PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World


PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

designed for those who have followed our rich Pentecostal-Apostolic heritage from Eld. G.T. Haywood until now.

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Comment by Prophetess, Estella King on January 30, 2010 at 9:52pm
yes Bishop was an awesome man of God!
Comment by Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. on January 30, 2010 at 9:44pm
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15
It is great earthly sorrow but heavenly
joy that I announce the passing of Bishop Norman L. Wagner, former
Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and Pastor of Calvary Ministries International.
Let us keep the Calvary Family in ...our prayers along with Sister Wagner
and children. Let us also keep the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
as a National Body in our prayers as well.

Comment by Della Morton on January 23, 2010 at 1:20pm
I and my Father are One. John 10:30
Not two separate persons as you suppose!
Glory to His Name! If you have found Jesus Christ and are looking to Him today You have found the One God of the old testament robed in Flesh! God is the Father in creation,the son in redemption and the holy ghost in Regeneration! When you have Jesus you Have ALL of God! Praise His Name! Do you know Him Today? Praise HIM!

This video will give you scholarly proof that man through out history has tried to alter the bible to fit their doctrine. We Must know the truth of God's word and be not deceived by the doctrines of man.

Find more videos like this on Jesus Loves You!
Comment by Apostle Jerry A. Howard on January 18, 2010 at 5:53pm
Mentorship Clinic for Emerging Apostles
January Apostolic Teaching Series:
(**Apostleship 101**)

JAN 7, 2010
JAN 14, 2010
JAN 21, 2010
JAN 28, 2010

10 p.m. (EST)
9 p.m. (CST)
7 p.m. (PST)

Conference Dial-in Number:
(218) 339-3600
Access Code: 873039*
Comment by Pastor Rodger D.Gumm on January 15, 2010 at 1:46pm
Yes the Church needs to get back on one accord
Comment by Apostle/ProphetessEvelyn Adewoye on January 14, 2010 at 8:49am
Hello Everyone:

This is Minister Evelyn Adewoye. Just want to share about our business. Please share with others. Please watch today, you can learn about our Body Garment how it will help you burn fat, and lose weight. It helps us be healthy inside/out because so much people suffer obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

An Ardyss Distributor of a church will be on OPRAH about
the Body Magic! *** Don't miss this and Spread the Word! ***


Oprah Winfrey Show on
Thursday, January 14th at 4:00 pm EST.

Oprah will have a DOCTOR (one of many) that just joined Ardyss International as a Distributor because he believes in the products that we have and he will discuss and demonstrate the benefits of body magic as a weight loss and pain reducer to everyone.
What better way for others to SEE the benefits of our products.

If anyone is interested in the Body Magic, we are distributors, please give us a call at 240-351-4661. Check out our website at Check out our videos and testimonials at Refer others who are looking to lose weight, and be healthy inside/out. We will have information in Doors Open Hair Studio at DP Unisex Salon World, St Charles Town Center Plaza, 1144 Smallwood Drive, Suite D-1, Waldorf, MD 20603. Stop by to see us or call us. We can also do a Body Magic(Miracle) Showcase in your private home, church, or ministry events, family/friends gathering, or visit our salon. We are here to help people. We thank God for what He gives us to help people mind, body, and spirit. He said, we should have good success, good health, and prosper in all our ways. We want others to reap the benefits. Thank you for your support. God bless.
Comment by Richard A. Young on January 9, 2010 at 4:33pm
Pastor Richard A. Young
To The Empowerment Evangelistic Covenant Worldwide “A Night of Empowerment!” Watch-Nite Service, Thursday, December 31, 2009, Prayer & Praise Evangelistic Church, 1302 W. 103rd St. Chicago, IL.
Apostle Derrick Shephard, Host Pastor/Chief Apostle

