COGIC - Church of God In Christ


COGIC - Church of God In Christ

This group is for Bishops and members of the Church of God In Christ International (Bishop Charles Blake, Presiding Bishop). If you plan to attend any COGIC national events this year, please let us know.

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Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2023

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Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on June 19, 2009 at 7:43pm

Revolutionary Disciples Media is a new Christian Media Company that was established to help writers and artists promote their works. This is a Kingdom based entity and whether it is a romance novel, fiction, mystery, action and suspense, poetry, children’s or any other genre, we can help a writer reach their publishing goals. We offer writers and artists the personal touch we would expect others to extend to us. Our motto is “Promoting the Word, breaking strongholds, one Author at a time.” This is more than just a motto for RDM, this is our ministry. We have heard the call and have received the message. There needs to be a place where those that are called to reach the masses can get their works out in a way that respects them as an individual and respects the Word of God, and that is Revolutionary Disciples Media.
We are similar to other publishing companies in the sense that we help authors publish their work; but the next level is what sets us apart. We pride ourselves on our timely responses and extending a personal touch to each author. We interview our authors to ascertain where their strengths and priorities lie, to determine exactly what their unique message happens to be, and to find out the best way to assist them in reaching the next level. We will help all authors; achieve their desired goals—while maximizing their God given talents and producing/creating top quality products, grounded in His life changing Word.
In August, RDM is set to release two prominent works. The first work is to help those who counsel others about the intricacies of the grieving process and how to deal with it. The other is an unconventional book of poetry and prose that will tease the senses, while it engulfs your thoughts and helps you on your spiritual journey.
To learn more about Revolutionary Disciples Media, please visit: or contact us at 912-564-2427; 443-264-0070 (telephone and fax) or by email at or .
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on June 19, 2009 at 1:59am
Pastors have to be more accessible and be willing to mentor others towards being a successor.

Paul mentored Timothy and Titus like sons in the faith, and they looked to Paul like a father. Elisha learned at the feet of Elijah and went on to be a greater prophet of God. Jonathan was the rightful heir to Israel’s throne but he forsook that to mentor and befriend young David. My first two Pastors were instrumental in helping shape me into the man I am now!

The Necessity of Training and Delegation (Acts 6:3-4; Ex. 18:1f; 1 Tim. 4:6, 11-16; 2 Tim. 2:2, 15)
Facing the limitations of one man, the necessity of priorities, and the giftedness of the body of Christ naturally leads to the importance of training and delegation. Neither Moses, following neither Jethro’s advice, nor the apostles ignored the legitimate needs of the people, but neither did they allow themselves to be distracted from the primary needs of the people and the priorities of the Word. It becomes important, therefore, for pastors to train the body of saints in the basics of the Word and delegate various aspects of ministry to other members of the body according to their gifts and the Lord’s leading in each believer’s life.

Too often a pastor tries to be a one-man show; the church will always suffer under this kind of leadership! Usually this stems from insecurity and jealousy on the pastor’s part. If you are the Pastor NO ONE can take that away from you! You must be secure in your office; you need other minister’s help! The Pastor needs an evangelist to bring lost souls to be fed, Teachers have to be there to help disciple saints, and prophets need to bring a Word in season.
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on June 19, 2009 at 1:54am
In too many of our churches (I am talking mainly to Black folks) we have the ancient slave mentality that says, “I don’t need to go to school to be a preacher, I got the anointing!” Well during the days of slavery and Jim Crow we didn’t have an opportunity to go to Seminary or Bible Colleges. My grandfather was a deacon and his brother was a pastor back in the days when folks only got a grade school education and had to quit because they had to help pick tobacco. My forefathers made due the best they could under harsh circumstances. Now there is NO excuse for a preacher not getting formal training! You may not be able to afford Harvard or Princeton Theological Seminary, but every denomination should have a local Bible school. Most churches today have their own Bible Institutes or Schools. When you accepted the call to preach you also accepted the call to discipleship (training). Jesus spent 3 years training His disciples for ministry. He taught them how to pray, how to cast out devils, how to lay hands on the sick, how to carry themselves, and how to make more disciples. I am disgusted at how easy it is to be ordained in our churches. Just because a brother or sister can testify loud or run their mouth doesn’t mean they are called to preach! If they are called they will be willing to be trained BEFORE being given a piece of paper ordaining them. Remember this, if the preacher is ignorant and unlearned, then the people will be too! The gospel preacher must devote his (or her) life to purity of doctrine. Paul warned Timothy to avoid fables and old wives tales. It’s very easy for preachers to get involved in the “flavor of the month” teachings.

