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Comment by Sister Sonya on October 16, 2011 at 8:02am
OLD Testament says this......The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis) Because in the OLD T, its man walking by the flesh!

NEW Testament says this, Jesus said, 
"I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever." That is because in the NEW T, it is now man DEAD to the flesh, ALIVE walking by the Spirit! 

Nothing wrong with marriage at all and most people get married way before they are spiritually mature and grown which is both good and bad. Good because it keeps them off the streets fornicating with everyone, bad because they often marry the wrong person, bad because the moment they get married, their spouse and children become their God, and they stop seeking God with all their soul, and they never grow spiritually mature to overcome the care of the world which drowns them! NOTHING WRONG WITH MARRIAGE, but Christ is where our fullness is in and if you are single, engaged grow in the LORD with all your soul and become spiritually strong, for it is better to be spiritually strong, a majestic tree of faith harvesting an abundance of fruit of the Spirit, than drowning in cares of the world!
Comment by Sarah Boone on October 12, 2011 at 6:43pm

Iran’s Supreme Court orders retrial for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, the Christian sentenced to death by Iran, is to be given a retrial. The decision was announced by Iran’s Supreme Court, which says there are unspecified concerns about the original investigation.

There was an international outcry earlier this year when it was revealed that Youcef Nadarkhani was to be executed unless he recanted his Christian faith. The Iranian authorities have struggled to get their story straight, saying at various times that he has been convicted of apostasy, sex crimes, rape or crimes against the state.

The case has now reportedly reached the highest levels of the Iranian government, and some observers believe this is a sign that international pressure over the case has begun to pay off. It remains to be seen how the retrial is handled, but Youcef Nadarkhani’s supporters claim that there is now a chance that he could be spared death and possibly even freed

Comment by Sarah Boone on October 12, 2011 at 4:01pm

The Future of the Black Church !

The Candler School of Theology hosted the fifth annual Black Church Studies Summit last weekend, drawing academics and members of the clergy to gather for three days of panel discussions, workshops, speeches and other events concerning the future of the black church.

About 150 professors, scholars, students and members of the clergy attended the summit held at the Emory Conference Center Hotel. This year’s theme was “Where Do We Go From Here? Black Church Traditions, Textures and Transformations.”

Several universities “take turns” holding the summit each year, said Teresa L. Fry Brown, director of Candler’s black church studies program. Brown, as well as the directors of the black church studies programs at Duke University and Vanderbilt University, served as a consortium to organize the summit.

Candler also hosted the first of these summits, according to Rodney Mason, a third-year theology student assisting with summit events.

In planning the summit, emphasis was placed on discussion across social, political and denominational lines, Brown explained in the summit program.

Brown noted the diversity of the attendees in an interview with the Wheel, citing the presence of clergy from multi-racial churches, scholars from across the country, community organizers and laypeople. People attending the summit ranged from approximately 18 to 90 years of age, Brown added.

A panel discussion on Saturday morning titled “It’s a New Season: Not Your Mama’s Church” featured four pastors describing the differences between the church of the current generation and previous ones, and providing guidance for black churches of the future.

Each pastor explained in turn how he or she was responding to the demands of the post-baby boomer demographic.

“The Y and X generations have invaded our churches,” said the Rev. Ronald Slaughter, pastor of St. Paul AME Church in Macon. He added that he is “attempting to minister to four generations at the same time.”

The pastors agreed on the importance of using technology such as websites, e-mails and text messages to reach new church members and stay connected with current ones.

The Rev. Cheryl D. Moore, pastor of Zion Temple in Durham, N.C., said that in this era, “there has to be a disconnect from the antiquated modality of ‘having church.’”

Moore spoke on what she saw in the youth of today.

“It’s not that they do not relate ... to God,” Moore said. “Christ has become irrelevant.”

However, Moore also warned against catering to young people in the wrong way.

“Appeal and relevance are not necessarily congruent,” Moore, who spent nine years as a youth pastor, said. “I’m afraid that we tried so hard not to look like church that we failed to be church.”

The Rev. Charles Goodman, pastor of the Historic Tabernacle Baptist Church in Augusta, similarly saw a need to keep with the times but not go too far.

“Change in the black church is like a cuss word,” Goodman said, to laughter.

Goodman spoke about how church leadership must deal with a new generation’s “Wal-Mart mentality” of essentially shopping for a place of worship, basing the decision on websites, television and the supplemental services a church offers.

Slaughter noted that today’s churchgoers, more literate than those in the past, are less likely to take preachers’ interpretations for granted.

“The preacher can no longer depend on clichés,” Slaughter said, and instead must concentrate on “integrity of the scripture.”

Goodman agreed that there should be “a shift back to biblical preaching,” but disagreed with Slaughter on why, saying that people do not know the Bible nearly as well as they did in years past.

The Rev. BeSean Jackson, pastor of Fellowship of Love Church in Fayetteville, rounded out the discussion with a look at the field of black church studies. He said that black church studies is held back by a barrier of “intellectual elitism,” and needs to be transformed by “effective novelty.”