2010: To the New Dimension
Revelation 21: 1—3

2010 holds for us possibility, promotion and power! The number 10 is the start of a whole new order of numbers, and the culmination of the numbers that come before it. 10 implies completeness of order; nothing lacking, nothing over. It signifies that the cycle is complete, and that everything is in its proper order. 10 represents the perfection of divine order. I just stopped by to tell you that: though you’ve gone through some trials, tribulations, and devastation over the past 10 years, it wasn’t for nothing. Everything you endured was on purpose, for purpose, in preparation for your promise and promotion. The 10th verse of the Bible is part of the 3rd day of creation that speaks to perfection of order and arrangement where God separated earth from sea and saw that it was good. The 10th chapter of the Bible deals with the descendants of Noah, who himself was 10th generational patriarch from Adam, and completes the Antediluvian Age. From Noah’s son Shem to Abraham is 10 generations and completes the age before the Covenant. There are 10 recorded Passovers in the Bible, the 1st of which is when the Lord instituted it in Exodus 12. The 10th day of the 1st month the Lord gave marks its beginning. The 10th Passover, where Jesus is crucified, is the fulfillment of the pattern, in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus for our sins; therefore 10 completes once, for all, forever! To access these blessings, we must realize that there is also reasonable responsibility that comes along with it. There is a shift in the Heavens, and God has begun to shift us to prepare us for the promotion. We must acknowledge the paradigm shift. Business as usual will no longer be acceptable in the Lord’s church. No more assembling to watch instead of worship; no more preaching to tickle ears and titillate emotions instead of teaching the Word of God; no more coming to church fiending for a hit instead of looking to be spiritually fit. God is taking us somewhere, but the only way to be fit for the next dimension we must accept the shift and the sift, (thank you Apostle Shephard). While we are being moved into a new position in God through Christ, He is also shaking off the impurities and parasites in our lives. Our thinking must change, our behavior must change, our friends and environment must change, and our perspective and perception must change. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, my mentor and childhood pastor, taught us a relevant paradigm in our struggle as a people that I believe is appropriate for our shift today. We must realize that we are spiritually somewhere between the No Longer, and the Not Yet. The No Longer is that place of spiritual bondage in service to sin; that place you were delivered from by the shed blood of Jesus through salvation. The Not Yet is that place of spiritual freedom; Land of Promise we all long for; eternal life with God in His Kingdom, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! Andrew Harris, October 1999 Google Search The Meaning of the Number 10

The Tragic Trap: The Almost
We are caught somewhere between these two spiritual realities. We find ourselves in a spiritual No Place. This is a wilderness in which we march in circles or even march in place making no progress whatsoever, spinning our wheels and marking time. We shouldn’t be marching at all. We should be in training preparing for our promotion. We go through the religious motions and learn evangelical language, but do not develop the spiritual relationship. Though we have been delivered from conscious bondage, directly serving the enemy through sin, we seem to have been yoked to another type of bondage called tradition. We call it a tragic trap because we experience it after direct bondage while we are on our way to total, complete freedom. But be not conformed to this world, but be transformed… In our paradigm we are in The Almost. This is a dangerous and deceptive place because in is a place where you feel like you are serving God, you feel like you are spiritually maturing, you feel like you have spiritual power. It resembles the Kingdom of God. There are miracles being performed, people are being delivered, people are hearing the Word of God, yet lives have not been changed, and there is no evidence of God’s anointing. We do many things because the tradition has been handed down to us and we don’t even know why we do them. We’ve seen someone else do it and adopted the practice because it looked good. Choose this day whom you will serve! You can serve the gods of your fathers, or worship the idols of the ones in whose land you dwell, but as for me and my house, we will, serve the Lord!

Dying to the No Longer
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new. Are we really living for Him, or do we want a convenient Christianity? Do we press our way to the church house, or do we go because that is what we’ve become accustomed to? We served sin with a cool, calm, cavalier, care-free attitude and continue to do the same in serving Christ. The elders in the old church said, “I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus”. Today we serve Him when we want to, or when we feel like it. But we should serve the Lord with gladness; bless the Lord at all times; pray without ceasing; and in all your ways, acknowledge Him. You cannot acknowledge Him through deceitful lusts, envy and jealousy, lying, etc. We must die to our old ways and thinking. This is not just a switch you can turn on and off. Shun evil, resist the devil. Do not try to reform or rehabilitate your old behavior, but die to it! Hold fast to The Way, The Truth, The Life; Jesus Christ, our Lord!

