

kampala Uganda


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Senior Pastor
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MISSIONS TO AFRICA LTD Aka Emmanuel ministries
College Attended (optional):
Great lakes college
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Am Pastor Moses Mutongole in Uganda, Born and raised to a poor mom Late with no father at our home, In one of the deep-remote villages in Western Uganda if you have the map of UGANDA look up it: where you will see Mountain Rwezori, where there is not even access to Electrictity,good education,roads,medical facilities etc. But now I thank God who is using me greatly to preach and teach his word and I pray that one day God willing i will be your guest preacher in your church,village and country. Please watch out the lord is about to bring you goodnews,Amen!.
Praise the lord for now! Am Nolonger a villager but now Strong a soldier in the army of theLord,Amen.
About My ministry:
Am the president and founder of Emmanuel Ministries! We are a mixed ministry sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with thousands of people around Uganda and the world especially to the young generatin, teaching them the practical principles of faith and blessing through daily connection with God and His Word.we serve as messangers of the word both oral gospel throgh Talent support by Emmanuel dance group of orphans, semminars,crusades,gospelrallies,Gospel camps, school scripture groups,street evangelism and also we are trying to work our a platform to help the hurting people especially Orphaned children and widows in Uganda,East africa and Africa at large provided you out there are willing to join this love campain as more doors open for this ministry world wide as we make connection with patners who have the same vision as our Mission.
Our ares of service:
WAR! Poverty! Famine! Street children! Widows! Orphans! Rampant disease! Corrupt governments! Genocide! HIV/AIDS!—all these problems and more, well-known by the world, increase day after day due to lack in foreign aid into Africa.
we have over 108 orphans under our care and as you know its not an easy task that everybody would accomplish alone.
These children need good clothing,beddings,food and education and EVERYBODY especially the Christian community is welcome to support and be our ambassedors of hope.
Donate yourself and efforts to be a loud voice that will bring hope for these helpless and hurting Children of God.

The only solution is to bring the light of the gospel into this darkness. After some years of traveling and ministering in surrounding African countries especially the most unprivilleged remote areas, I am convinced that it is only indigineous missionaries, not foreign programs (Christian or otherwise), who are successfully addressing these problems.

As Emmanuel MInistries, we are awakening to the call for discipleship and missions, but workers must be trained. And they must be trained by their own people, Africans who know first-hand what is required.

As Millions are converting to Islam as billions of dollars pour into Africa through well-trained Muslim missionaries, providing schools, hospitals, food and clean water. Christians often ask, "Don't our brothers and sisters care as much as the Islamic world?"

We are christians and need to demostrate the love of christ to those who are helpless because if we imagine how much God loved us that he gave us his only son Jesus to die for our sins that we may be set free! this awesome love is required of us equally to all those in need.
God bles you so much.
Emmanuel ministries
Favorite Preachers:
TD jakes. Cleoflo dollar.

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  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    I give God the Glory for you Pastor Mutongole. Not many people see the need or recognize the importance of the youth developing a concrete relationship with Jehovah; sad, and, because my generation is filled with adults/parents that are lost without Christ, addicted and held in the grips of demonic strongholds, and make no attempt to develope a relationship with Christ because many of them are self righteously justifying all that has happened within their lives and the reasons they can't change, the youth continue on a downward spiral often times referred to as "the generation of vipers". Oh...but I'm hear to announce the enemy is a liar, the strongholds of wicked thoughts is being broken and destroyed even as I'm typing because we serve a God that is great within you and I.....and all we have to do is think on his goodness for his people; he knows the plans he has for each one of us. The vision is plainly written Pastor Mutongole, and as the Lord wills it and makes the provisions.... I will join you in Uganda uplifting the name of God as an example to our Youth and all those that will listen and accept....Because the Lord is my Shepard, I have no fear and I fully understand "all things are possible through Christ Jesus...."

    Love in Christ and God Bless you and the people of Uganda
    Anointed Xpressions Ministry, Inc
    Evangelist Tabitha S. George, Mime and Teacher
  • Lensey Hayes

    It would be my plesure to one day soon come to minister the Gospel!

    can't wait till God opens the Door!

