PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World


PAW- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

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Comment by Lloyd Lockett on October 2, 2009 at 7:47am
From Elder Lockett, So you're ready to put your company on the internet, to take advantage of the huge money-making potential it offers. You may have used other builders, software, paid your next door neighbors kid to build you a website, or even tried learning how to program yourself.

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Cell: 763-742-6842
Comment by Karlton Harris on October 1, 2009 at 10:22am

August 31, 2009

Karlton S. Harris Minister, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur

10-STEP Prisoner Guide to Reduce Recidivism

KANKAKEE, IL- After great anticipation, Karlton S. Harris released his first book “I’M FREE! NOW WHAT?” on Saturday, July 18th, 2009 at Olivet Nazarene University’s Weber Center located One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL. In “I’m Free! Now What?” Karlton addresses the challenges that men and women encounter upon being released from prison. Based on Karlton’s personal experiences, “I’m Free! Now What?” gives 10 steps that ex-offenders can follow to remain free by becoming successful parents and law abiding citizens.

Growing up in a single parent home, Karlton was influenced greatly by lessons learned on the streets. Because of the lack of a male role model or “father figure”, he headed down the wrong path, which led to his arrest. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison, but through the grace and mercy of God, his sentence was reduced which led to his early release. After serving 5 years, he was released February 14th, 2000. While incarcerated, Karlton accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and has developed a passion and yearning to go back into the penal system and help those who are currently in the same boat that he was in.

Today Karlton has been free for over 9 ½ years, and because he was given a second chance, Karlton wants to help others with their transition back into society. He knows from first hand experience the challenges and obstacles that are waiting once outside the prison walls. From rejection, to
temptation to the biggest thing…..fear. His guide through the DAMASCUS RD experience will help others to take on all the challenges that they will face once free. This book will certainly serve as a guide to many.

Karlton is a great advocate for men and women everywhere who are or have been incarcerated. He has and continues to make a difference in numerous lives because he has found the answer to the question “Now What?” Karlton is committed to the Kankakee County Community, the State of Illinois, and to helping develop ways to reduce the prison recidivism rate. He is currently working with various community leaders and the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department re-entry program. Karlton is the newly elected President of the KCRO (Kankakee County Renewed Opportunity) a non profit organization focused on providing services to offenders returning to Kankakee County. Because he’s so passionate about prison ministry, he goes back and visits with inmates that are incarcerated, giving Bible studies and offering much needed emotional support to those in need. For Karlton,

it is an honor and a privilege to be able to offer assistance to others who are in the shoes he once filled. Besides volunteering his time for prison ministry, Karlton also writes books, does motivational speaking and has completed a documentary film.
One week after his book, “I’m Free! Now What?” was released the Jerome Combs Detention Facility purchased 1000 copies. After reading Karlton’s book Chief Mike Downey of the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department determined that this book would be an asset to the detainees. Since Aug. 17, 2009, Karlton has been teaching 2 weekly classes from his book. Each class consists of 20 men. This 6 week course is structured to equip the men and women with the ability to be able to remain free once they are released. Upon completion participants will receive a certificate. In addition to the men’s class, Karlton’s book is being taught weekly by Evangelist Carolyn Butler to the women in the Jerome Combs Detention Facility.


“Against All Odds“ is the story of Karlton Harris. At the age of 19, Karlton was sentenced to 18 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections for possession of a controlled substance and armed violence. While incarcerated, Karlton denounced his gang affiliation and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. After serving 5 years of his 18 year prison sentence, Karlton was miraculously released. It has been 9 years since his release and he has defied the odds by not returning. Instead of returning to prison with a new sentence, Karlton returns weekly educating prisoners from his new book “I’m Free! Now What?“ He teaches 10 steps that reduces the chance of them re-offending. Because Karlton has been given a second chance, he not only helps others like HIMSELF, he defies the odds thereby placing the odds in the favor of his sons NEVER being a part of the penal system. A trailer of this documentary can be viewed by clicking on the following link


“Karlton Harris represents a hope for others who have been caught up in the criminal justice system.“
Judge Clark Erickson
Twenty-First Judicial Circuit Court

“Based on his books, he will do well!“ Kathy Bradshaw-Elliott, Chief Judge of the Twenty-First Judicial Circuit Court

“It seems like everything is set up to get you behind bars, but when you come back to society its very difficult for you...Karlton has continued on with give someone the same opportunity he turn their life around!“
Elder Claudius Anderson, Pastor
House of Prayer Apostolic Church of God