Chaplain Mark H. Stevens. M.Min
Comment by bob hickman on June 18, 2009 at 6:36pm
in not a member of any church, but do attend Church of God in Christ churches, and wanted to go to the convention in, atlanta......The Lord showed me all things in visions, beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, magog, leopard, white, red, black horse riders, grizzled, Jesus sprinkling, bear arising, striking many nations, they firing back, etc........I told I beleive pastor anthony moreland of maybe true victory C.O.G.I.C., and the LOrd let me know he wanted me to go to convention,
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on June 18, 2009 at 5:04pm
After Pentecost the Apostles chose men they called “Deacons” which is translated “Servant-Ministers”, these men where responsible for the physical aspects of the ministry while the Apostles devoted themselves to prayer and preaching the Word of God. Two of the Deacons were responsible for an explosion of spiritual growth for the Early Church. Philip was a Deacon, but he also was anointed to be an Evangelist. Today we would consider Deacon and Evangelist two separate offices or ministries, but the Word makes no such distinction. There are many people in the Body of Christ anointed to function in one of the five-fold ministries and they may NEVER be ordained or recognized by man (The Local Church). I find that too many of our churches are filled with people that are NOT allowed to function in their office because of control freaks in the pulpits called PASTORS!
Phillip was led by the Holy Ghost to minister to the Ethiopian Eunuch, which led to the Gospel being spread in Africa. Philip led by the Spirit went to Samaria and preached JESUS. Devils were cast out and people healed by a DEACON! Imagine in some of our churches today if a Deacon decided to go off and minister without first checking with his pastor? Even if he did check in with the pastor, many of our pastor would tell the Deacon, wait until he got a ministers license or ordination papers, or they would accuse the Deacon of being overzealous or out of line for trying to be a minister. Well I have news for you Pastors…Deacons ARE ministers! When I was a Deacon I was only 22 years old, I was also called to be an Evangelist. I went out on the streets on Song Tan City, South Korea and witnessed and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I had brothers try and tell me I should get the Pastors OK before I did this, well what they didn’t know was I DID! He didn’t think it was safe! SAFE?!?! Since when is ministry, true ministry ever SAFE! I went out by myself initially, until the Lord saved my roommate and we both would go out and win souls. I was a Deacon and my roommate was a new convert. Many souls came to the Lord because we were obedient to the Lord.
Now I am NOT advocating rebellion, but as Peter said in Acts, “I must obey God NOT man!” Too many of our Pastors refuse to see the need for outreach and evangelism in the church, they think if they “have church”, folks will come. Jesus said GO in the hedges and highways and COMPELL men to come to HIM! You can’t compel ANYONE from a pulpit or a pew!
Phillip only called for assistance when he realized the new converts needed a pastor, Pastors and Evangelist have to work hand in hand, and they need each other like a center needs a good point guard. Remember Magic Johnson? Someone asked him why was he was as successful as a player, he said I utilized my Big Man and I got the whole team involved! Magic and Kareem were like a well oiled machine, Magic never thought about himself first but the team first, that means self sacrifice and sharing the glory. Too often immature and insecure pastors don’t want to do either! Pastors are like point guards in that they have to see the big picture and include EVERYBODY in order to secure VICTORY!
Acts 6:1 "And in those days, when
the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of
the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected
in the daily ministration."

We see, here, the church growing to a large number. As long as
the church was small and they each were greatly needed, they were all
pulling in one direction. They were working for a common cause. Now
that the number has gotten so large, there is murmuring. Some of the
Greeks think the Hebrew widows are being cared for better than the
Greeks. It seems that the early church was very concerned about the
needs of widows. Many times widows lived in the church and prayed for
the church. In I Timothy 5:9, Paul tells them to not take a widow
under 60 years.

Acts 6:2 "Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples
[unto them], and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word
of God, and serve tables."

