Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.


Glasgow, Kentucky

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Glasgow (Bowling Green)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
Bread Of Life
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
My name is Arlee Turner Jr. and I am currently the Senior Associate Minister and Sunday School teacher and assistant to the Church Administrator at Bread Of Life Ministries in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. I am also a member of the UFCCM Midwest Regional Ecclesiastical Staff and the UFCCM Midwest Regional Public Relations And Special Events/Resource Minister. I was a former alchoholic, crackhead, pot smoker and womanizer...a convicted felon and an ex-convict. I was born again in the Arkansas Department of Corrections Brickey's Unit in Brickey, Arkansas in February of 1997. There I was given my divinie commision by the Lord Jesus Christ to teach, preach and pastor and that commission is based on Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3: "...I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear...yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. And thou shalt speak My words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious." I have been separated unto the gospel of God, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: by whom we have recieved grace and apostleship, for obedience the faith among all nations, for his name.
Favorite Preachers:
John McArthur, Charles Spurgeon, The Rev. Matthew Henry, Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Charles Stanely

Comment Wall:

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  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    PASTOR ARLEE, I am in awe of the productions that you created! Thank you so much for sharing those profound videos with the phenomenal display of the Word of God beautifully assembled. What a gift to display before the world! May the Lord increase you with a manifold harvest upon harvest as a reward for your work to protect the TRUTH of God's Word. May your potential be significantly maximized and the glory of the Lord fall upon you forcing open doors to the destiny already prepared for you. May the enemy (who is a liar) be shamed and his works rendered null and void as you walk in the prevailed promises of God covered in the blood of JESUS for your specific purpose and calling. Brother Arlee - I am believing God for a global platform with this extraordinary & vital gift for the end time preparation of the body of Christ and the wandering souls in the valley of decision. Shalom.
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

    TY/TY_1a.gif"border="0" alt="Nat3ddesign Graphics">

    Guardians Tag Ministry thanks for that word!!
  • Pastor Felicia Johnson

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry thanks for that word!!!



    ~1 CORINTHIANS 2:7

    Be Blessed!
    Khadine Beckford
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill


    All I can say about the video is "WOW"! "TRUTH"!

    God bless the battles we wage against darkness.

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill


    Thank you for your words of encouragement.

    I would love to have a Marines - Man of God join our forces. That truly is an awesome combination!

    Pray about it and let me know. We certainly could use you.

    Dr. Howard-Hill
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Sounds good!

    You have a wonderful testimony which many young men need to hear.
  • Rev. Sunee Robinson

    I'm impressed and that is not easy. My daughter is retired military and so is her husband. I am sending this around. God bless you..

  • LaDonna Gher'ald Mayhew

    What an awesome approach to understanding kingdom living! Stay blessed, focused and knowing that God has a divine purpose on the approach / stance you ahve taken in educating the world on kingdom living!
    May God bestow upon you much favor, mercy and grace!
    Sincerely, LaDonna - Proper Protocol Ministry Concepts-
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Good Morning:

    I know many of you who are receiving this e-mail, already have said you would get involved from the first e-mail sent to you. But I still wanted to share with you the awesome Word of the Lord, God gave to me this morning because it brings a greater clarity to what God is asking of us and why God has made the call for us to enter politics. It also may help those who did not understand or took offense to the first e-mail.

    Love you all!

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    To The Men and Women of God:

    This is the Word of the Lord, God gave me early this morning regarding the call I made to the African American clergy in regards to seeking those to wage spiritual warfare within the Republican Party through their involvement in the [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus . God said that this is a spiritual revival that God is igniting within politics, beginning first with setting the Republican House in order! And in every revival, God uses a preacher. This is why the call was first made to you.

    God gave this message regarding this. It is in quotes because I want to make it clear what God has said.