Anticipate the Not Yet
Walk by faith, and not by sight; for without faith it is impossible to please God. God is going to blow your mind this year. He is going to do something in and through you that will literally shock those around you and it will be larger than anything you have ever dreamed of, because He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever ask or imagine. God has not fully revealed what He’s going to do or where He’s taking you. Trust and believe that He rewards them that diligently seek Him. He said He would never leave nor forsake you. Serving the Lord will pay off after a while, because only what you do for Christ will last. Yes there is a great reward for serving the Lord, but it comes with a great deal of responsibility. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God and in Christ Jesus. Take His yoke upon you and learn of Him, for His way is easy and His burden is light. Continue in the Lord’s teaching, and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. Study to show yourself approved. Hold to God’s unchanging hand, and in all your ways acknowledge Him. Sing unto the Lord, a new song, and let your light so shine among men, that they might see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. Look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Wait on the Lord, and be of good courage, for they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not get weary; they shall walk and not faint.

To the New Dimension: The Already
New Jerusalem is the place Christ has prepared for His people. In this place you are in eternal relationship with God, a free, uninterrupted relationship. In his vision, John saw a new Heaven and a new Earth because the old creation has been destroyed and passed away. There was no more sea because the total climate and human disposition has changed. Then God will take up residence with us Himself. There will be no more crying, sorrow, death, nor pain because the former things have passed away. As you hunger and thirst for righteousness God will give unto you water freely from the fountain of life, and you shall inherit all things and be God’s child. You’re not just going to another level, but to a new dimension. A level is housed in the same sphere where you are presently, but a dimension is a new sphere. Ascending levels is easier than transcending dimensions. Ascending levels you are able to maintain baggage, but transcending dimensions means you must shed unnecessary baggage because the road becomes more narrow as you ascend to a higher dimension. In preparing to go there, the Lord told me to stop by and tell you not to worry about what you’ll say or wear, don’t even try to map out where to go. He will be with you always. You don’t work or earn your way to New Jerusalem, but you are already a citizen because of Him. He is The Already! He has already paid the price and redeemed you from the enemy. He already prepared a place for you so that you can be where He is. He has already overcome the world, He is arisen! Jesus: He has all power in His hand. Jesus: He’s at the right hand of the Father. Jesus: none come unto the Father, but by Him. Jesus: He’s our way-maker. Jesus: our bridge over troubled water. Jesus: our rock in a weary land. Jesus: the rose of Sharon. Jesus: the lily of the valley. Jesus: the bright and Morning Star. Jesus: the Miracle worker. Jesus: our all in all. Welcome to your destiny! Welcome to your new dimension! Welcome New Jerusalem!
Comment by Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min. on January 8, 2010 at 9:13am
Check out our radio program from 1-8-10, 11 PM

Comment by Apostle/ProphetessEvelyn Adewoye on January 8, 2010 at 1:38am
Good Morning Everyone,

Today is Friday, Jan. 8, 2010. Just A Reminder! We just want to share to please join us tonight at 12Midnight Prayer Hour on Blog Talk Radio. All Are Welcome, Men and Women. The call in number is 347-934-0732 or log in on the internet at Join in to help us pray for the world or just listen in this darkest hour. Amen. Please share with others. God bless all.
Comment by Apostle/ProphetessEvelyn Adewoye on January 2, 2010 at 8:00am
Good Morning Everyone,

We had a blessed prayer, and praise last night. I talked about the Eternal Faithfulness of the Lord from Psalm 105. Here what the Spirit of the Lord is saying for His people in 2010. God moved, and open up my mouth for this prayer and praise last night. We give Him all the glory! How excellent is the name of the Lord? Testimonies was share from the heart. Deliverance and Healing was taking place. Glory, Hallelujah! Click below, and share this with others:


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