“If people succeed then communities succeed! I look forward to continuing to work with Karlton....and be right there with them when we need legislative action and funding. I am honored to have met Karlton, who I think brought, even to me, an understanding I didn’t have before of how hard it can be. When people serve their sentence and have done their time, they have a right to be able to come back and make their life better.“
Lisa Dugan, State Representative
79th District, Illinois

“He really put some good motivation in people’s hearts! He should keep on doing it!“
Michael Crawford — Prisoner

CONTACT: Karlton Harris (815) 295-3331
Comment by I AM Fabulous & Improving Radio on September 22, 2009 at 8:36pm

Comment by Dr. Charles Easter on September 21, 2009 at 3:11pm
My brothers and sisters I have added more sermon on, we added in the selected sermon area "Have mercy on me", by Rev. Turner Harden, "Delayed but not Denied" and "Faithful over a few Things" by Rev. Jamal Brown on his page and "I" by Dr. Easter on his page. Checkout these new sermons and have a Blessed day.
Comment by Lloyd Lockett on September 16, 2009 at 1:53pm
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Comment by Dr. Charles Easter on September 16, 2009 at 1:47pm
I invite you to visit it is a website with nothing but the preached word being delivered by numerous preachers. There are some featured ministers, selected sermons and revival sermons. Perhaps you need a place to let your message be heard and if so contact me for details. Thanks.
Comment by Lloyd Lockett on September 14, 2009 at 8:13am

In a time when so many people need clarity in there daily lives, we find that the body of believers stand on issues regarding our Lord, God and Savior are very divided. In churches all around the world, the fight for the right to own God as their personal magnifier instead of there Holy Sanctifier is being proven by the strong separation that Christians show because of doctrinal differences. We as Apostolic servants must maintain our footage and not get lost in the power struggle to own God, but indeed serve in humility our Master, Lord, and King Jesus, who is God. In light of this let us keep in view the Oneness Theology, that Jesus is the visible manifestation of God “Colossians .1:15 He is the image (eikon) of the invisible God.” The root word for eikon is eiko, meaning representation, likeness, and resemblance, it will be better understood by expounding on the verse with this vision in mind “Jesus is the representation and manifestation of the substance of God” (also see 2Corinthians.4:4). Jesus being the manifestation  of God in the New Testament Scriptures gives us a better revelation of knowing the son who is God in his imminence and because of this we can now know the father who is God in His transcendence. This statement is true for every Oneness believer, because without having a relationship with the Son, one can not have a meaningful spirit filled relationship with the father “ John.14:6-7 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father’ but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also”. The soteriological importance in regards to our salvation is placed on the humanity of Christ and His incarnation. Through God becoming a High Priest in His manifestation as  Christ Jesus in His humanity, He was now able to redeem all humanity. In other words, if there was not an emptying of God through the kenosis to fulfill the incarnation, not one drop of blood could be shed, nor would their be anyone to intercede on our behalf and if intercession is hindered, their will be no healing of the harmony broken through the fall of man. In conclusion, never forget that the identity of God will always be inseparable, and that the Hypostatic Union (the two natures of God) will exist for eternity as Deity, Humanity in our Lord Jesus. Note: God ( Jesus ) is not a man, HE IS DEITY!


/i//clip_image002_111.jpg  by Elder Lloyd T. Lockett


The Apostolic Note

Case #1


The Reasoning Of Our Faith 

Comment by Apostle John Fonzer on September 13, 2009 at 11:02pm
Exhorters are more plentiful than preachers—and for good reason. We arguably need more exhortation than preaching. There are plenty of preachers and central places for them to preach, but exhortation is needed in every place and by everyone. And besides, God did not call for more preaching as we see the day approaching, but He did call for more exhorting.

Exhortation does what preaching itself cannot do and it is appropriate where preaching is not--and it has a more immediate effect.

Don’t Make Me Preach, I’m An Exhorter is an 80-page book that aids in identifying persons who are called to the ministry of exhortation as well as distinguishing the difference between the exhorter, the preacher and the prophet. More importantly, it provides revelatory insight into what exhortation does and designates a number of places where the exhorter can be placed that honors God the most. It is sure to liberate the pastor that has exhorters who are mistaken for preachers, and the exhorters, who, when they attempt to preach, discover something is missing

Comment by Lloyd Lockett on September 13, 2009 at 10:54pm
Comment by Lloyd Lockett on September 13, 2009 at 10:48pm

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