    “Jean, these are the instructions I give to you. Go first to the African American clergy and make the call. Those who answer, I shall use mightily, elevating them to positions of both priesthood and rulership. But if they are deaf to the call, then go outside of the pulpits and gather those of whom I will raise up to take their places. For I will place the scepter of rulership and the Word of the Lord in their mouths and they shall become the priests of the Lord, moving on My behalf. For I shall use whomever is sensitive to My Will in this hour and can understand the urgency of setting America back on course.

    I call those who are of both African and American descent because I will use this revival of politics to bring forth the final deliverance of my people from the bonds of slavery. I will loose their chains of poverty and injustice and shall bring them into positions of wealth and leadership throughout the land, so that they may invoke change and guard the Word of the Lord which has been defiled and My Name defamed. For you are a spiritual people, whose thirst and hunger for Me runs deep in the soul. You know Me like no other people. Just as I chose the Jews, so do I choose you in this hour to awaken the nation and the even the world!

    I did not allow you to be brought to America in vain, to be forever the tail and in chains. But I call you to the head of the nation, and of the states and of the cities and towns of America! Now is the hour, and I have opened paths of leadership in both parties as you have seen I miraculously did with President Obama. Pray for him that he does not lose his footing! For he is about to fall, unless the church undergirts him in prayer and unless he sees the church come forth at his back, he will NOT be strengthen to do what he knows he should do. Therefore, you must arise at his back and take a stand in the Republican Party where I AM sending you. For it is the party I birthed in times past to emancipate you and to bring you to this place of deliverance from the bondage of slavery. Look in the archives of history and you will see that I have moved from one party to another, and have used both of them to bring you to the next stages of your deliverance. So who among you can tell Me which party I can and will use? I AM God and I can use whatever and whomever I so choose, whenever and however I wish. But if you do not arise in this hour, and take a stand for what is moral, just and right, I shall hold you accountable for President Obama’s mistakes and miss-steps! For if he moves to dismantle the Divine Covenant of Marriage which I have ordained and instituted, I shall move with sure and sudden destruction upon America and the church. Because you, those who say you are called by Me, sat back quietly within your pulpits and allowed it to be so!

    President Obama’s strength will come out of your leadership within the Republican Party. America’s salvation will come out of your stand for righteousness ! It will begin in the Republican Party and then spread to your brothers and sisters within the Democratic Party, and they too shall take their places within their own party. This is why I have not called all of you to come into one party. For I will do the work in both! But first, it has to begin in the Republican Party. Then there shall come a time when those I have called from both parties will join together and stand as ONE voice to proclaim righteousness and justice over a land which I have given to them as an inheritance. For they also have an inheritance in this land of promise. Those who understand this will understand, and those who do not understand is because they do not understand that My ways are not your ways, and how I choose to do this is not according to the dictates of man! For who is man to tell Me what to do?

    Go back again Jean, and this time, tell them that it is I who made the call and that the call is urgent! What has to be done, has to be done now.

    I AM not just calling everyone. I AM only positioning those I have called and have taken through the fire, storm, and purging so that they will stand and will not bow or give in to the darkness that is covering the earth. Of these who are called, they understand how darkness covers the earth and that the darkness must be pierced. They are not all perfect, but they are and have been in the Potter’s Hands and are being and have been remolded and reshaped through many trials, and from this they have and will become experts in how to pierce the darkness, because they have dealt with their own darkness and have overcome it with light. In this same way, they shall pierce the darkness of America and usher in the Light of God – My Light which shall shine in the darkest of places and shall cause those who have been blinded to disorder and sin to see and to desire to walk in My Light. For behold this is the hour where they who sat in darkness, shall see a Bright Light that flows from those who have Me within them to bring forth the Light of God to a nation I birthed to bring Me Glory before the last days. In this land, I will spark a revival that will also be ignited from the darkest continent of Africa to usher in the new age of the Preparation of the Bride – My Darling Sweetness which is the Church I purchased with My own Blood to be My Bride! She is the Apple of My Eye, and I AM bringing her forth without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