  • Evangelist Shirley Brown

    At 1:39pm on September 4th, 2008, Evangelist Shirley Brown said…
    Add Bless you Pastor, I pray that God is working it out for the good. This network is for us preacher's to know who we got on the battlefield with us. Were in a fight that we just can't fight all by ourselves. If God says Go then we must go and believe that God will make a divine way. I have faith in God that he will provide a way out of no way for his mission. Its all about God it always has been and always will be. I'm so very glad that you e-mailed me and I look forward to the continued fellowship with you. God is greather then we give him credit for. God has allowed me to begin a Soul Winning Crusade and I see that crusades are apart of your mission God knows what he's doing when we don't think so. This Crusade is going to be God filled and pray that God will por his divine work on the crusade. Were helpers one to another your my brother and I'm your sister we help each other.

    Be blessed and pray that all is well for you. Delete Comment

    Grace and peace pastor,
    I was happy to see that you wrote me and thank you for opening up to me about being friends and brothers in the kingdom of God, that meant alot to me. i would love for the fellowship pastor. i just started pastoring since feb. but God is blessing indeed. so please stay in touch with me man of God,
  • Rev. B. K. Hayden, Sr.

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I really thank you for the message that you sent me and I am looking for a friendship with you and a fellowship with your church. If you are ever in the Louisville, KY area please look up the Greater Galilee Church on 3918 W. Broadway. May God bless you and keep you as my pray.
  • Dr. Maxcina Gadsden

    Thank you for the invitation. Please visit my website for more information about me.
  • Minister Lavern

  • Minister Sharon Jackson

    Pastor Mutongole, Thank you so much for the warm words. I am delighted to enter into a friendly fellowship with you. I will be praying for you and the ministry.

    Keep your head up, God is on the way!

    thank you i will fast and pray for the lord to make a way and look forward to being there soon.
  • mutongole

  • Apostle William R. Harrell Jr.,

    God bless you Pastor and indeed it would be previous to accept your invitation to your country for the kingdom sake of the gospel!
  • Pastor Marion McKenzie

    aaait is indeed a pleasure to hear from you.Thanksfor takng care of the othersin your land. i pray that ou havenly Father will favor you and give you mre strength to do his work. Thanks for your invitation, I will there later to assist in preaching and reaching out to the people of God Issiah says in chapter 61, that the spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. I am on your team doing th e work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks my bother.
  • Bishop Otha Bell

    Greetings Pastor! Yes, thank God that through this comminication we can connect. I will send you some information in regard to a Ministry Fellowship I am part of, and we some people there in Uganda I will connect you too.
  • Apostle Leina'ala Mars

    God Bless Man of God! Just got in from Macon, GA. God moved in a mighty way!! Be blessed in all your endeavors! I will pray about coming. Is there a team that comes every year?
  • Pastor Linda L. Williams

    God Bless you Pastor. Thank you for accepting me as your friend. It is a honor to meet you over the network site. God is doing great and marvelous things. i look forward to joining in with you to help build God's kingdom. God's richest blessings! Pastor Linda
  • Bishop George A. Ware Sr.

    Thanks Pastor for your invitation to be kingdom friends. I do accept your friendship, and I do appreciate the invitation to come to Uganda. I will be in Togo Africa in January to assist in running a crusade. Uganda is only one country over, and purhapes you can come over also. Please reminder New Life Tabernacle Ministries in your prayer, and I really do appreciate the networking.

    Bishop George A. Ware Sr.
  • Apostle Dr. Carol J. Sherman Ph.D, Th.D., D.D.

    Man of God I accept your invitation to come to your wonderful country. I will be in Uganda, Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. In 2009 or the beginning of 2010 I will email you soon regarding the details.

    Love, Live and Prosper
  • Rev. B. K. Hayden, Sr.

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I am so greatful to God that we I hooked up with you through this website and I pray that everything in Africa is going according to God's plan. I am a firm believer that God is opening up doors for your ministry to grow tremendously and I pray that souls are truly beening change in Africa just like they are beening changed in Louisville, KY. When you get a chance you can look on our website at and see just how the Lord is truly blessing the Greater Galilee Church at 3918 W. Broadway and Dr. Eric A. Johnson, Pastor. Truly I except your invitation because it's time to reach people all across the globe through the word of God. Thank you and may God contiue to bless you and your ministry as my pray. We at the Greater Galilee Church are trying to reach so many people through our pray ministry so everyday I will be praying for you and your ministry.

