PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World


PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

designed for those who have followed our rich Pentecostal-Apostolic heritage from Eld. G.T. Haywood until now.

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Comment by Minister Gerald Palmer on March 27, 2010 at 11:35am


KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI - March 27, 2010 – Minister Gerald Palmer, MSW, licensed minister, radio talk show host and respected social worker, looks at religious based heterosexism and religiosity and their impact over such issues as sexuality and sexual orientation in the African American community. The book, “The Church Has AIDS: Essays on Sexuality, Sexual Orientation, Taboos”, targets churches, HIV/AIDS activists, social workers, public health experts, policy makers, researchers ,programmers and the general public. The book was released by Word 4The Soul Communications and is available through

“The Church Has AIDS” is made up of short essays written over a three year period, that explores the social issues and stigmas that fuel the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the African American community. It is a very personal and real look at religious based heterosexism and religiosity and their impact over such issues as sexuality and sexual orientation. During a period of three years Minister Palmer produced and hosted a gospel radio talk show that addressed HIV/AIDS from a Christian perspective; it was during this time that he realized that religious based heterosexism and homophobia were impeding the church’s response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in African American community.

“The Church Has AIDS” is a passionate plea for compassion, reconciliation and advocacy in addressing stigmas and taboos in the black community and Christian community as a whole.

For more information about Minister Gerald Palmer, MSW please contact Word 4 The Soul Communications at 816-876-5924

About Author
Minister Palmer has a vast background in ministry, HIV/AIDS, abuse, social work, social service, broadcasting and public speaking.

Contact Information:

Word 4 The Soul Communications

PO Box 18369, KCMO 64133


Comment by JUBILEE WORLD OUTREACH MINISTRY on March 27, 2010 at 1:35am
Your Unique Walk

As footprints in the sand are totally different, so is your walk in the spiritual realm. For indeed some footprints are big; some are small. Some are going one way; others are going in the opposite direction. Some are faint; others are firmly indented in the sand.

My child, just as each footprint is not quite the same as the others, even so your ministry and what I have called you to do are unique! You may be similar to others out there. You may think that you are doing it just the same as someone else. But there is one small thing that will separate you and make you different from each other.

For I have called you to walk on your road, and it is special and unique to me. I have chosen you to walk it, because you are the most qualified to do it. And indeed I have put in you the qualities to do this job.

So do not think that you do not fit in. Do not think that you are a failure and are wasting your time. For where I have placed you, there I will show you how to walk it. All you have to do is take the first step forward and I will help you to walk it out in victory and blessing.

Know that you are special to me, and I desire you to be special to others too. So flow out in love to those around you and let them see that special person that I have called you to be! Then you will be blessed as you pour out, and be blessed back in return by those you minister to.
Comment by Pastor Maureen Chen on March 26, 2010 at 7:45pm
Comment by Dr. Charles Easter on March 26, 2010 at 11:52am
I have started this online faith community and it’s very inspiring and uplifting with God’s preached word being the centerpiece. I want to share it with you. God bless you and keep you Myspace Comments

Visit Preachingallday
Comment by shantel HOBSON on March 19, 2010 at 12:26am
would like to be apart of events john ceo
Comment by Lloyd Lockett on March 15, 2010 at 9:05pm

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Comment by Pastor Kumar on March 10, 2010 at 11:35pm
Comment by Bishop Craig T. Campbell on March 7, 2010 at 7:08pm
Grace and Peace,
I will not be able to access to broadcast this evening. I do apologize for any inconvenience. Remember, to His glory. I believe due to the content of this message he will release it in His appointed time. I ask that you meditate and pray on the scripture Luke 23:55-56. I'm looking forward to Tuesday 8:30 est on
Comment by Dr. Bernie L. Wade on March 3, 2010 at 10:58am
Elder Small! Thank you my friend. Blessing on you and your ministry!
Comment by Pastor Maureen Chen on March 2, 2010 at 11:29pm
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High...Psalm 92:1

You are cordially invited to our celebration service on Wednesday. Come and be blessed!

Time: Wednesday Night @ 10:30 p.m. EST
Conference number: 712-432-0075
Access Code: 671965#

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