    I AM raising up many women to enter this battle. It is not because I seek only women, but it is because the women I have called, they have become like warriors, stirred up like a fearless lioness who protects her cubs, and will quickly arise with a mind to defend that which is right, just and holy! For as it was in the days of Deborah when Israel lacked a mother, and had gone astray, so is it now. So do not take offense to this. But there also are men who are lions and are ready to give forth a mighty roar! There are men who also have developed spiritual wombs and will give birth! There are men of whom I have called, who at first will not get into this battle at the front lines. But they are still called to this task, and they are strong and will stand with those who do. I will use them to support this birth, to be watchmen, and to be in the delivery room to PUSH and to facilitate the birth. Some even will give birth themselves! But both have been called and both will share in the victory. For America has to be rebirthed by both African American males and females who carry the gospel as godly vessels to birth it forth!

    After I have impregnated this vision into the womb of those, both man and woman who are willing to allow Me to use them, then I will call many more to protect and provide a covering for that which is birthed, to nurture it into a mighty revival in America, Africa and then the world. This is the revival that will awaken the Bride to come out of her chamber and the Bridegroom from His room.

    So when I call, count it an honor to be chosen. And bring others like you with you to do this work which has to be done timely and in season. For you are the elect I have chosen, and I AM not calling anyone of whom I have not already equipped and ordained.

    For those I have called, already I have placed this in your spirit. So answer the call! For I will not make the call to you again! For there are those whose ears are tuned and will answer Me when I call them forth! If you do not answer, to them I will then call. Because they know not only My Voice, but they know the Divine Call of God for this hour that I have placed upon their lives, and are eager to be called to the front lines!"

    Amen. So be it!
  • Pastor Glenn Rogers Sr.

    The Lord wants you to listen to this information.

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    Pastor Glenn A. Rogers
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  • Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons

  • Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons

    Hello Pastor Turner ... I pray all is well with you ... I was wondering if you still have that information about Free Masonry ? If so , shoot the video to my in inbox so I can see it again ... thanks and God bless you !
  • Kingdom Authority Int.Ministries

    God Bless you man of God...what an awesome video... Thank you for sharing.

    In His Love & Mine,

    Your Humble Servant Angela
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Good Morning:

    Did you ever respond to my e-mail regarding the NRAAC?

    Be blessed!

    Dr. Jean
  • Dr Paula Mller

    Hello how are you?
  • Dr Paula Mller

    I am haveing a problem e-mailing you.I guest that is the same problem your having.

    Dear Pastor Arlee,
    I am grateful to God Almighty in heaven for your life and what he has deposited in you and i pray God to strengthen and empower you with more spiritual anointing in Jesus Name Amen.Have God's salvation in Christ.

    Your's woman of God,

    Evangelist Elizabeth
  • Prophetess Arleen

  • Mommy Dearest

    Thanks for extending your friendship! May Gos bless you and yours!

    --Mommy Dearest

  • Tina Rountree

    Wow! That video was POWERFUL and INSPIRATIONAL! Thank you Man of God for it is a definite that you are an ORIGINAL! Stay blessed!
  • Virtuous Lady

    God Bless you my Yahoo 360 friend lol. Thanks for the invite it is great seeing you on this Network. You have a Powerful Testimony. To God be the Glory!
  • Evangelist Cathy Guyton

    LOL! Interesting rendition of "The Power" but oh so true.
  • Rev. Veronica Slater

    Thank you Pastor Turner, I have always said that I could see one thousand sermons in The Movie The Matrix. You have just preached 1001.
    Be Blessed my brother in the Lord!!!!!!
  • Tina Rountree

    Thank you once again Man of God for the clip. It is sad but it is true, hell is indeed a real place. That's why we as the saints of God need to stay on the wailing wall. We have to keep one another lifted up before God continuously! I , like no other time before, am sensing a urgency in the spirit! A red alert! A pulling in the realm of the spirit, that we are to intercede like never before.
    I sense that church is nolonger going to be church as usual. There's going to be more and more manifestation of these evil spirits because satan's time is running out! He already knows that he's defeated! My prayer is that the saints of God will continually equip themselves for the battle ahead. I also pray that their hearts will not fail them with fear, due to the things that are about to manifest. Please pray my continued strength in the Lord. Stay blessed.
  • S. Bernard Mitchell

    Pastor Turner thank you for sharing. God bless you.