  • Pastor Kenneth Alderson

    praise the lord m y friend how are you doing today i gladly accept that invitation to help you with the revival thank god for allowing us to connect on this web
  • Dr. Maxcina Gadsden

    I accept your invitation Man of God visit my website for details. I will keep you in prayer.
  • Overseer William E. Stinson, Sr.

    Man of God,

    I thank you for the invite, and would like to hear more about this mission to Uganda.

    Please forward information:
  • D.R. Jones

    God Bless you Muntongole
    I am very please to that the Kingdom of God is moving agressively with the spirit of love,healings,miracles and shiftings of a harvest of a thousand times thousand is coming to receive and exsperience the very intrinsic nature of man to be change.I prepare in this hour plant,build,and position the minds of men and women of God to a new dimension in the Kngdom for a everlasing radical change that will touch every markey place in the world.The violence in africa and Jerusalem cannot change the harvest it is only to move the evangelist to the realm of the spirit to preach,reach, and teach the Kingdom until the Apostles move in with the orders from the Creator that all men may receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 7and 8 chaptor) is part of the persecution we had suffer the sake of the Kingdom but this is that hour of release.Let us pray about timing for this REVIVAL in AFRICA.
    Pastor Dan Jones
  • Artis C. Newton, Jr.

    Praise the Lord! That sounds good to me and I am more than glad to be your friend in Christ. I would love to fellowship with you any way possible. Be blessed! If you have any questions to ask me, don't hesitate to ask me about anything. God bless you!
  • Sally Williams

    Praise the Lord Pastor. I'm looking forward to serving with you.
  • Natrina LadyRev Lee

    Praise the Lord!! Greetings to you as well. I pray that all is well with you in Africa.
  • Dr. Esther Timmons

  • Chief Apostle Joseph D. Timmons

  • Archbishop, Dr.D.Ashlock PhD

    I love your out-look and you have wisdom enough to know and believe in God's word, the word will never change no matter what it looks like in any situation, you need to stand on the WORD.................
  • God's Beautiful Butterfly

    sure we can be friends...feel free to add me to your friends list...Blessings 2 U
  • Pastor Joseph D Smith

    Hello pastor keep up the good work,for God will give unto your bossom even when men want or cant,for I read that He shall supply your every need,I will speak with the church concerning foreign ministry for it is scripture
  • Pastor E.W. DennarD II

    thank you pastor...i will place thoose jewels in my basket for safe keeping. lol
  • V.D. Coleman

    great to know that God is thriving in Africa!
  • Pastor Paulette M.E. Stevens

    Blessings to you Pastor Mutongole. I pray God's richest blessings for you and your ministry in 2009!

  • Apostle Dr. Leroy Williams

    God bless you, and thanks for those encouraging words. Please stay in touch!

  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord Pastor,
    How are you.... just showing agape to ya...and may God continue to bless you.

    Evangelist Tabitha....
  • Apostle Randy E.

    Hello My Friend.

    I thought I would leave this for Your friends to think about.

    Only God... ...Blessings and SHALOM
    Your servant in Christ

    Apostle Randy E.
  • Worship

    God is doing wonderful things in these days. He is showing His people how to be cleansed and how to fellowship with Him. He heals those who are obedient to Him. Those who are light learn the truth and can truely tell others the truth. In these times He has revealed the truth to many. For many generations we have been waiting for true answers not we have a way to receive confirmation and answers but first we must submit ourselves to Him in prayer and then admit our sins then be baptized and also forsake sin. In that way we enter into the Door which God forordained for us when He sent His Son to be the Door for us. That is why we pray to God in the Name of His Son so that we can have an intercessor for us. Now all we have to do is activate it by repenting and forsaking all sin. God has given us this information in hope that we listen and do His Ordinance. If not we continue in the world, doing the things of the world, being sick, not knowing the truth and all that He has prepared for us. Nor do we know His Will so if you have true faith then step out on it, do what is required and you too shall know the truth. Wash your hands and get your attire cleansed this is the way to doing it
  • Dr. Esther Timmons

  • Worship

    This is the time for us to cleanse our souls so it is good that we have instructions on how to do so in that case we just need to follow them to see if there is truth in it. To repent(name our sins) by our bedside to God and then be baptize( the cleansing away of sin) to receive the circumcision. The Holy Ghost is the goal for fellowship with God
  • Pastor Orlena McQueen


  • Bishop Allen Richardson <------------------check this out a wonderful fellowship of churches. <-----a nice seminary as well.....

