Dallas / Fort Worth Members


Dallas / Fort Worth Members

If you are in the Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW) area please join this group for fellowship and planned activities. We can share announcements & events in the DFW Area and support one another's ministry efforts.

Members: 496
Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2023

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Comment by Evangelist Erick Munyoli on February 4, 2010 at 3:52pm

I would like to invite you to our first annual Impact Revival Conference on 2010 March 5-7 in Houston Texas. I am so excited about these three glorious days of divine spiritual impartation as we come together and get revived by the presence of the Lord.

The theme of this year's conference is from Leviticus 6:13 The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.

Everybody is Welcome. Invite your friends and loved ones and make sure you come expecting to receive your breakthrough. The sick will be prayed and anointed with oil.

Friends, If there is a meeting you should not miss in 2010....This is it!!!!
Just Imagine yourself.....Getting Restored - Getting Revived - Getting Recharged and Getting Rekindled... to "keep the fire on the altar continuously burning for it MUST not go out!"

Don’t miss out! Get ready to Strike It Up and Catch a Fire!!!

Date: March 5-7 2010
Friday Night Live Concert - Featuring Julius Kay - 7:00 PM
Saturday - 7:00 PM
Sunday - 4:00 PM

Venue: Ashford United Methodist Church - 2201 S Dairy Ashford St Houston, TX 77077

Register Here http://www.impactrevival.org

Website: http://www.greenpastures.cc/evangelist

Keep the Fire Burning....!!
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on February 3, 2010 at 7:50pm
Where are all the prophetic intercessors...Amen! We are moving in these end times in the power of the Holy Ghost and the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

We are declaring and decreeing the promises of God as stated according to scripture. We bless the name of the Lord while advancing in the Kingdom of God...Amen!

Please join us tonight and every Wednesday at 9pm for prophetic intercession. The telephone number to call and access code is as follows:

Telephone Conference Number: 218.844.0850
Access Code: 1099298#

We accept prayer requests, praise reports, read scripture and pray. Your moderator for the month of February 2010 is Minister Glenda Barclay of Bedford, Texas and Texas Evangelism Alliance Ministries Advisory Board Chairperson.

If you have a desire to be a moderator, please join the TEAM, Texas Evangelism Alliance Ministries outreach network and let me know via e-mail. Your support of this ministry is appreciated. We love you and thank you all and pray that you are being blessed.

Apostle D Tyler Brown, TEAM
Founder and Executive Director
Web Site: http://txevangelism.ning.com
Comment by Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness on February 2, 2010 at 6:41am
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Remember what is truly important.
Comment by BUA on February 1, 2010 at 4:35pm

“The Prophetic Voice of the Black Preacher”

Monday-Wednesday, February 8-10, 2010

Join with your brothers and sisters from across Texas for the 5th annual Black Preaching Conference for impassioned preaching, inspiring music, and invigorating fellowship in beautiful San Antonio.

Registration and additional information is available on-line at www.bua.edu/bpc
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on February 1, 2010 at 12:50am
Comment by Pastor Nancy R Lockett on January 31, 2010 at 6:25pm
''WHERE EAGLES SOAR'' Prophetic: Int'l Outreach Ministries And Pastor Nancy Lockett Presents, ''BIRTHED INTO DESTINY'' New Beginning Service
Where : Holiday Inn Express 1310 Wintergreen Rd, Desoto TX 75115
When: March 7,2010
Time : 3 pm

Guest Speaker : Apostle Kenneth Richardson
Okalahoma City, Ok

Featuring : World Renown Psalmist Seen on TBN
Rodney Boyden
Atlanta, Ga
Come a Witness a Glorious Move Of God for this End Time Gathering of His Renmant Church..This will be a Great Affair,I would like all Clergy to Represent in White, And Pls RSVP Pastors by Febuary 15,2010 Looking forward to meeting You ALL !!! For more info contact me at 469-454-4071
Comment by Louis Jeffries on January 28, 2010 at 4:28pm
If your church has a mortgage the interest rate is 8% or higher you are paying too much. If you think that a rate reduction of 1 or 2 points is not worth it, consider your mortgage payment going down $500 a month or more depending on the amount you owe. Let me help you reduce your rates by refinancing your church loan without personal guarantees.

Also you may be having trouble making your mortgage payment on time. You may qualify for a Commercial Loan Modification where we can work with your bank and restructure your loan to an amount that is manageable for your congregation during these tough economic times.

email me at churchloans@live.com
Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on January 28, 2010 at 3:17pm
Comment by Prophet Dr. Arroyo B. Sanders on January 28, 2010 at 4:42am
Body of Christ Revival

40 + 10 Revival

It's about God's Business, not mans!!!

50 Days of Glorious Worship, Praise &
Holy Spirit Teaching & Strengthening of, & Restoring God's Order to the
Body of Christ!!!


Registration Is FREE!!!


February 20-26
March 26-01
April 24-30
May 22-28
June 12-18
July 24-30
August 01-08


7:30 PM Nightly

Calling all Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist,
Pastors, Teachers, Ministers, etc.
It's time to bring Order of God back into
His House and be about Kingdom Building!!!


McDee Service Plaza (2500)
2480 Silver Star Rd
Orlando, Fl. 32804

Comment by Louis Jeffries on January 23, 2010 at 12:14pm
Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge

...my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge... Hosea 4:6

You may have heard a sermon or two mention this. Or even a Christian discuss this scripture in passing. Unfortunately, it is most often taken out of the context it was given. In the context it was presented, the Israelites - "God's People" - where at a point in there history where the people had no faith in God, no love for God or the people, they did not acknowledge God nor his word or commandments. The land was full of cursing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery. This word was given in a time similar to today. The key to this indictment is that the people are stumbling day and night and they will suffer for their lack of obedience. Worse yet the bible says the prophets and priest stumble with you. They stumble because they are giving the message God sent.

God's Word

As those who are given to share God's Word with his people we have a great responsibility. Yes I am committed to the full gospel of God, yet my focus is on our health. So if we look at Genesis 1:29 and see that as God created the perfect system for his people he said:

... I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit in it. They will be yours for food.

This means that we are meant to be vegetarian.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Accordingly we are commanded to eat fruit and vegetables. All of the health organizations suggest we eat more fruit and vegetables to remain healthy and prevent diseases like, cancer, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and the list goes on and on. This is the beginning of a healthy lifestyle. God said it first.

Did you know eating meat causes us to be more aggressive with shorter tempers and more self centered. I can site study after study to point out the benefit of eating fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans. But I won't. As Christians we should rely on God's Word. As Priests and Prophets we should be sharing his word and setting an example based on his word.

Physical Exercise

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." Genesis 2:15

Here God placed us in the garden to tend it. He did this even before the first sin. This means we were created to work with our hands. In other words physical labor. In today's world most of us do no work a job that requires physical labor. Not to the extent of farming. This is one reason why the health of the people is so poor. This is why we need to be intentional to exercise daily (6 days a week, resting on the 7th).

Just like eating healthy, the lack of exercise causes us to have poor health. Where we to exercise regularly we could prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, high blood pressure and each disease that our body fights daily. Our immune system will be strengthened and our entire bodies would work they way they were intended to.

God's Healthy Lifestyle

In conclusion we we look out amongst our people we see that we are unnecessarily destroyed because we reject the knowledge of God and even we messengers are not giving the message that God called us to give. God created the perfect world for man yet we continually disobey and reject and ignore and overlook His Word. In His Word is life and forgiveness and healing. This is God's Healthy Lifestyle for us.

Members (496)


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