    Agape love,
    Minister B-Nard
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.,
    Thanks for the friend request and remember that you, your family and your ministry will always be in my prayers. God Bless You
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    God has warned His people that in the last days many "so called" ChristianS will have a form of Godliness denying the powers thereof. We are in those days. In this powerful message Pastor Nichols shares the importance of staying in a intimate relationship with God.

    Move mouse over video to view all parts of this anointed message...God bless and your feedback is very important to me....Have a great week.
  • Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed

    Good Day,

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed, 54 years old widow & a Christian convert, suffering from long time cancer of the blood (Leukaemia). According to my doctor my condition is critical and I might not survive. Although as a christian, I beleive in God and I know that I will not die but leave to declaire the glory of GOD. I have gone through your profile and with the direction of GOD i have been directed to donate some money for you to put up a charity organistaion. Get back to me through this email address for more details.

    Remain blessed in the Lord
    Yours in Christ,
    Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed
  • Sheba Goneh

    .jpg" alt=""/">



    Dear Pastor Arlee,
    I was really excited when i saw your comment,thanks a lot for your good news of best wishes.God is your strength and you shall match upon the lion and cobra,nothing will ever harm nor destroy you because he whom you worship is greater than he who is under the world.God will surely embrace you this period with sufficient favour and blessings,Amen.

    Your's woman of God,

    Evangelist Elizabeth.

  • Prophetess Pinki Moore

    How would you like to earn a Free Platinum Mercedes, no car notes, just drive in style. We will have a convoy of Mercedes coming back from Vegas heading toward Houston, will there be one going to your NEW house, because once you earn the Mercedes, you have made enough to change your zip code, question is, where will YOU park YOUR Platinum Mercedes? I don't like Mercedes, but the closer I get to Christmas, the prettier they look. I have already started looking for my PINK 20" rims, anyone know of a place I can order some.
    If you want to know more about the FREE Platinum Mercedes giveaway, inbox me, or check out my website, and I will reveal the secret. If you have already spoken to someone about the Ardyss Lifestyle Opportunity please contact that person on how to earn the Free Platinum Mercedes. I just want to know who will be in the convoy coming back from Vegas with us in February? Who will be going to the Vegas Convention on a one way ticket and driving back. If it's you, contact me.
  • Suffragan Bishop Nesbitt

    I want to thank each and everyone for their prayers for me when I was hospitalized. God woked miracles after miracles and is still doing so! I am such a blessed Man of God to have so many of God's People praying and showing concern for me. Your love is recieved, appreciated, and now part of what powers me for the Ministry in me. I love each and everyone of you. Feel free to contact me @ The Spirit of Elijah IDF Ministry, Inc
    322 Junction Road, Bldg 31, Suite D
    Durham, North Carolina 27703