    Bishop A Richardson PhD
  • Bishop AJC

    I am honored to establish a friendship and would love to come and share with you in Uganda. Learn more about our ministry @
  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom, My Good Dear Brother! I appreciate you giving me your time to touch on Biblical thoughts and then also to share with you some of my study and research. Moreover, I want to mentioned to you the type of books that would be a must have in considering to formulate your Biblical Library. Moreover, these are some of the books that would cause one to move from a comfort zone, to an intense Biblical High! Praise Yahweh! Now these are some of the books that are recommended:

    1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
    2. King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible
    3. Inter perter Bible Dictionary(set of 5)
    4. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of the Bible
    5. Webster's Collegiate or Random House Dictionary
    6. Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale
    7. Guinness Book of World Records, copyright 1985

    As a Note: The Guinness Book of World Records talks about the letters "J' and "V" as being the newest letters added to English Alphabet, which is post Shakespearean 1630. So the letters "J" and "V" are only 379 years old. Also In The Hebrew /Greek There Is No Letter "J" Take These Bible Tools And Look And See; All "J"s Are a "Y" And All "V" Are a "W" In The Hebrew: Praise Yahweh! We Can Do All Things In Yahweh! It Is A Wonderful Time For Us To Be Here This Day! Note: Most Preachers, Evangelist, churches, artists, ministries,Prophets, Prophetess, Men And Woman Who Say They Have Been Call By The Most High God Yahweh, Don't Even Call Him By His Real Holy Name; The Holy Name Of The Most High Is YHWH Which Is YUD HAY WAW HAY That Saids "YaHWeH". Look It Up: For Yourself "YHWH" And Then Tell The Truth, If You Are From The God Of The Hebrews And Bible, Ex 5:3, Ex 9:1, Ex 9:13, When You Know The Truth Tell It. Great Are U! Note: Gather as many different Bibles and Dictionaries to help build your Library. Praise Yahweh!
    Blessing! Abraham
  • Apostle Addie Robinson

    God bless you Pastor Mutongole!

    I was so blessed to know that you had read the information theat the Lord had given me to share with the nations. I hope that you will be able to come next year. I believe that you are supposed to be there...God is only hooking up those that have a "last day' message for the nations. We are at the "end of the ages". There is a lot that needs to be said in the christian world that the preahcers are not talking about...neither do they have a clue of whats really going on in the nations...only those who walk in the spirit of the Lord and have a relationship with God. These are the ones that the Lord is bringing to the front that they may deliver His people to bring them back to their true love which is the Almighty God in the name of Jesus. It is time for us to come together because there is nothing but one God, one faith and one baptism. Yes!! I would like to bring it to your country. It would be you said, if you could do it there too. If the Lord's will for it to be so, it will be! The Lord is bringing His chosen Apostles and Prophets together. The word of the Lord say that the secret things belong unto the Lord and He does nothing except He reveal it to His servants the Prophets. There are things that are getting ready to come upon the earth that is going to cause the hearts of man to fail because of disobedience. The fear is coming back in the heart of man because of God's judgment. I hope you will be able to come because I know this is the Lord's doing! The Lord already have let me know that those that will hear the voice that He is sending out through me...we will come together. I know you heard the voice, because you are a man of God...sent and chosen by the King of Glory in Jesus name!
  • Apostle Valcena R. Lamon

    Praise the Lord, Man of God, and thank you for your kind words...I agree that we should be helpers of one another. I am asking God to prosper me so that I can be a blessing to others, especially of the household of Faith. When God opens a door for me to visit the Motherland, I know he will provide all necessary funding to go along with that invitation (smile!).. In the meantime, I remain on the battlefield for the Lord, warring in the Spirit for the lost souls.
    Yours In Christ, Apostle Lamon