“There is nothing good, in and of itself, about new,” Jackson said. “But there is nothing bad, in and of itself, about new either.”

Comment by Prophetess, Sheliah on October 12, 2011 at 12:37am

Pastor Yousel Nadarkhani is a blessed man of God in his life and shall be rewarded in the next. No matter what the Islamic Republic will accused and charged the man of God is truly blessed. Let faith, have her perfect work in his life. The Word of God states: but you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you kow the truth.  I do not write to you because you do not know the truth but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist, he denies the Father  and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledge the Son has the Father also. See that what you have heard from the beginning remain in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us, even eternal life (1 John 2:20-25). God bless us all, Prophetess Sheliah Frazier ~

Comment by Sarah Boone on October 4, 2011 at 6:37pm

UPDATE: On Pastor Yousel Nadarkhani

The Islamic Republic  has charge Pastor Yousel Nadarkhani with Zionism and a Rape and a traitor.

They said he was a spy for Israel.  "While these new charges may be, as I said before, an attempt to deflect media and international attention, the fact that it is possible the pastor could actually face these charges means that his life is in more danger now than it has been at any other time since the trial began," Sekulow wrote.

It is also becoming more difficult to confirm that Nadarkhani is still alive, Sekulow said.
  He needs more pray than ever before ! I thank you for praying for the pastor.

Comment by Juanita Price on October 4, 2011 at 4:43pm
Comment by PASTOR BENJAMIN W. GUMAH on September 28, 2011 at 2:33pm

Hello Sarah, with god all things are possible, we keep praying that he continue to Stan stale and see the wonderful work of the most , what he was able to do for the Israel he can do it again even if he dies his soul will be in paradise. he shall overcome know mater what weather in heaving or on this earth.






















Comment by Sarah Boone on September 27, 2011 at 1:46pm

Up Date :  Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held on Sept 25-26.


He will again be going to court on sept 27-28 and that if he continues to refuse, he will be executed thereafter.


His Lawyer is also facing legal difficutes too.

Comment by Sarah Boone on September 26, 2011 at 9:11am
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Temporary Delay in Execution of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

By Michael Ireland
Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service

TEHRAN, IRAN (ANS) -- Sources inside Iran say the scheduled execution Oct.24 of an Iranian pastor accused of 'thought crimes' has been delayed.


According to Jason DeMars of www.presenttruthmn.com,"Our sources have confirmed that a written verdict has not yet been delivered to brother Youcef Nadarkhani’s attorney."

DeMars says Nadarkhani is currently under a sentence of death, but authorities are delaying the delivery of the verdict in order to put more pressure on him to turn away from Christ.

"Once the written verdict is delivered, there will be 20 days to appeal to the Supreme Court," DeMars said.

Currently, Nadarkhani's attorney is being denied any access to him, DeMars told ANS.

"However, security officials have informed the courts to temporarily delay his execution until further notice. Youcef is being kept in a security prison in Lakan, Iran, which is just south of Rasht, his hometown," said DeMars.

DeMars cites an Iranian mullah, or cleric, who said: "The circles for promotion of Christianity, Baha’ism, Wahhabism, Sufism… should be eliminated with the efforts of the Law Enforcement Force as per God’s wish. The most significant psychological disease is created by these meetings and circles. They are corrupt and the biggest disrupters of the country’s security."

DeMars quotes this statement, made by Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, in a meeting with Qom province’s Law Enforcement Force commander in March, "so that you can understand their frame of mind."

DeMars said that supporters of Pastor Nadarkhani are "currently (maintaining) our course of action…to continue in prayer for Youcef to have strength to endure this pressure and suffering, and that he would soon be delivered from the hand of his enemies. Pray for the safety and wisdom of his attorney. Our greatest weapon is prayer!"

DeMars reminds readers of his blog to "remember that Esther was put in a particular position (so) that she was able to use to deliver her fellow Jews from death.

He quotes Esther 4:14:"For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, [then] shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for [such] a time as this? (Esther 4:14)."

He states: "Esther did what she could from the position God put her in. We are members of the body of Christ, and all of us are members of one another and of Jesus Christ. We cannot be silent at this time; first we pray, but second we lift up our voices to speak against this great evil."

DeMars concluded: "It has been confirmed that what we are doing is working and that the pressure that Iran is feeling is the cause for the delay in Youcef’s execution.

"Our continued course of action should be to alert our government leaders and the international media. Please alert Fox News, CNN, etc. to the situation. If we all begin to alert the media to this cause we may get some coverage of this story."

Comment by Sarah Boone on September 24, 2011 at 10:45pm
Praise the Lord ! A pastor is asking for pray. He is saved and a pastor in Iran. The Iran court have sentenced he to death. He ask for a appeal to the supreme court on Sept 25, 2011 at 11:30p.m. centeral time is his case. The supreme Court warned the pastor he will be executed if he does not return to Islam. He is oastor youcef nadarkhan and 34yrs old. He ask for pray for strenght to stand ! Please pray !

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