  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    The 2009 Children's Ministry Symposium IS THE PLACE TO BE THIS Friday November 13 - Saturday November 14, 2009. If you are serious about reaching the NEXT GENERATION, you don't want to miss this event. There is still time! The Children's Ministry Symposium will feature some of the most renowned Children's Ministry Leaders in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Taking place at Pathway of Life Church 8510 Military Pkwy, Dallas, Texas, this symposium will renew passion and ignite a fire of excitement in your children's department like never before. If you are anywhere in the DFW area, make plans NOW to be at Pathway of Life this Friday and Saturday. Call to register today! 214-275-7284, ext. 109. Forward this email to those you know who work in children's ministry or who are interested in working with children and help make a difference.
    Here is a Sneak Peak at some of the topics we have lined up for you:
    Volunteers - How to Get 'Em, How to Keep 'Em
    Creative Classroom Discipline and Management
    When Wild Kids Show Up
    Involving Kids In Worship
    Predator – Proof Your Children’s Ministry....and much more
    With speakers: Connie McKenzie of Christ for the Nations Institute, Cynthia Hunt of The Potter's House Church, Susan Rutledge of Hillcrest Church, Gail Miller of North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship Church, Carol Crockett, Pathway of Life Church and hosted by one of the nation's leading children's ministry evangelists and consultants, Ricardo Miller, you don't want to miss it!
    Registration will include a Symposium T-Shirt, Information Packet and Lunch along with access to all sessions.
    If you are part of a children's department looking for an event that will equip you to take new territory in reaching children for the Kingdom, this is the event for you! For more information or to register, call 214-275-7284, ext. 109 or visit us online at
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates






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  • Princess Denise Wright

    Dear Pastor Arlee, I enjoyed viewing the Mini Video Clip.... What I would like to share with you about Lessons Learned in the last 9 years about Money is that I took care of an Elderly woman for 9 years. which recently passed and went to Heaven on 05/06/2009...
    Mrs. Welge was very wealthy, and passed away at the age of 95 years old with quite a bit of money. Even though she had lots of Money ... Money didn't have Mrs. Welge...As God continue to Bless me spiritually and with Great Prosperity, I can going to try my best to learn what Mrs. Welge taught me for these 9 years....Money never changed Mrs. Welge... Everyday, she blessed many people with the Money God had blessed her with... Unconditionally, No questions, No disbelief and with the Agape Love of God... I am glad that I was a student in Money Class 101, to learn how to live and what to do with the Money that will enter my hands in God's Perfect Timing...
    Be Blessed of the Lord

    Princess Denise
  • AJ Watkins

    Pastor Turner, this is Pastor A J Watkins. MAN THAT VIDEO IS HOT MY BROTHER!!!!! WOW! I know you are going to get some haters in the comment section because they have been brainwashed into the prosperity lie. However, I and my congregants have a nice treasure save for a new building because it is very badly needed and when we get it finished we can then accelerate our assistance to the community we are in because they will have a place to come and get the help they need instead of travelling 40 miles to the city. You are correct in those scriptures. Money is needed and it is a must have in order to conduct business, but if the saints LOVE MONEY more than God's Word, then you have an AMEN here. I will pray for your fortress of faith to be fortified with courage, strength, wisdom, and the spirit of TRUTH.

    Bless You Pastor Turner and get ready for impact because they are coming because we have a lot of FANS of those in the video and few FAITHFUL in the pews. Get ready for battle.

    All The Best & God Bless,

    Pastor A J (That's What They Call Me...LOL) WOW!, THAT WAS HOT.......
  • Rev. Frederick Adu-Acheampong