These twelve disciples who seemed to be the leaders of all the
rest are explaining that they should not be encumbered by trying to
see to the needs of all of these widows. The man or woman of God
ministering has enough to do staying in the Word of God and bringing
spiritual guidance to the people. Some one else should see to the
financial responsibilities of the church. If they have to stop and
see to the physical needs of the people, they will not be able to care
for their spiritual needs.

Acts 6:3 "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of
honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint
over this business."

Seven, as we have said before, means spiritually complete. We see
that these seven were to be men who were very close to God. They must
be wise men to take care of the finances of the body of Christ. They
must be honest and of good report. This is one of the Scriptures used
when churches choose seven deacons to raise the finances of the
church. Many people want to be a deacon of the church until they
learn that the deacons are really responsible for the financial needs
of the church.

Acts 6:4 "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to
the ministry of the word."

The twelve apostles were not to be bothered with anything, except
the spiritual needs of the people. Perhaps, that is one of the
problems in churches today. We have made business men out of our
ministers. They learn as much about the way to raise money, to have a
bus ministry, and to satisfy the I.R.S. as they do about the Word of
God. They really should not be burdened with all of these
administration duties. It takes too much of their time away from
prayer and study of the Word.
Acts 6:5 "And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they
chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip,
and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a
proselyte of Antioch:"
Comment by The Apostle on June 17, 2009 at 7:17pm
The Truth will be manifested!
Comment by bob hickman on June 17, 2009 at 6:02pm
prayforme-HOly Ghost baptizm feels like a body your perfect size coming in, then persecution: God spoke this: 4-11-2009-its because you know me, said, Jesus, persecution is me Jesus trying to make my servants loose thier salvation by manifold temptations like, careesing thier sex organs with electricity, like oral sex, stripping heart of desire to live for me, teasing, scaring by what I say to them, making thier faces bag, sag, wrinkle, hair loss, laughing at them, letting them see me, like people do a little dog, trying to get them and others thru them to speak blasphemy against the HOly Ghost, it is not my will that any perish, but get saved and I the Lord will kill you all day long, those who dont make it are ROMANS 1, saying what I know will hurt them deep in thier hearts, making them hate me, cause I want them to be backslided, saith the Lord, for no reason, fast until death, saith God,
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on June 17, 2009 at 7:00am
We see the effects in the rise of the cults like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses who have millions of followers going door to door faithfully and consistently spreading their damning doctrines. Where are the Christians who oppose them? Where is the church? Is it supporting the efforts to stop this spread of lies? Is it uniting behind a common cause? No! It leaves the work to the weary and small who have a burden and who spend their efforts in a constant and mostly frustrating battle for the truth. The church pats them on the back and says, "God bless. Go in peace" but leaves the depleted warriors to fend for themselves.

We see consequences in the educational system with the rise of humanistic philosophy. Purely secular agendas are being taught on moral, political, and social levels in schools. Homosexuality, relativism, values clarification, and "ethical cleansing" are wiping the minds of the youth clear of Christian values. The children sit and listen while we go to church and talk about hymnals, the organ, and the color of carpet. May God have mercy on us.

Society needs not concern itself with the musings of our people because its conscience cannot be pricked when so many of the bickering failures of Christianity speak louder than our words. Society is little affected by the gospel. The secularist does not need to be wary of the church that sits idly by and pampers its members and does not encourage them to take risks for the gospel. The secular world is free to mock the truth, chip away at our freedoms, and claim more and more converts for itself. It is safe from Christianity. But is Christianity safe from it?
Comment by Brandy Mmanabor on June 16, 2009 at 7:25am
Praise the Lord Saint's!!! Last night was the first night of the Ohio Northwest Holy Convocation and we had an awesome time in the Lord!!! Bishop Kimbrell and his lovely First Lady did accompany us in the ushering in of the Holy Ghost I had a lovely time last night and to you all taht will be in the Convocation all week I am Godly Jealous!! Have a earth shaking time in the Lord !!
Comment by Evangl.Pastor Joseph Emmanwell W on June 14, 2009 at 5:07pm
Greeting to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus. When will Bishop Blake and Staff be in the fair city of Denver Co. For this the Day that the Lord has made ...

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