN IN MINISTRY   IM DOING A DEEP STUDY NOW  CONCERNIG  WOMEN IN THE EARLY CHURCH.... BISHOP  CHRIS BAKER....  IF YOU WANNA CONTACT  ME HERES MY EMAIL  [  singlefather48@att.net]   or even if you wanna have  a leadership with me  no charge , none of that  stuff i just like to help you  in gods kingdom...    

I wrote on this discussion back in March of 2010 and I even saw someone ask "is this still being discussed".  It is because something is not right.  It is the spirit of the Lord that leads us to the truth, but we refuse to except it sometimes, because it doesn't feel good to our flesh. Just because I don't agree with your life style don't mean I don't love you.  It is because I love you that I will tell you the truth and hope that you do the same.  That is the real love that God will have us to share with one another.  John 15:13  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.  We say we love the Lord, but we lie because we dare to OBEY His word.  We want His word to conform to our ways and thoughts and His thoughts nor His ways are like ours. 

May God lead us ALL unto His truths...OBEY...OBEY...OBEY...OBEY...if we were all OBEDIENT to the Spirit of God we would SUBMIT to His spirit that WILL lead us to do HIS WILL. But our flesh tend to get in the way and God gave us our free will also, but He want us to chose HIM freely. When the spirit of God lead us to wear something appropriate the flesh say it don't look or feel good..heee...heee...thus the flesh leading us to a decision that is contrary to GOD. If you are wearing something that you are pulling, tucking, and adjusting that is the spirit teaching YOU....if you are feeling uncomfortable in a place or situation that is the spirit trying to teach you, but your flesh make a decision to not OBEY. God has put it in his word how woman should adorn themselves, act and reverence those around her. He has given us instructions, but we want to do our will and thus we are disobedient. God say, be ye Holy for I am Holy, but we say we ALL fall short...he already know that, that is why he came in the flesh to show us that we can live HOLY and be obedient to HIM. I have worn pants to church, because my flesh is comfortable, but that don't make it right. It is the most beautiful thing when a woman is adorned in appropriate attire and is representing her feminity in a wholesome way...she is like no other. Woman can wear dresses only, it is not a matter of should she, it is that she make a decision based on her desires and not the desire of her creator at the moment. The choice is ours...Jesus ask whom shall you serve??? you cannot serve two masters...either hate the one or love the other....whom do you chose? Wearing pants do not make you holy or unholy, but it is the obedience to God that make us holy and when you obey the spirit of our most high God you make righteous choices. If it is questionable...then examine it...the spirit is crying out to you. So, if you have to ask the question...then?????? Something must not be right about it. When God say anything, it shouldn't be questioned, but FOLLOWED....We are all disobedient, but if we only OBEY...OBEY...OBEY....We have taken come as you are to the bank and has made it Gods word, but it is talking about the heart, and He will take that heart and turn it to Him if we are willing. Paul in 1 Tim 2:9 preached how a woman should adorn herself and Duet 22:5 the law of God tells how a woman should not wear what pertains to a man.  We can go back and forth forever, because that how God created mankind, with thoughts that can comprehend to the highest, but not higher than His.  There are rules and order for mankind and we have gotten so far off course we don't know what is right, because we want to be right.  But in order to be righteous we must be in lined with the Word of God and if we are not we are out of order and thus none of His.  Yes, they make pants, pant suits, but do we really have to wear them?  We can go back and forth on this trying to get others to agree or disagree it doesn't even matter.  What matters if we Obey the entire word of God and it is our choice and in the end, we shall see Him face to face and He will judge us accordingly.  And when it does come to the part about apparell, what shall we say?  Rev. 22:10-12  And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.  He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.


Woe to us who pick and choose what part of Gods word we want to accept.  We must ask the Holy Spirit to help us OBEY His word whether we think we can or not.

In Love, Sis Denise


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