    Hi Pastor turner good to hear you put up tha platform to let us talk about this, first of all i think it is not fair to conclude that you know that people are going to bash at you for putting out the truth. please understand that discerning people are listening and watching.
    It is possible that there are the extremes which must be guarded against, just as there are extremes to fasting and extremes to even the holiness gospel leading to isolation. All the scriptures you quoted are legitimate and biblical and so are all the scripture that those prosperity gospel preachers propound and i think what we need is the total truth which is the balance. When we are able to answer the question of why God blesses us with wealth and prosperity then we sure will have a balance.
    Is it not true that Jesus came anointed to preach good news to the poor?(Lk 4:18) If it is then what other good-news will we expect that Jesus to preach to the poor than the assurance that the second and last came that the curse of the first Adam which includes POVERTY might be broken and that we can then walk in the abundance that Christ brought us.
    I will totally agree with you that it is wrong to teach believers that the only way in which a christian can judge God's blessings and presence in his life is by the Fatness of his pocket and Wallet. However it is equally wrong to to suppose that anyone who talks about God's way of increase into abundance and prosperity is out of order.
    If God Himself teaches us to profit (Isiah 48:17) and promises us good success and prosperity as in (Joshua 1:8) then we are probably missing something by your video over the full gospel of Christ. My brother we will both agree that it is the same bible that teaches us about the great wealth transfer
    "For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit." Eccl. 2:26
    I preach prosperity in my church without exploitation and manipulation, yes i preach it because i believe it is part of the full Gospel of Christ, if any preacher chooses not to preach it then that is too bad. I preach it in fear and trembling knowing that it is my responsibility as a servant of God to teach God's children who they are in Christ and the promises of God for them in the bible and how the can apply those promises for their lives.
    I think it will be wrong for anyone to come against you in what you just presented although i can see you are prepared for it anyway, but it will be equally wrong to conclude that you are absolutely right because your presentation is only partly true particularly prepared to suit your defense.
    Think of this.... Cut out all prosperity scriptures in the bible from it and i can promise you that we probably will be left with just a novel or a mere history book. God is prosperous and He is not offended to see His children prosper, after all 2 COR 8:9 SAYS IT ALL" For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich"
    I will love to hear your response to this, but hey brother, God bless you for showing that much concern about the state of "Jerusalem just like Nehemiah"
  • Pastor Nancy Lockett

    Amen Man of God..I am In agreement with Your Statement..But I am Trying to understand what Does that Statement made Has to do with Me and this Work / Pls Help me understand ?
  • AJ Watkins

    You're welcome my brother. However, I will kill this foolishness altogether. If you have become a very wealthy ministry and you heap it up and don't use it to advance God's Kingdom by assisting the less fortunate then we just need to hop on over to Luke 16:20 and the story will be told. By the way Pastor Arlee don't worry about the comments coming because as I read and study the scriptures they will throw at you I can already see that they are twisting the Word to make it fit the "MEOLOGY" lifestyle.
    Like you Pastor Arlee I have no quams with no ministry that utilizes its wealth to advance God's Kingdom through various private schools, outreach programs, self-help programs, and a host of other things that some of my colleagues that have EXTREMELY WEALTHY MINISTRIES are doing because they are doing what God instructed them to do with their wealth. Oh, and about that heap thing in Eccl 2:26, it is given to the unsaved sinner to heap the richs of the world as a task and then turn around a give to those who please God. That is what it says uncut and unedited from the James Moffet Translation, The NIV, The KJV, and the book calls this heaping vanity or chasing the wind.

    Here they come my brother..........Told you they would..... All you stated was the LOVE OF MONEY and presented a video in that venacular and now see what you did? LOL

    Pastor A J (That's What They Call Me......)
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    Praise the Lord Pastor Turner!!! God bless you my brother and greeting in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing that powerful video about that love of money being the root to all evil. We have to share the truth because it in the truth and only the truth that will make us free. Keep proclaiming the Truth of God's holy word. Be blessed my brother!

    Pastor S. T. Nichols
  • Pastor, Prophetess Ruth Johnson

    Thank you for your obedience and your spiritual ear, because the Lord has me studying the Epistle of St Jude, I receive what you have been given. However, the message given to me is a little different as far as what I am hearing and what is neeed to be said of this period and time. And it is according to Ephesians, St Jude and Colossians. The church is very unaware of the crept in the church, because of the majority conforming to the ways of the world. (Those things that seemeth right)

    God Bless you, I will pray for you and your message you have to give and I need you to pray for me and the message I have to give. A trumpet is getting ready to sound, for the church to be aware of how displeased the Lord Jesus is.

    Have a Blessed day.
  • Pastor Glenn Rogers Sr.

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    Contact: Pastor Glenn Rogers
    First Lady- April Rogers