Washington DC Metro Area Members


Washington DC Metro Area Members

Fellowship of DC Metropolitan area pastors, ministers, and church members.

Members: 397
Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2023

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Comment by Elder Gary D. Johnson on June 2, 2009 at 8:54am
Hello visit Gospel Sounds Radio Network and Listen "LIVE" Daily right from your internet connections. www.gospelsoundsradionetwork.com - If you would like to broadcast your ministry or advertise on Gospel Sounds Radio Network just send me a email to gospelsoundsradio@hotmail.com.

You would have the chance to take your ministry to the World. we have over 5,500 listeners daily. So don't miss out!


Gary Johnson
Comment by Evangelist Lo on May 25, 2009 at 2:00pm
Blessings to All my Sisters & Brothers of Christ, May we cherish this day that was given to us & bless and pray for the families who lost their Loves ones protecting our freedom.

God bless, Evangelist Lo
Comment by Kingdom Minded on May 14, 2009 at 12:06am
Follow the "I Am Kingdom Minded" Movement on www.twitter.com/iamkingdommindd and facebook.com (Kingdom Minded)
Comment by Fred Hutton on May 3, 2009 at 4:59pm

KHPK TV 3 in Dallas/Fort Worth has half hour time slots available for Ministry programs at $25 each for a weekly program or a daily strip. Most time slots are still available (except Thursdays at 8pm and Sunday evenings at & 7:00pm and 8:30pm) You may contract for one airing or contract for up to 52 weeks.

Payment for entire duration of contract is in advance (one airing $25, one month $100, 52 weeks $1300, etc.-Based on a single weekly airing) Once your ministry reserves the time slot, it is yours exclusively for the duration of the agreement.

Daily strips can air 5 days a week or 7 days a week.

Your program must be ready to air, which could be a produced program or simply a video tape of your church service. Must be on DVD or Beta SP for the station to broadcast.

Our goal is to have ministry programs on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Reserve your time slots today for your ministry television program.

Thank you for your consideration,

Fred Hutton
KHPK TV 3 Dallas/Fort Worth
817-297-2230 Office
817-480-5222 Cell
Comment by Overseer Marquis L. Yearwood on April 12, 2009 at 8:29pm
Kingdom Greetings....

Congradulations to All New Pastors on Your Newly Appointed Watch over God's People and A Most Esteemed Congrads to All New Ministries that are Launching Out into the Deep for An Expect Draught.,..

I have Found that One thing that Will Help Any New Pastor or Ministry take Off and Reach its full potential is to be in Convenant Relationship with Others going in the Same Direction Your Heading....

Leaders at Times get Discouraged... Ministries at Times get Stagnated... I Offer a Possible Solution to that....

My Name is Overseer Marquis L. Yearwood, and I extend to ALL who Are Led of the Lord and Invitation to Come into Covenant Fellowship with The Ecclesiastical Fellowship of Churches, which IS NOT and Organization, But a Structured Fellowship designed to Strengthen Leadership and Reinforce Vision!

The Bible Says Iron Sharpen's Iron... Don't Become Dull in Your Season.. Come Let Us Reason Together... That In The End.. You Will Reach Your Maxium Potential...

I'm Gonna Leave You with this:

I've Travelled The Breath of This Country and Even Oversea's... I've Run into alot of Leaders and Ministries that was nothing but mere Overgrown Bushes.. containing No Fruit..... Why Not Be Like A Tree.....

If God Leads You, Email Me at overseermly@yahoo.com. I Look Forward to Hearing From You Soon...

And Until We Speak,

Comment by Fred Hutton on April 11, 2009 at 5:30pm

KHPK TV 3 in Dallas/Fort Worth has half hour time slots available for Ministry programs at $25 each for a weekly program or a daily strip. All time slots are available (except Sunday evenings at 8:30pm) You may contract for one airing or keep that price for up to one year.

Your program must be ready to air, which could be a produced program or simply a video tape of your church service. Must be on DVD or Beta SP for the station to broadcast.

Our goal is to have ministry programs on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Thank you for your consideration,

Fred Hutton
KHPK TV 3 Dallas/Fort Worth
817-297-2230 Office
817-480-5222 Cell
Comment by Worship on March 24, 2009 at 10:08am
And as they were eating Jesus took bread, blessed, broke, gave to the disciples and said,"Take, eat this is My body" and He took the cup, gave thanks, gave to the disciples and said,"Drink you all of it for this is My blood of the New Testament which is shed for many and for the remission of sins. But I say unto you I Will note drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's Kingdom. Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation the spirit indeed willing but the flesh weak.

These are symbolic representations:
The body of Christ represents righteousness.
The blood of the New Testament represents acceptance of the New Covenant for the remission of sin which is the naming of sin to God for forgiveness not to man for forgiveness cause man can not for give sin but God does.
In order to drink of this vine we must all be grafted and be of the righteous. Drink it new represents being renewed into the Kingdom of God. To watch is to research the scriptures and pray not to enter into temptation means not to go by the teaching that is contrary to the Word. The spirit is willing means our inward person, our conscience will be willing to live righteous and to do that which is right but the flesh is weak meaning lust to do the things of the world to please physically or mentally the things that are not righteous which brings blemishes to the soul.
For God so love the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him may be saved.
Jesus is the POE to God
To accept the New Covenant which is the first step: Repentance then the washing away of sin through baptism.

By the way POE= Point of Entry
Comment by Evangelist Brenda on March 19, 2009 at 10:48pm

Comment by Dr. Cammie B. Jeffress on March 19, 2009 at 5:37pm
Man of God, thanks for the information. I will visit your website.
Comment by DR SHORT on March 19, 2009 at 7:23am
Comment by DR SHORT on March 14, 2009 at 2:34am
Our Specialities:
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• You Do Research In Your Area Of Interest
• A Qualified Mentor For Each Student

The purpose of NST is NOT to force you to study a lot of unwanted and theoretical subjects. Rather, our purpose is to help you. Thus the courses have two parts: a required one, and an auxiliary part. The second part is tailor-made by your guide to suit the needs of your ministry.
Tuition-Free Teaching is made available every year to a number of students because we do not want anyone to be deprived of training irrespective of their financial status. This is made possible by the generosity of many of the Faculty Members who provide free service for net-based students. Also, here is a school that allows you to study at your convenience. You might be a busy professional, evangelist, pastor, or a homemaker struggling to get a bit of study-time. You need not worry, you are free to make your own time-table. Our goal is to help you.
Since the approach of NST is radically different from that of other theological institutions, I urge you to read every item carefully so that you can get maximum benefit out of what we have to offer.
May God Bless You,
An Institution Offering Distance Education In Apologetics,
Hermeneutics, Counseling, Communication And Theology Since 1998

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